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Argyll and Bute CPP Management Committee Meeting 24 March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Argyll and Bute CPP Management Committee Meeting 24 March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argyll and Bute CPP Management Committee Meeting 24 March 2010

2 “Without changing our patterns of thought, we will not be able to solve the problems we created with our current patterns of thought.” Einstein

3 Mechanistic Thinking ‘stepping up a gear’ ‘driving change ‘levers’ ‘changing direction’ ‘machinery of government’

4 ‘… [most policy makers] concentrate their time on policy analysis, leaving too little time for analysing impacts in other areas, developing implementation policies and reflecting on their experience and the results of previous policy decisions.’ Cabinet Office report ‘Why policy-making needs modernising’

5 Systems Thinking - bigger pictures single perspective multiple perspectives reductionism holism mechanistic thinking systems thinking

6 5 key questions to help engage with a systemic approach: 1.How would my perspective change if I regarded this organisation/ agency/ department/ community as a complex adaptive system? 2.What approach would I adopt if I accepted that this system cannot be controlled nor its behaviour predicted? 3.What other perspectives are there on this issue and how can I understand them? 4.How can I learn what is most effective here? How would I know? 5.What relationships are key in moving forward and how can I nurture them?


8 "It is hard to learn how to improve any system, when you are fighting to optimise you own position in isolation, as most parties will tend to do.” W Edwards Demming

9 Goals and Achievement Beyond Shareholder Value –Endure and Grow Presumption on Growth How? –Adapt –Innovate –Perpetually Improve Execution How? –Align with Purpose – as defined by customer –Align with Measures – that are meaningful to customers –Ask the people who do the work Take their advice – Implement their suggested changes in line with Purpose Applies to Government too!

10 Target Condition in Three months Time Current Condition Vision for 2030

11 Opposition Unifying Worthy Goal Fair & Open Processes Care for each other Experience Relationship Professor Ken Cloke’s Ladder of Unity

12 Totals Conversations 153 Attendees 7,542 Average 49 Notional Cost £1,228,620

13 Communities & Govt. to date: Communities & Govt. to date: Dormant Bank Account Consultation Dormant Bank Account Consultation Enterprise, Energy & Tourism Dept. Enterprise, Energy & Tourism Dept. East Lothian Council, East Lothian Council, Falkirk Falkirk Inverness Inverness Portree Portree West Lothian, West Lothian, Aberdeen Aberdeen Ayrshire Tourism Ayrshire Tourism Inverclyde Inverclyde Shetland Shetland West Lothian West Lothian Western Isles, Western Isles, Selkirk Selkirk Stirling Stirling Sutherland Sutherland Orkney, Caithness Orkney, Caithness Saltire Prize Saltire Prize GERS Briefing GERS Briefing Business Enterprise Scotland Business Enterprise Scotland  Pipeline: Open- ended Open- ended More In Argyll & Bute More In Argyll & Bute Others involved in emulation Others involved in emulation  Communities & Government: Ardrishaig, Mull 2, Islay 2, Cowal, Bute, Kintyre, Lismore, Oban Oban High School Tarbert The Argyll & Bute Summit Dundee 2, Glasgow, Airdrie Angus North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, Kirkintilloch Upper & Lower Clyde, Helensburgh, Ravenscraig Stranraer Girvan

14 Sectors to date: Sectors to date: Aerospace, Defence, Marine, Aerospace, Defence, Marine, Aquaculture, Aquaculture, Construction 3, Construction 3, Chemical Sciences 2, Chemical Sciences 2, Drinks, Drinks, E-Commerce E-Commerce Gaelic Gaelic Electronics 2, Electronics 2, Energy 2, Energy 2, Engineering 2, Engineering 2, Enterprise Sectors 2, Enterprise Sectors 2, Entrepreneurial Exchange, Entrepreneurial Exchange, Farming Farming Finance, Finance, Food & Drink 2, Food & Drink 2, Forestry, Forestry, Glasgow/Edinburgh Partnership, Glasgow/Edinburgh Partnership, Harris Tweed 2 Harris Tweed 2 ICT, ICT, Law Society 2 Law Society 2 Life Sciences 2, Life Sciences 2, Manufacturing 2, Manufacturing 2, Oil & Gas, Oil & Gas, Optoelectronics Optoelectronics Renewables 2, Renewables 2, Ship Management Ship Management Stem Cells, Stem Cells, Third Sector 2, Third Sector 2, Textiles 3 Textiles 3 Tourism 4, Tourism 4, UKATC UKATC Institute of Asian Professionals Institute of Asian Professionals Scottish Family Owned Businesses Scottish Family Owned Businesses Knowledge Transfer Knowledge Transfer Housing Associations Housing Associations Europe – Green Energy Centre Europe – Green Energy Centre Europe – Marine Energy Europe – Marine Energy Europe – Carbon Capture & Storage Europe – Carbon Capture & Storage Education Education Healthcare Healthcare Leadership Conference Leadership Conference Culture Heritage & the Arts Culture Heritage & the Arts Arbitration 3 Arbitration 3 Print Media Print Media Procurement Procurement Leisure and sport clubs Leisure and sport clubs Transport Transport Broadband Broadband SLAED – Scottish Local Authorities Economic Development Group 2 SLAED – Scottish Local Authorities Economic Development Group 2 Investors in People Investors in People Estate Management Estate Management

15 Key challenges Geography Changing population People on the fringe Financial pressures Argyll and Bute Community Plan 2009 - 12

16 Community engagement Strengthen and extend community planning processes Increase community involvement Build capacity Share experience, knowledge and resources Argyll and Bute Community Plan 2009-12

17 Going forward There is now the potential for on going debate and action planning with self nominated groups taking this forward at sectoral, community and thematic level.

18 Success lies in: Local drivers Openness and willingness to engage Understanding of what is expected Action planning

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