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Particle Physics II – CP violation Lecture 3
N. Tuning Niels Tuning (1)
Outline 1 May 8 May 15 May Introduction: matter and anti-matter
P, C and CP symmetries K-system CP violation Oscillations Cabibbo-GIM mechanism 8 May CP violation in the Lagrangian CKM matrix B-system 15 May B-factories BJ/Psi Ks Delta ms Niels Tuning (2)
Literature Slides based on courses from Wouter Verkerke and Marcel Merk. W.E. Burcham and M. Jobes, Nuclear and Particle Physics, chapters 11 and 14. Z. Ligeti, hep-ph/ , Introduction to Heavy Meson Decays and CP Asymmetries Y. Nir, hep-ph/ , CP Violation – A New Era H. Quinn, hep-ph/ , B Physics and CP Violation Niels Tuning (3)
: The Kinetic Part Recap from last week uLI W+m L=JmWm dLI
For example, the term with QLiI becomes: Writing out only the weak part for the quarks: Writing out the weak part leads to terms that can be illustrated by Feynman diagrams. The interactions are usually written as a current J times a gauge field. Exercise: To show this use the defitions of the parity and charge operators. Start by setting q_l = ½ (1+g_5) q, etc. Use also (1-g_5)g_0 = g_0(1+g_5). Show for a few terms that Parity leads to q_l -> q_R. For C it goes similarly using transformation properties under C. In fact, one can see immediately that, since the lagrangian contains vector terms and axial vector terms, which transform with opposite sign, that it cannot be Parity or charge conserving. Under CP, both the vector and axial currents are odd. dLI g W+m uLI W+ = (1/√2) (W1+ i W2) W- = (1/√ 2) (W1 – i W2) L=JmWm Niels Tuning (4)
: The Higgs Potential V(f) V(f) f f Recap from last week Broken
Symmetry ~ 246 GeV V(f) f Symmetry Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: The Higgs field adopts a non-zero vacuum expectation value Procedure: Substitute: The Higgs potential has an asymmetric minimum in one of the 4 degrees of freedom: Re(phi_0). Only this component remains in the final Lagrangian: the Higgs field. The other three components are absorbed in the mass terms of the W+, W-, Z bosons. The photon remains massless. And rewrite the Lagrangian (tedious): . The W+,W-,Z0 bosons acquire mass The Higgs boson H appears (The other 3 Higgs fields are “eaten” by the W, Z bosons) Niels Tuning (5)
: The Yukawa Part Recap from last week
Since we have a Higgs field we can add (ad-hoc) interactions between f and the fermions in a gauge invariant way. doublets singlet The result is: i, j : indices for the 3 generations! Remember that the Lagrangian is a scalar object (it must respect Lorentz invariance). How can we make scalars with left handed doublets, higgs doublets and right handed singlets? Y_ij are Yukawa coupling constants, the lefthanded fermion doublet and the higgs doublet together make a scalar to be multiplied by the righthanded fermion scalar. With: (The CP conjugate of f To be manifestly invariant under SU(2) ) are arbitrary complex matrices which operate in family space (3x3) Flavour physics! Niels Tuning (6)
S.S.B : The Fermion Masses Recap from last week Writing in an explicit form: The matrices M can always be diagonalised by unitary matrices VLf and VRf such that: Then the real fermion mass eigenstates are given by: dLI , uLI , lLI are the weak interaction eigenstates dL , uL , lL are the mass eigenstates (“physical particles”) Niels Tuning (7)
: The Charged Current The charged current interaction for quarks in the interaction basis is: Recap from last week The charged current interaction for quarks in the mass basis is: The unitary matrix: With: is the Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa mixing matrix: Lepton sector: similarly However, for massless neutrino’s: VLn = arbitrary. Choose it such that VMNS = 1 => There is no mixing in the lepton sector Niels Tuning (8)
The Standard Model Lagrangian (recap)
Recap from last week LKinetic : •Introduce the massless fermion fields •Require local gauge invariance => gives rise to existence of gauge bosons => CP Conserving LHiggs : •Introduce Higgs potential with <f> ≠ 0 •Spontaneous symmetry breaking The W+, W-,Z0 bosons acquire a mass => CP Conserving LYukawa : •Ad hoc interactions between Higgs field & fermions => CP violating with a single phase LYukawa → Lmass : • fermion weak eigenstates: -- mass matrix is (3x3) non-diagonal • fermion mass eigenstates: -- mass matrix is (3x3) diagonal => CP-violating => CP-conserving! LKinetic in mass eigenstates: CKM – matrix => CP violating with a single phase Niels Tuning (9)
Exploit apparent ranking for a convenient parameterization
