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Mines Action Canada January 2010. The problem with cluster bombs 98% of cluster bomb victims are civilians. Cluster bombs have an unacceptably high failure.

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Presentation on theme: "Mines Action Canada January 2010. The problem with cluster bombs 98% of cluster bomb victims are civilians. Cluster bombs have an unacceptably high failure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mines Action Canada January 2010

2 The problem with cluster bombs 98% of cluster bomb victims are civilians. Cluster bombs have an unacceptably high failure rate. Unexploded bomblets become de facto landmines. Cluster bombs are indiscriminate. They do not distinguish between military targets and civilian infrastructure like schools, farms or market areas.

3 Cluster bombs and money Despite this, cluster bomb producers do not have any problem attracting capital from financial markets. Canadian banks are implicated in providing financing to cluster bomb producers. This is mostly indirect assistance through participation in international banking syndicates.

4 Canadian banks and cluster bombs In March 2005, Raytheon, a cluster munitions producer, secured a $2.2 billion five year revolving credit facility from an international banking syndicate. Thirty banks participate in this syndicate, including Bank of Nova Scotia.

5 Canadian banks and cluster bombs In March 2005, Textron secured a $1.25 billion five year revolving credit facility from an international banking syndicate. 19 banks participate in this syndicate, including Bank of Montreal and Bank of Nova Scotia.

6 Canadian banks and cluster bombs In July 2005, EADS (a cluster munitions producer in the Netherlands) renewed a £3 billion seven year revolving credit facility from an international banking syndicate. Thirty six banks participate in this syndicate, including Royal Bank of Canada and Toronto Dominion.

7 Canadian banks and cluster bombs Who’s investing and how much? € 45 million Not implicated $115 million USD € 45 million $ 45 million USD

8 What MAC is doing to make sure your investment doesn’t bomb National disinvestment campaign with the goals of -Having all Canadian banks clarify their positions on providing financing—indirectly or otherwise—to cluster munition producers -Educating the financial community on the impacts of victim-activated weapons and the need to ban their production

9 What MAC is doing to make sure your investment doesn’t bomb Researching and verifying involvement of Canadian financial institutions in funding cluster munition producers. Producing a report on the state of Canadian investment in cluster munition producers.

10 What MAC is doing to make sure your investment doesn’t bomb Advocating for the strongest possible interpretation of banning “assistance” in the production of cluster bombs.

11 What can you do to make sure your investment doesn’t bomb? Write a letter to your bank. –Ask them to clarify their policies on investing in producers of cluster bombs. –Let them know you do not want your money financing weapons that pose unacceptable risks to civilians and are banned by the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Tune into January’s webcast with the Global Disinvestment Coordinator for the inside scoop!

12 What can you do to make sure your investment doesn’t bomb? Invest in a world free of cluster bombs and landmines by supporting MAC. –Organize a Monopoly, Payday or Life tournament. Charge an entrance fee or ask players to donate a portion of their game winnings in real funds! –Gather a group of friends or classmates and auction off your goods and services (e.g. one hour of snow shoveling, babysitting for an evening, music lessons). Donate the proceeds to MAC.

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