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THE 5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY Jacobs 8/23/2010. What is geography? Geography- the study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features.

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Presentation on theme: "THE 5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY Jacobs 8/23/2010. What is geography? Geography- the study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE 5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY Jacobs 8/23/2010

2 What is geography? Geography- the study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on earth. It is not just “maps n’ stuff” It is important to study geography because almost every aspect of your life is impacted by geography. It is also important to study so you don’t look dumbdumb

3 Remembering the 5 themes If you can’t remembering what they are just ask MR. HELP!!!  M – Movement  R – Regions  HE – Human Environment interaction  L – Location  P - Place

4 MOVEMENT Movement describes how people, goods, ideas moved from place to place. ◦ Human Movement  In history: boats, animals, caravans  Now: Trucks, trains, planes, bikes ◦ Information and Idea Movement  History: trade routes, animals, printing press, word of mouth  Now: Phones, computer (email), mail, Newspapers, internet etc.

5 REGIONS How are places similar or different? How do we define them? ◦ Formal Regions  Regions defined by governmental or administrative boundaries (States, Countries, Cities)  Regions defined by similar characteristics (Corn Belt, Rocky Mountain region, Chinatown). ◦ Functional Regions  Regions defined by a function (newspaper service area, cell phone coverage area). ◦ Perceptual (vernacular) Regions  Regions defined by peoples perceptions and what they choose to call regions (Middle East, the south, etc.). This can vary person to person.

6 Formal Regions

7 Functional Region

8 Perceptual Regions of N. America

9 Perceptual Regions - Baseball

10 Functional or Perceptual?

11 Perceptual or Functional The Bible Belt

12 HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION How do people interact with the environment and vice versa? Some of the ways we interact with our environment include: ◦ We depend on our environment. ◦ We modify environment. ◦ We adapt to environment. 3 ways the environment interacts with us: (list them)

13 LOCATION This theme tells us where we are. Absolute Location 2 ways to do this 1.A latitude and longitude (global location) 2.A street address (local location).  Paris France is 48 o North Latitude and 2 o East Longitude.  The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. 00123 Relative Location ◦ Described by landmarks, time, direction or distance. From one place to another. ◦ Create your own example You are Here

14 PLACE: This theme tells us what is it like there, what kind of place it is. Human Characteristics  What are the people of this location like?  main languages, customs, and religions/belief systems  land use, architecture, and jobs  forms of transportation and communication Physical Characteristics ◦ What is this location like physically?  landforms (mountains, rivers, etc.)  climate  wildlife  plant life

15 Exit Slip 1. How is place different than location? 2. What is a way that the environment can “interact” with humans? 3. Which of the 5 themes was covered in our warm-up today? Why did you choose this theme?

16 Applying the 5 Themes Describe you and your life using the 5 Themes of Geography in your notes. Make sure you use every theme.

17 5 Themes Biography Movement: ◦ Where is your family from? ◦ What forms of transportation does your family use? Human-Environment Interaction ◦ How do you or your family depend on, modify, or adapt to the environment in which you live? Location: ◦ Where do you live? Address? Coordinates? Place: ◦ What is your family like? Religion? Culture? Occupation? What kind of building do you live in? ◦ What is it like where you live? What is the terrain like? Climate? Wildlife? Plant life? Regions: ◦ How would you define the possible regions we live in here in the Springs?

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