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Family Time: Parenting Teenagers making the most of the years.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Time: Parenting Teenagers making the most of the years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Time: Parenting Teenagers making the most of the years

2 Course Outline 1. A Galaxy Far, Far Away  the teenage universe 2. On The Radar Screen  teenage communication 3. Built To Last  teenage character 4. Boundaries and Battlefields  teenage tensions 5. Security, Sex & Substances  teenage issues 6. Consumerism, Cash and Cyberspace  teenage pressures Family Time Parenting Teenagers

3 Review of the week Family Time Parenting Teenagers

4  Health Issues  Relationship Issues  Addiction Issues Family Time Parenting Teenagers


6 Bible View “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit...You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body” 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 Family Time Parenting Teenagers

7 Eating disorders Warning signs:  obsession  control  isolation  deception  neurosis  secrecy  excessive behaviour  binge-eating Family Time Parenting Teenagers

8 What to do as a parent? Family Time Parenting Teenagers

9 What not to do as a parent? Family Time Parenting Teenagers


11 The pressures “There’s a battle going on for our teenager’s minds – if you’re not influencing them, you’re about the only person in their lives who isn’t!” Steve Chalke Family Time Parenting Teenagers

12 Bible View “ It is God’s will that...each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honourable” 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-4 Family Time Parenting Teenagers

13 Don’t press the panic button!  don’t live in denial  don’t focus attention  don’t show anxiety  don’t deny their feelings  don’t leave them on their own  don’t be taken unawares Family Time Parenting Teenagers

14 “The slow drip-feed method is more effective than the one Big Talk” Nicky and Sila Lee Family Time Parenting Teenagers


16 7 Reasons why teenagers use drugs  it makes them feel they belong  it’s fun  it’s easy to obtain them  it’s the ‘in’ thing to do  it fills the emptiness  it offers relief  it’s ‘cool’ to take risks Family Time Parenting Teenagers

17 ‘Teenagers need good life skills to help them make good choices’ Family Time Parenting Teenagers

18 Signs to watch out for  eating habits  change in appearance  secrecy  loss of energy/interest  missing money Family Time Parenting Teenagers

19 Bible View “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise...” Ephesians 5:15 Family Time Parenting Teenagers

20 Drinking and smoking  Alcohol and cigarettes are gateway drugs...alcohol abuse kills more people than all the other drugs put together.” Paul Francis Family Time Parenting Teenagers

21 Thinking ahead about alcohol  we need to help our teenagers handle it carefully Family Time Parenting Teenagers

22 Thinking ahead about parties  work together and agree things up front Family Time Parenting Teenagers

23 Book of the Week Family Time Parenting Teenagers

24 Discussion Groups Family Time Parenting Teenagers

25 Taking it Further Family Time Parenting Teenagers

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