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PREVENTING INJURIES UNINTENTIONAL INJURIES. Before 1970, psychologist referred to unintentioanl injuries as “accidents” During the 1970s and 1980s, physician.

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Presentation on theme: "PREVENTING INJURIES UNINTENTIONAL INJURIES. Before 1970, psychologist referred to unintentioanl injuries as “accidents” During the 1970s and 1980s, physician."— Presentation transcript:


2 Before 1970, psychologist referred to unintentioanl injuries as “accidents” During the 1970s and 1980s, physician Willian Haddon, Jr. Change the views Unintentional injuries resulting from a complex conditios, including individual behaviors, dangerous environmental conditions and lack of tough legislation and enforcement.

3 UNINTENTIONAL INJURIES 4th leading cause of death in USA 4%(NCHS 2000) 15 to 24 years of age  40% (USBC,2001) 5 to 14 years  Safest 0.01 % Gender: men(2)>women(1) Primary cause of death (almost half) from unintentional injuries: -Motor Vehicle Crashes

4 Decline in total rate of death from unintentional injuries Decline in deaths from motor vehicle crashes from1965 to 1998 Reasons of decline: Increase number of drivers Increase number of miles driven Use of seatbelts and airbags Better builth cars Safer roads Stiffer penalties for driving while intoxicated

5 CHıLDHOOD The pattern of death and injury varies with different developmental stages. CHILDHOOD Leading cause of death among children under the age 15  40% Caused by unsafe act of adults or unsafe environment Cause of death from unintentional injuries: 1. Motor Vehicle Crashes 1 to 4 years of age: 1/3 5 to 14 years of age: ½ Failure to properly restrain an infant in the back-seat of a car Because of airbags of front-seat

6 2. Drawning Swimming pool : most common for older children Bathtubs : children under age 5 Large buckets: children under age 5. 3. Burns House fires Boys> Girls 4. Falls, suffocation,poisoning, and bicycle mishaps

7 Y OUTH Greatly increased risk of death from unintentional injuries especially otomobile crashes The cause of this increase from childhood to adoloscence and young adulthood Beginning to drive Crashes occur especially during the nighttime hours and weekends Teenagers least likely to use seatbelts

8 The behaviors that lead to unintentional injuries Not using seatbelts Not using bicycle and motorcycle helmet Driving after drinking Riding with a driver who has been drinking Unsafe Behavior Female students >Male students (using seatbelts) Female students>Male students (drive after drinking) African American>European American(wear helmet) African A.>European A.(riding with a driver who were drinking)


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