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Center for Autonomic Computing Intel Portland, April 30, 2010 Autonomic Virtual Networks and Applications in Cloud and Collaborative Computing Environments.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Autonomic Computing Intel Portland, April 30, 2010 Autonomic Virtual Networks and Applications in Cloud and Collaborative Computing Environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Autonomic Computing Intel Portland, April 30, 2010 Autonomic Virtual Networks and Applications in Cloud and Collaborative Computing Environments Renato Figueiredo Associate Professor Center for Autonomic Computing ACIS Lab University of Florida

2 2 Outlook  Architecting autonomic virtual networks Isolation, security, encapsulation, dynamic configuration, migration Self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization  Applications in cloud and collaborative environments Virtual Private Clusters Social VPNs  Archer: a collaborative environment for computer architecture simulation  Ongoing/future work

3 3 Example: The Archer System

4 4 Archer infrastructure PlanetLab overlay: ~450 nodes, 24/7 on a shared Infrastructure Bootstrap Social/GroupVPN Archer cluster ramp-up: UFL, NEU, UMN, UTA, FSU Code base and experimental environment IPOP/Brunet

5 5 Client interface Linux + GroupVPN VM image + GroupVPN config.

6 6 GroupVPN interface

7 7 Archer GroupVPN

8 8 Research and education Xen 3.1.0 / 2.6.18-Xen Physical Machine Linux SIMICS FULL SYSTEM SIMULATOR MEMORY 3GB x86 CPU FeS2 timing model Dom 2 MEM 1GB 2.6.18-Xen Workload 2 VCPU Dom 1 Workload 1 MEM 1GB 2.6.18-Xen VCPU Dom0 MEM 1GB 2.6.18-Xen VCPU TLB + TMT

9 9 Tag Manager Table (TMT) MEMORY VA TAG PPN VIRTUAL ADDRESS OFFSETVPN CR3 TAG CR3 VASI CR3 00 01 10 0xABCDE123 0xBAD12233 0x100ABCDE VASI CR3 Tag Manager Table (TMT) Current Context Register (CCR) CR3 tag G. Venkatasubramanian R. Illikkal, D. Newell

10 10 Self-contained tutorials

11 11 Archer deployment modes  Express Small public pool; no registration needed Download and run appliance within minutes  Global Leverage resources across partner Archer sites Archer GroupVPN  Local Reuse packaged software – appliance or package Create and manage own GroupVPN  Cloud On-demand provisioning/bursting (e.g. Amazon EC2)

12 12 Outlook  Architecting autonomic virtual networks Isolation, security, encapsulation, dynamic configuration, migration Self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization  Applications in cloud and collaborative environments Virtual Private Clusters Social VPNs  Archer: a collaborative environment for computer architecture simulation  Ongoing/future work

13 13 Summary  Self-configuring virtual networks A means to recover end-to-end Internet connectivity Facilitates deployment of shared collaborative environments  Foundation upon which existing applications can be layered Users now have what used to be server-class multi- processor at their desks/laps Web 2.0 desire to create and share their own content  Opportunities for next-generation peer-to-peer social/collaborative applications

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