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Portfolio EE BB. Jan 2010-May 2010 Gregory and Gabrielle Spencer bought a four story plus basement level town house located in Back Bay, Massachusetts.

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Presentation on theme: "Portfolio EE BB. Jan 2010-May 2010 Gregory and Gabrielle Spencer bought a four story plus basement level town house located in Back Bay, Massachusetts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portfolio EE BB

2 Jan 2010-May 2010 Gregory and Gabrielle Spencer bought a four story plus basement level town house located in Back Bay, Massachusetts. The couple inherited an iron scroll wall medallion which is the inspiration piece for the overall design concept. Overall, the space has a patina or rustic quality to it. The main colors are all be earth tones of colors found in the nature of Italy including terracotta, olive green, and deep red. A key feature to this house is incorporating nature inside by using leafy plants and incorporating elements of nature into the furnishings. There is a heavy use of detailed wrought iron pieces, dark furnishings with lighter accents, arch ways, marble floors, and textured walls used in the space.

3 Perspective image rendered in colored pencil and marker

4 Kitchen counter elevation and rendering in colored pencil and marker

5 September-2010-December 2010 The Sea Treasures Bed & Breakfast is located in Gloucester Massachusetts at the previous home of The Tavern. The targeted clientele would be couples wishing to seek a private, intimate vacation. The style focuses on timeless elegance using simple curved lines. It is most inspired by the Queen Anne style by using simple, light, and comfortable furnishings with more detail in the architecture. There is simplicity in overall appeal of the style. Also, the Bed and Breakfast will also have a slight twist in its older style by using a more modern color scheme of bright colors and fabrics. The colors reflect colors you would see around a beach including blues and greens. The rooms each have their own theme inspired by particular “treasures” of the ocean indicated by the room name.

6 Restaurant perspective image

7 Owners residence elevation and rendering in colored pencil and marker

8 Bar elevation rendered in colored pencil and marker

9 Shower perspective image and rendered elevation

10 Bedroom perspective image and rendered elevation

11 January 2011-May 2012 Ananda: At Sun Moon Lake is a spa retreat located in central Taiwan overlooking Sun Moon Lake. The mission of Ananda is to revitalize, reshape and renew your mind, body, and soul to create a better balanced physical and mental environment. Each person who comes to Ananda is given their own unique treatment regimen, determined upon the principals of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a health system that focuses on creating harmony in an individual’s physical and mental environment. It goes beyond the emotional and material toward the sacred center of life. The facilities consist of a main building which includes the offices, smaller spa facilities, The Bamboo Lounge restaurant, and The Ananda Boutique. There is also the hydrotherapy facilities located in Ohm; The Rejuvination Center as well as on site residences consisting of five private villas and eighteen suites. Since Taiwan is located near China, a lot of the local style has a distinct Chinese style and is incorporated into the architecture of the spa. The primal principles of the spa is balance so the practices of Feng Shui is also used which provides practical methods to strengthen the positive energy in your surrounding and to create beauty and helps reduce the chaos of the outside world. Nature will be an aspect that will be incorporated both indoors and outdoors throughout this spa’s design to create a relaxing environment.

12 Varada Mudra Villa presentation board including rendered floor plan and living room elevation, and furnishings

13 The Abhay Villa presentation board including rendered floor plan and living room elevation, and furnishings

14 Salon perspective image

15 The Lavender Lotus Suites floor plan rendered in colored pencil and marker

16 The Lavender Lotus Suites living and dining room elevation rendered in colored pencil and marker

17 Kitchen elevation seen from the living room of the Lavender Lotus Suites

18 Kitchen island construction drawings from the Lavender Lotus Suites

19 Kitchen island front shelf construction drawings from the Lavender Lotus Suites

20 Thank you for taking the time to view my portfolio. Please contact me anytime at: Emilie Barry 41 Atkins street Brighton, MA 02135 508-713-2887

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