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Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement Conference, 11 th June 2008. Focus on Subject Centres David Sadler, Director (Networks),

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement Conference, 11 th June 2008. Focus on Subject Centres David Sadler, Director (Networks),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement Conference, 11 th June 2008. Focus on Subject Centres David Sadler, Director (Networks),

2 Some points from this morning Sources of Support for Enhancement: only 3 mentions of SCs from the 71 institutions –Including greater number who host SCs Sources of Support 2: rare for good practice examples to come from outside institution Constraints of methodology and consequent colouring of Report: QA talking to QA people

3 Points from this morning 2 Institutional strategy and individual buy-in to enhancement agenda –Alignment with academic values and cultures –Evidence base to support innovations. Practice to support theory –Imposed frameworks/educational busyness

4 Some roles for SCs? –Has the inter-relationship between institutional leadership of QE and individual buy-in (Ninas QE starts at the point of delivery/ can enhancement be strategic) been explicitly discussed and considered? –Is there a institutional (slide did say strategic) view of the opportunities presented by Subject Centres? –Key contacts: support, networking and recognition –Funding –Use of SCs to support innovation themes/evidence base –Departmental change –L&T events –PG Certs –Networking (NTFs/Fellows/CETLs plus) –Engagement with SC planning –National agendas and SC translation

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