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MAP-IT! Review Meeting 5 March 2008 - Brussels Intermediate results Jordan INNOVA.

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1 MAP-IT! Review Meeting 5 March 2008 - Brussels Intermediate results Jordan INNOVA

2 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review2 National Approach 2-step approach 1.Data gathering through Working group and workshop 2.Data gathering through Expert panel Data gathering through Working group and workshop –Apply the same data collection methodology for extracting the same type of information –Main information to be extracted from the project database and the filled-in questionnaires: Number of IT players registered Percentage of IT companies (industrial actors) Number of questionnaires completed in all its parts Priority areas (challenges/specific objectives) Major topic relevant projects IT organisations have been involved in, including responsibilities and level of cooperation

3 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review3 National Approach –Main information to be extracted from the workshops: Political framework and overall IT situation in the country Organisations’ dimension and importance in the IT sector Priority areas in the IT sector (cross- check with challenges/specific objectives of ICT Work programme) Capabilities of organisations to do research (bilateral meetings)

4 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review4 National Approach Data gathering through Expert panel –Information gathered will be presented to Experts in a structured way –Validation of collected information by Experts, both according to the institutional/political context and the ICT community and its performance –=> Data validation from experts’ side takes place through: validation of the questionnaires’ results, and own expertise knowledge of the IT sector and the national IT community

5 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review5 Target players Identification of 121 IT players (first desk research and requests for questionnaire participation) Most of identified players are SMEs (77%), in specific micro companies

6 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review6 Geographical distribution IT target players are mainly located in the North of the country, especially in the capital Amman (at least 80% of IT players) A further city to be mentioned but with much less IT agglomeration is Irbid

7 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review7 Geographical map

8 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review8 Business Areas Software Products Development –Industry Vertical Applications –Middleware and Tools Telecommunications –Network Management and Operation Support Systems

9 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review9 Key ICT areas Challenges 1, 3 and 4 result to be the ones in which IT players are mostly active in –Challenge 1: Pervasive und trusted network and service infrastructures –Challenge 3: Components, systems and engineering –Challenge 4: Digital libraries and content Not sufficient information yet for Specific objectives level!

10 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review10 Jordan’s National ICT Strategy Vision statement –to become a major regional ICT leader and an internationally recognised exporter of ICT products & services, capitalising its core human capital advantage Strategic ICT goals until 2011 –Internet penetration from 11% to 50% –Sector’s revenues from USD 1.7 billion to USD 3 billion –Sector’s employment from 17k to 35k Strategic Pillars Connectivity Research & Development Labor & Education Regulation & Investment Climate

11 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review11 Jordan’s National ICT Strategy High-level milestones 50% internet Penetration Competitive fixed-line broadband Competitive wireless broadband Affordable internet & access to PCs Interest & capability to use Internet Increased demand through e-Gov & e- commerce $3b Revenues Leverage high mobile phone penetration Outsourcing destination for contact centers Focus on development of niche IT solutions Increase R&D spending Increase capacity in ICT firms Improve the business climate Promote importance of IT to businesses 35k Jobs Ability of universities to supply ICT graduates with needed skills Improve Jordan’s ability to attract ICT investments and skilled ICT professionals to return to Jordan

12 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review12 Level of cooperation Jordanian Participation in Projects funded by the EC/Research area FP6

13 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review13 Level of cooperation

14 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review14 Cooperating with Europe Jordan has the capabilities for increasing IT cooperation –Stable Political Environment –Unique and Strategic Location –A Package of Incentives and exemptions to encourage Investment –Free Zones and Industrial estates –Infrastructure and Communications –Access to Major International Markets –Qualified and Competitive Human Resources –Attractive investment climate

15 5 March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! 1st Periodic Review15 …a look into the future Establishment of further Focal Points –up to 50 focal points –Training of Trainers within focal points –Awareness event and distribution of information and promotional materials about EU programmes

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