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BSc Clinical Genetics My story! Donna Woodman MTO2.

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1 BSc Clinical Genetics My story! Donna Woodman MTO2

2 BSc Clinical Genetics September 2002 – enrolled at Wolverhampton University for BSc Clinical Genetics Course. 4 year course. 1 day per week. 5 days study leave per year.

3 1 st year modules Biochemistry Biochemistry Human Form Human Function Human Form Human Function Human Health, Disease Prevention and Human Health, Disease Prevention and Treatment Treatment Human Physiology Human Physiology Molecules and Cells in Health and Disease Molecules and Cells in Health and Disease Professional Studies in Healthcare Science Professional Studies in Healthcare Science

4 2 nd year modules 15 and 30 credit modules. Biology of Disease Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (30 credits - year) Biomedical Science Practicals: Microbiology, Genetics, Biochemistry.

5 3 rd and 4 th year 1.5 days per week. 1 day at university and ½ day in lab (Honours Project). Advanced Topics in Healthcare Science Evidence-based Practice Gene Manipulation Medical Genetics Biomedical ethics

6 Honours Project Compare Hams, Changs and Amniomax for Solid Tissue Culture. ? Difference between media for establishing and maintaining cell growth. 3 extra flasks were set up on each sample with each of the different media.

7 Cell counts using a haemocytometer at 12, 15 and 19 days prior to harvest. Compared mitotic index, length and spreading post harvest.

8 Results 43 samples were tested 14 samples failed to grow in culture 3 infected. Preliminary results: Amniomax established and maintained both skin and villi cultures quickest, followed by Changs and then Hams F10 (control) in both skin and villi samples.

9 Results Related Measures Analysis of Variance statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed no significant difference between the medias (culturing). The Friedman statistical test: No significant difference between the media with respect to slide quality. More samples need to be tested which may then show a significant difference between the three types of media.

10 Further studies Set up samples in mixture of media. Establish cultures in one type of media and then continue to harvest stage in another. Use different hypotonic. Use different ratio of fixative. Use different concentration of BRDU for harvests.

11 Advantages of part time degree Obtain a degree whilst continually gaining experience at work. Gain background knowledge. Professional development.

12 Disadvantages Can disrupt rotas within the lab as university days change each semester. Hard work!

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