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The Blue Marble. Sharon Rainey JPS John Hopkins Jackson, MS.

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1 The Blue Marble

2 Sharon Rainey JPS John Hopkins Jackson, MS

3 Unit Summary Students will work in small groups using their journals (dictionary, encyclopedia and the computer) to gather information about oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, creeks. Finally, the students will dig deeper to learn all they can about The Blue Marble and apply their expertise as they develop a guide for the science museum (their classroom).

4 Subject Area Science: Life Science, Measurement, Report Writing Skills Grade Level First Grade Approximate Time Needed 10 to 50 minutes per sessions over a six week period

5 Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE 4. Develop an understanding of the properties of Earth materials, objects in the sky, and changes in Earth and sky. b. Identify Earth landforms and bodies of water (e.g., continents, islands, Peninsulas, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, creeks). (DOK 1)

6 Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes TSW learn how to be able to use difference information such as dictionary and computer to assess their information. Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question Why is shape important? Unit Questions Are there other colors besides blue when we look at the colors of the earth? How does the shape of a marble relate to earth surfaces? Content Questions What are the difference between oceans, lakes, and the sea? What percent of the earth is water? What is the shape of the earth?

7 Assessment Timeline Assessment Summary Questions will be asked to check for understanding. Journals will be reviewed for assessment… Use questioning and brainstorming to determine how much students know about ocean, rivers, lakes, ponds and creeks to gather resources prior to the start of the unit and to draw connections to students’ personal lives. Students use the scoring guide to self- assess and provide constructive feedback to peers prior to presentation completion. Use the scoring guide to assess verbal communications skills, as well as quality of content, design and research, following the final project presentations. Before project work beginsStudents work on projects and complete tasks After project work is completed Use question ing and brainstor ming Project Plan Students use the scoring guide Group and Self- Assessme nt Presentat ion checklist Publication (storyboard )

8 Unit Details Prerequisite Skills Students will take note from the board and use the computer. Instructional Procedures A review will be done on the lesson. Students will be monitor by the teacher while writing in their journal.

9 Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Special Needs Students Allow more time on their work according to their IEP. Nonnative Speakers Provide video Gifted/Tale nted Students Look at various ways students may explore curriculum content along with independent study.

10 Materials & Resources Technology- Hardware Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other Technology Software Database/Spreadsheet Desktop Publishing E-mail Software Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Image Processing Internet Web Browser Multimedia Web Page Development Word Processing Other

11 Printed Materials The Blue Marble Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Supplies Computer, magazines Internet Resources Other Resources Field Trips

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