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“UN Future Forum” 1)WFS Korea Chapter 2) Korea Node, MP, WFUNA “UN Future Forum” Hark Choi, Secretary General

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Presentation on theme: "“UN Future Forum” 1)WFS Korea Chapter 2) Korea Node, MP, WFUNA “UN Future Forum” Hark Choi, Secretary General"— Presentation transcript:

1 “UN Future Forum” 1)WFS Korea Chapter 2) Korea Node, MP, WFUNA “UN Future Forum” Hark Choi, Secretary General

2 GCCSR Established (Global Climate Change Situation Room) Established on 19 th August 2009, in Gimcheon, Korea. Promoted by Jerome Glenn of TMP and financed by Youngsook Park of UN Future Forum & Gimcheon City Int’l interns both working on-site and as tele-interns. UN Future Forum-S. Korea

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6 GENIS Launched Global Energy Network & Information System A collective intelligence system to manage and consolidate the knowledge and information of various energy sources-Launch event held on May 2010. Software led by Frank Catanzaro and Jack Park. Focuses on: -Energy Sources -Usage; -Issues. UN Future Forum-S. Korea

7 The collective intelligence to support the Situation Room will have four elements : Climate Science Energy Mitigation Adaptation

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17 Future Insight Workshops continue Monthly workshops on future insights initiated on 3/2006 – 35 th Workshop held on June 2010 Speakers include: – Jerome Glenn, Bill Halal, Richard Register, Catherine Cunningham, Frank Catanzaro, Jack park, etc. UN Future Forum-S. Korea

18 Future Int’l School/Global Future Leaders Workshop Launched Future Int’l School will be built in 2013 in Gimcheon. Monthly workshops conducted for high school students. To enlarge young membership base Speakers in 2010: Jim Dator, Bill Halal, Jerome Glenn, Richard Register 3rd workshop held in June 2010 UN Future Forum-S. Korea

19 South Korea’s Initiatives for Green Growth Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) – To transfer Green Growth know-how and technologies from advanced countries to developing countries, established in June 2010 – Branch offices planned in Brazil, Indonesia, Ethiopia, China, UK – Supporting countries: Germany, Norway, UAW, Japan. FOCCEP – To contribute to “Low Carbon Green Growth” country, suggesting alternatives towards and Climate Change Policy, established in July UN Future Forum-S. Korea

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