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MAPPING Where in the world is…. Summit of Mt Rainier, Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "MAPPING Where in the world is…. Summit of Mt Rainier, Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAPPING Where in the world is…

2 Summit of Mt Rainier, Washington

3 To Review… 1.The Major divisions of Earth Science Geology Oceanography Meteorology Astronomy

4 2. Earth’s Spheres Hydrosphere Atmosphere Geosphere Biosphere

5 3. Types of Maps Mercator – rectangular shows true directions (NSEW) as straight lines. features near the poles get stretched. Robinson most widely used shows most distances, sizes, and shapes accurately has distortion in areas around the edges Gnomonic shows the shortest distance as a straight line. both distance and direction get distorted. Polyconic- more accurate of the three, used to make road maps and weather maps

6 Earth’s Grid


8 4. Latitude is the distance north or south of the equator, measured in degrees The angle of Polaris (north star) above the horizon indicates latitude

9 Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Latitude lines run east-west and measure north- south


11 5. Longitude is the distance east of west of the prime meridian, measured in degrees The prime meridian runs through Greenwich, England

12 Longitude lines run north-south, measure east-west

13 London, England Long: 0 o 07’41”

14 Where would you be at 0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude?

15 6. Always write latitude (north or south) then longitude (east or west)

16 7. Other types of mapping provides the ability to more precisely analyze Earth’s physical properties Weather satellites Landsat satellites GPS VLBI

17 8. Time Zones Local solar time (the time according to the position of the sun) varies greatly as you travel East and West. Time zones were invented so that people in local areas can agree on the same time.

18 Four time zones in the Continental United States are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Subtract one hour for each time zone going west, add one hour for each time zone going east

19 The Earth is divided into 24 time zones

20 9. The Earth's structure is layered. Each layer is called a “sphere” since it wraps around the ball of Earth. The lithosphere is the "rock layer" of the Earth. The hydrosphere is the "water layer" of the Earth. The atmosphere is the "air layer" of the Earth. The atmosphere and hydrosphere are so thin compared to the entire size of the Earth that, if drawn as seen from space, the ink would be thicker than each of the two layers would be if drawn to scale.

21 10. Earth as a System Two energy sources 1. sun which drives processes that occur in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and surface 2. Heat within the Earth produces volcanoes, earthquakes and mountains 11.Environmental Problems What are five global problems?

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