Given current experimental precision on CKM element values, we usually drop l4 and l5 terms as well Effect of order 0.2%... Deviation of ranking of 1st and 2nd generation (l vs l2) parameterized in A parameter Deviation of ranking between 1st and 3rd generation, parameterized through |r-ih| Complex phase parameterized in arg(r-ih) Recap from last week Niels Tuning (10)
Deriving the triangle interpretation
Recap from last week Starting point: the 9 unitarity constraints on the CKM matrix Pick (arbitrarily) orthogonality condition with (i,j)=(3,1) Niels Tuning (11)
Visualizing arg(Vub) and arg(Vtd) in the (r,h) plane
Recap from last week We can now put this triangle in the (r,h) plane Niels Tuning (12)
Dynamics of Neutral B (or K) mesons…
Time evolution of B0 and B0 can be described by an effective Hamiltonian: No mixing, no decay… No mixing, but with decays… (i.e.: H is not Hermitian!) With decays included, probability of observing either B0 or B0 must go down as time goes by: Niels Tuning (13)
Describing Mixing… Time evolution of B0 and B0 can be described by an effective Hamiltonian: Where to put the mixing term? Now with mixing – but what is the difference between M12 and G12? M12 describes B0 B0 via off-shell states, e.g. the weak box diagram G12 describes B0fB0 via on-shell states, eg. f=p+p- For details, look up “Wigner-Weisskopf” approximation… Niels Tuning (14)
Solving the Schrödinger Equation
Solution: (a and b are initial conditions): Eigenvectors: Dm and DG follow from the Hamiltonian: The physical particles are the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. Solve the eigenvalues lambda by putting det (H11-lambda*I) = 0 This you can not see here. You just have to sit down and *do* it. From the eigenvalue calculation: Niels Tuning (15)
B Oscillation Amplitudes
For an initially produced B0 or a B0 it then follows: using: with For B0, expect: DG ~ 0, |q/p|=1 These formula’s just follow from substitution. No magic. Note that in the last step g_ gets a 90 degree phase ! Niels Tuning (16)
Measuring B Oscillations
For B0, expect: DG ~ 0, |q/p|=1 Examples: B0B0 Decay probability Use cos^2 (dmt/2) = 0.5 * (1 + cos(dmt)) Proper Time Niels Tuning (17)
Measuring B0 mixing What is the probability to observe a B0/B0 at time t, when it was produced as a B0 at t=0? Calculate observable probility Y*Y(t) A simple B0 decay experiment. Given a source B0 mesons produced in a flavor eigenstate |B0> You measure the decay time of each meson that decays into a flavor eigenstate (either B0 or B0) you will find that Exercise idea: compare tau, dm of K0 and B0 Niels Tuning (18)
Measuring B0 mixing You can really see this because (amazingly) B0 mixing has same time scale as decay t=1.54 ps Dm=0.47 ps-1 50/50 point at pDm t Maximal oscillation at 2pDm 2t Actual measurement of B0/B0bar oscillation Also precision measurement of Dm! Exercise idea: compare tau, dm of K0 and B0 Niels Tuning (19)
Back to finding new measurements
Next order of business: Devise an experiment that measures arg(Vtd)b and arg(Vub)g. What will such a measurement look like in the (r,h) plane? Fictitious measurement of b consistent with CKM model CKM phases b g Niels Tuning (20)
The B0 mixing formalism and the angle b
Reduction to single (set of 2) amplitudes is major advantage in understanding B0 mixing physics A mixing diagram has (to very good approximation) a weak phase of 2b An experiment that involves interference between an amplitude with mixing and an amplitude without mixing is sensitive to the angle b! Small miracle of B physics: unlike the K0 system you can easily interpret the amount of observable CP violation to CKM phases! Niels Tuning (21)
Find the right set of two amplitudes
General idea to measure b: Look at interference between B0 fCP and B0 B0 fCP Where fCP is a CP eigenstate (because both B0 and B0 must be able to decay into it) Example (not really random): B0 J/y KS B0 f B0 B0 f Niels Tuning (22)
Back to business – Measuring b with B0 J/y KS
Were going to measure arg(Vtd2)=2b through the interference of these two processes We now know from the B0 mixing formalism that the magnitude of both amplitudes varies with time B0 f B0 B0 f Niels Tuning (23)
How can we construct an observable that measures b
What do we know about the relative phases of the diagrams? B0 f B0 B0 f f(strong)=f Decays are identical f(strong)=f K0 mixing exactly cancels Vcs f(weak)=0 f(weak)=2b f(mixing)=p/2 There is a phase difference of i between the B0 and B0bar Niels Tuning (24)
Measuring ACP(t) in B0 J/y KS
