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The Phoenicians and their civilization Created by: Santiago,Felix,Bido.

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Presentation on theme: "The Phoenicians and their civilization Created by: Santiago,Felix,Bido."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Phoenicians and their civilization Created by: Santiago,Felix,Bido

2 setting We used to live on a place now called Levant. It’s around 200 miles long and we lived at the edge of Africa. This place has mountains and good soil. This land usually had a lot of traders, travelers, and armies. It was sort of a crossroad for all the people coming and going. Our time was around 2,500-3000 years ago or 1100 B.C.E. In our land if anybody wanted to be king or leader you had to take over the whole region first. We face the whole Mediterranean Sea. More people started coming to Levant from the same place that they started calling themselves Canaanites.

3 Food, clothing, shelter We the Phoenicians had many foods to grow in the land that we had it was rich Soil and we had grown a lot of food on the first harvest we grew wheat and made lots of bread we also grew lots of grapes then we made wine and wine is the city’s Official beverage of the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians wore many clothing the men wore a type of cloth the men looked like they wore tunics or some thing like that. The Phoenicians lived in mud brick and they had different houses according to what Type of job they had like the higher the job the better the house was for the people.

4 Religion We believe in several deities. We worship each god we believe in. But the god we believe and worship the most is Baal. He is the king of the universe, lord of the Earth. Another great deity we believe in is Astarte, queen of heaven. We offer sacrifices to every god, but if we want protection and good harvest we go to our goddess Astarte. We believe in a total of 17 gods. Each one representing an object. We have faith in every god we believe in.

5 Societal Groupings Our society has many groupings like writers, seafarers, builders,and traders. There are many types of builders, like stone and wood workers that build buildings for the king in the city-states. There are stone tysons to which Are considered top notch. The seafarers would trade and come back with the riches; the Phoenicians were the first people to sail around the world and would keep on making better ships to trade. The phoenicians were also the first people to create an alphabet so many people learned to read and write but we barely left anything.

6 Political organizations Usually, the people that rule us are kings. We have city-states (just like the mesopota- mians) and each city-state has its own king. We are also ruled by a council of elders, that are selected by us, the citizens. This group of people we choose are called Shofets.

7  The Phoenicians were the first people to make a widely developed language and alphabet, when they would trade which was a lot they would spread the alphabet and language. It is similar to the one in Mesopotamia and Egypt but the hieroglyphics were to slow and the alphabet in Mesopotamia was to clumsy so they made a 22 letter alphabet which was the best till the vowels came.

8 Asthetic values We usually started building with ricks we build temples shrines Tombs, and houses mostly with rocks.we also like to make beautiful Clothes out of silk and cotton.There are two ways we Make drawings. First we put stone ad make it a tablet then we Draw our drawings.

9  The phoenicians they had many types of recreation or fun they used theire shrines to sacrifice and they made statues of them selfs to pray to the gods

10  The economic system of the Phoenicians was money they used money for trade and to go to other places to also buy food and clothing and to also buy land. The Phoenicians paid with golden coins I’m not sure what they called them put they were golden and were good currency they also used there live stock to pay a tax and to buy many things.

11 Technology We the Phoenicians had to depend on technology to do our trade and to Explore new lands we were able to use the technology to go to new lands And conquer them we used many types of technology to get over the rivers That where close to us we used a sail and to also get to know when to head back we used a type of calender it helped us know when we could go to Harvest our crops or go hunting. We would write in our language on clay Tablets it would stay and it was really effective technology that we used.

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