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EU – Russian Relations An Overview A presentation by Sarah Schad.

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1 EU – Russian Relations An Overview A presentation by Sarah Schad

2 >> Big political changes since 1989 >> 1991 Soviet Union falls apart >> 1992 Treaty on the European Union >> 1995 Direct neighbours Starting Point

3 >> New trade regimes >> Institutionalisation of political dialogue >> No membership perspective >> Instrument: TACIS 1994 – Partnership & Cooperation Agreement

4 >> Northic States, Baltic States, Russia >> Increased cooperation >> Failed to meet expectations 1998 – Northern Dimension

5 >> First Common Strategy of European Council >> Support for democracy and economy on a social basis >> Strengthening stability and security in Europe >> Common actions in spheres of common interest >> Limited practical significance >> Expired in June 2004 1999 – Common Strategy

6 >> First detailed exposé of Russian policy towards the EU >> No membership aspirations to maintain freedom of action >> EU seen as economic and trade power 1999 – Russia‘s Medium Term Strategy

7 >> 8 priority areas including the goal of „energy community“ >> Slow progress >> Problems Establishing common market & environmental rules Lack of energy reform in Russia Tendency in Russia to nationalise energy sector 2000 – Dialogue on Energy

8 >> Recurring topic since first half of 1990s >> Joint Declaration in Paris 2000 >> New: operational cooperation on crisis management >> Limited operational substance >> Problems EU has no competences or no common position Russia focuses not on EU but on memberstates 2000 – Dialogue on Foreign & Security Policy

9 >> First serious crisis >> Context: EU Eastern enlargement >> Problem: transit of goods & people between Kaliningrad and mainland Russia >> Solution: Facilitated Transit Document >> Transit of goods still unresolved 2002 – Agreement on Kaliningrad

10 >> Institutionalisation of meetings >> Areas Economy Internal security External security Research and education >> Problem: Agreeing on Road Map 2003 – Four Common Spaces

11 >> Russia declined to take part >> Problems for Russia Expects special treatment Emphasizes on equal relations EU interferes in Russian sphere of influence 2003 – European Neighbourhood Policy

12 >> Russia applied in 1993 to GATT >> Important step for Free Trade Area >> EU-Russian agreement of importance to the application process >> Russia signed Kyoto Protocol in change for WTO 2004 – Talks on Russia‘s WTO Accession

13 >> Length of border doubles >> Positive: stability and security in region >> Problems for Russia Fear of new „dividing line“ in Europe Fear of higher custom duties Russian minorities in Estonia and Latvia Transit-problem with Kaliningrad >> Last minute agreement: new memberstates included in PCA 2004 – EU Enlargement

14 >> Vague >> Limited political and legal commitments >> No time frame >> Controversial topics avoided (common neighbourhood) >> No reference to free trade and acquis communitaire >> No significant changes in relations 2005 – Road Maps

15 >> Nowadays closer relationship than ever before >> Shift in Russia-first-strategy >> Since 2003 stagnation or crisis Decrease in Russian pro-integration activity Russia not treated as equal partner EU‘s engagement in common neighbourhood Growing differences in values Russia is a controversial topic within EU Changes in European security structure Developments of Relations

16 Lynch, Dov (2005): EU-Russia: Prospects for a Common Security Space. IN:, 06/2005, Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Katarzyna (2005): The ENP in practice – the European Union’s policy towards Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova one year after the publication of the Strategy Paper. Warsaw: Centre for Eastern Studies. Schneider, Eberhard (2005): Die Europäische Union und Russland im 21. Jahrhundert. Interessen beider Seiten. Diskussionspapier. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. Vahl, Marius (2005): Ever closer Yet Further Apart. Bilateral and Comparative Perspectives on the Development of EU-Russian Relations. Draft Presented at VII World Congress of the ICCEES, Berlin, 26 July 2005. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). Zagorski, Andrei (2004): Policies towards Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus. IN: Dannreuther, Roland (ed.) (2004): European Union Foreign and Security Policy. London. 79-97. Weidenfels, Werner / Wessels, Wolfgang (2005): Europa von A bis Z. Taschenbuch der europäischen Integration. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Wikipedia (2005): Northern Dimension. IN: Sources

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