What do we need to observe to measure We need to measure J/y and KS decay products Lifetime of B0 meson before decay Flavor of B0 meson at t=0 (B0 or B0bar) First two items relatively easy Lifetime can be measured from flight length if B0 has momentum in laboratory Last item is the major headache: How do you measure a property of a particle before it decays? Niels Tuning (25)
Putting it all together: sin(2b) from B0 J/y KS
B0(Dt) B0(Dt) ACP(Dt) = sin(2β)sin(DmdDt) Effect of detector imperfections Dilution of ACP amplitude due imperfect tagging Blurring of ACP sine wave due to finite Dt resolution sin2b Imperfect flavor tagging Dsin2b Finite Dt resolution Dt Dt Niels Tuning (26)
Combined result for sin2b
hep-ex/ Combined result for sin2b (cc) KS (CP odd) modes J/ψ KL (CP even) mode ACP amplitude dampened by (1-2w) w flav. Tag. mistake rate sin2β = (stat) (sys) Niels Tuning (27)
Consistency with other measurements in (r,h) plane
4-fold ambiguity because we measure sin(2b), not b Prices measurement of sin(2b) agrees perfectly with other measurements and CKM model assumptions The CKM model of CP violation experimentally confirmed with high precision! 2 1 without sin(2b) h 3 4 r Method as in Höcker et al, Eur.Phys.J.C21: ,2001 Niels Tuning (28)
Back to business – Measuring b with B0 J/y KS
Were going to measure arg(Vtd2)=2b through the interference of these two processes We now know from the B0 mixing formalism that the magnitude of both amplitudes varies with time B0 f B0 B0 f Niels Tuning (29)
How can we construct an observable that measures b
The easiest case: calculate G(B0 J/y KS) at t=p / 2Dm Why is it easy: cos(Dmt)=0 both amplitudes (with and without mixing) have same magnitude: |A1|=|A2| Draw this scenario as vector diagram NB: Both red and blue vectors have unit length + = sin(f) p/2+2b N(B0 f) |A|2 (1-cosf)2+sin2f = 1 -2cosf+cos2f+sin2f = 2-2cos(p/2+2b) 1-sin(2b) 1-cos(f) cos(f) Niels Tuning (30)
How can we construct an observable that measures b
Now also look at CP-conjugate process Directly observable result (essentially just from counting) measure CKM phase b directly! N(B0 f) |A|2 (1-cosf)2+sin2f = 1 -2cosf+cos2f+sin2f = 2-2cos(p/2+2b) 1-sin(2b) + = sin(f) p/2+2b CP 1-cos(f) + = sin(f) p/2-2b N(B0 f) (1+cosf)2+sin2f = 2+2cos(p/2-2b) 1+sin(2b) 1+cos(f) Niels Tuning (31)
Bs mixing Δms has been measured at Fermilab 4 weeks ago!
Niels Tuning (32)
Standard Model Prediction
CKM Matrix Wolfenstein parameterization Vts Ratio of frequencies for B0 and Bs = from lattice QCD -0.035 (hep/lat ) Vts ~ 2, Vtd ~3, =0.224±0.012 Niels Tuning (33)
CKM Matrix Unitarity Condition
Unitarity Triangle CKM Matrix Unitarity Condition Niels Tuning (34)
Before the measurement: Unitarity Triangle Fit
CKM Fit result: Dms: (1s) : (2) ps-1 -1.5 -2.7 from Dmd Lower limit on Dms from Dmd/Dms Niels Tuning (35)
Measurement .. In a Perfect World
“Right Sign” “Wrong Sign” what about detector effects? Niels Tuning (36)
relatively small signal yields (few thousand decays)
Hadronic Bs Decays relatively small signal yields (few thousand decays) momentum completely contained in tracker superior sensitivity at higher ms Niels Tuning (37)
Semileptonic Bs Decays
relatively large signal yields (several 10’s of thousands) correct for missing neutrino momentum on average loss in proper time resolution superior sensitivity in lower ms range Niels Tuning (38)
Tagging the B Production Flavor
vertexing (same) side “opposite” side use a combined same side and opposite side tag! use muon, electron tagging, jet charge on opposite side jet selection algorithms: vertex, jet probability and highest pT particle ID based kaon tag on same side Niels Tuning (39)
Combined Amplitude Scan
Preliminary 25.3 ps-1 A/A (17.25 ps-1) = 3.5 How significant is this result? Niels Tuning (40)
ms = 17.33 +0.42 (stat) ± 0.07 (syst) ps-1
Conclusions found signature consistent with Bs - Bs oscillations probability of fluctuation from random tags is 0.5% ms = (stat) ± 0.07 (syst) ps-1 |Vtd / Vts| = (stat ± syst) -0.21 -0.007 Niels Tuning (41)
Outline 1 May 8 May 15 May Introduction: matter and anti-matter
P, C and CP symmetries K-system CP violation Oscillations Cabibbo-GIM mechanism 8 May CP violation in the Lagrangian CKM matrix B-system 15 May B-factories BJ/Psi Ks Delta ms Niels Tuning (42)
Remember the following:
CP violation is discovered in the K-system CP violation is naturally included if there are 3 generations or more CP violation manifests itself as a complex phase in the CKM matrix The CKM matrix gives the strengths and phases of the weak couplings CP violation is apparent in experiments/processes with 2 interfering amplitudes The angle β is measured through B0 J/y KS Mixing of neutral mesons happens through the “box” diagram Niels Tuning (43)
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