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Jordan Patrick O'Brien 5-6 Hour. Geography Most of Jordan's 35,475 square miles is desert Sharp volcanic rocks dominate the east, deep canyons marks the.

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1 Jordan Patrick O'Brien 5-6 Hour

2 Geography Most of Jordan's 35,475 square miles is desert Sharp volcanic rocks dominate the east, deep canyons marks the south Jordanians mainly use roads to get around and it has a port in the south west corner of the country Exact location 31 00 N 36 00 E Relative location east of Israel and west of Saudi Arabia

3 History After World War 1, Abdullah Ibn Hussein, with the help of the British led the Bedouins of Jordan against the Ottomans in 1918 After a six day war in 1967 hundreds of thousands Palestinians fled to Jordan One part of Transjordan became a country in 1921, with Hussein as the king Britain controlled the country until 1946, when a new constitution gave Hussein great power and renamed the country Jordan

4 Economy Jordan is an Almost Developing country Reasons why they are Almost Developing country because most of the characteristics show they are Almost Developing For GDP per capita Jordan is $5,000 while U.S.A is $48,000 A final reason Jordan is an Almost Developing Country because they have one of the largest age group of zero through fourteen years old

5 Politics They are a constitutional monarchy, which means they have a king and a constitution to follow The present leaders are King Abudallah the Second and the Prime Minister is Nader Al-Dahbi Jordan also has a legislature called the National Assembly A National Assembly is a group of people with the power to make laws

6 Culture More than 90% of Jordanians are Sunni Muslims and the rest are Christians and other various religions Most Jordanians speak Arabic, Arabic has 28 letters compared to America's 26 letters Ramadan is their Main holiday were they fast sun rise to sun set for a month Jordanians love and adore poetry, stories, jokes, and puns

7 Facts & Figures  Life expectancy and for men 76.19% and for women 81.71%  Average life expectancy overall is 78%  Literacy rate for men is 95.1% and for women 84.7 %  Average literacy rate overall is 89%

8 Interesting Information Soccer is the most popular sport in Jordan The nations national dish is Mansaf [ a large trey of rice covered with chunks of stewed lamb meat including the head] Originally, most Arab and Bedouin herders traveled by foot or camels Jordanians value education, and parents work hard to give their kids the best education Less than 10% of the land is fit for farming

9 Bibliography "Jordan." CultureGrams Kids Edition. 2008. ProQuest. 17 Mar 2009 < p? contid=3&wmn=Asia&cid=27&KidsSubCatID=11>. "Jordan." CultureGrams Kids Edition. 2008. ProQuest. 17 Mar 2009 < ? contid=3&wmn=Asia&cid=27&cn=Jordan&KidsSubCatID=1>. "Jordan." CultureGrams Kids Edition. 2008. ProQuest. 17 Mar 2009 < ? contid=3&wmn=Asia&cid=27&KidsSubCatID=7>.

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