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MRCGP single route video Learning together Dr Alison Evans Dr Paul Robinson Dr Liz Moulton.

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Presentation on theme: "MRCGP single route video Learning together Dr Alison Evans Dr Paul Robinson Dr Liz Moulton."— Presentation transcript:

1 MRCGP single route video Learning together Dr Alison Evans Dr Paul Robinson Dr Liz Moulton

2 Aims: For participants to: explore collaborative ways of working on consultation skills develop their consultation and feedback skills be familiar with MRCGP performance criteria, and requirements for summative assessment

3 MRCGP video 7 consultations – at least one with a child under 10 years of age, and at least one with a significant social or psychological dimension only the first 15 minutes of a consultation will be assessed

4 COGPED video assessment 2-hour tape with at least 8 consultations, preferably more must have date and clock time on the tape and log, no consultation longer than 20 minutes standard VHS tape at normal speed with good quality sound and vision

5 MRCGP marking 14 performance criteria (PC), 10 pass and 4 merit must display each PC at least 4 times in the 7 consultations each consultation marked by a different marker

6 COGPED marking Two 1 st -level markers view minimum 6 and maximum 10 consultations assess listening, action, understanding (from logbook), and any major or minor errors assessors rate the level of challenge each consultation scored P+, P, R, or R+, then final judgement made

7 MRCGP results May 2004 – 17% of single route candidates failed MRCGP (22% of non-SR candidates failed) 65% of those who failed did not demonstrate PC 12 – The patient is given the opportunity to be involved in significant management decisions.

8 Other failing criteria: The doctor specifies the conditions and interval for follow up or review. (35%) The doctor obtains sufficient information to include or exclude likely relevant significant conditions. (28%)

9 The doctor explores the patients health understanding. (24%) The doctor uses appropriate psychological and social information to place the complaint(s) in context. (21%)

10 Use of video-tape: supportive setting reviewing the teachers own material is the most influential part of teacher training try to choose consultations with some meat in them

11 Group process and tasks: establish ground rules the person who did the consultation provides background to the consultation and says what they would like help with try out a variety of ways of using the tape in teaching

12 Process and tasks - positive feedback constructive suggestions active learning rehearsal of alternatives

13 Role of facilitator: helping group to establish and keep to the ground rules facilitating agenda setting timekeeping

14 Role of facilitator keeping group to task modelling teaching, including summarising learning points, checking with learners

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