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 Respect for Self  Respect for Classmates  Respect for Teacher  Respect for Equipment.

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Presentation on theme: " Respect for Self  Respect for Classmates  Respect for Teacher  Respect for Equipment."— Presentation transcript:


2  Respect for Self  Respect for Classmates  Respect for Teacher  Respect for Equipment

3  Try your best  Believe in yourself  Be positive  Celebrate progress

4  Be friendly  Listen when others have the floor  Share  Keep hands, feet, body, objects to self  Ask before touching/borrowing someone else’s stuff

5  Listen, be quiet when teacher is talking  Follow directions  Let the teacher know if you have questions, concerns.

6  Use equipment as directed  Touch equipment only when directed  Take good care of equipment  If you make a mess, clean it up.

7  Bring all needed supplies to class every day we have class.  Practice at least 140 minutes per week.  Take good care of the instruments.  Only play instrument when directed to do so.  Be quiet while others are playing/performing.

8  60% = Performance Assessments  Objective “pass-offs” assigned in advance  Concert participation  30% = Daily Grade  Includes all work completed during class such as warm- ups, formative assessments, and any other in-class activity that is not a “performance assessment.”  10% = Homework  Includes any work completed outside of class, including practice reports.

9  Goal: what do you want to accomplish?  Pick something(s) you can’t do now, but are capable of doing by the end of the day.  Fill this out immediately before you practice that day.  Time: how long did you practice?  Fill this out immediately after you practice that day.  Strategies: how did you accomplish your goals?  What did you do in your practice sessions?  Refer to the “Practice Strategies” on the back of the report.  Fill this out while you are practicing that day.  Y/N: Goal Accomplished?  If you accomplished your goal, put Y. If not, put N.  Fill this out immediately after you practice.  Total Minutes Practiced  Parent Signature

10  10 pts = Goals  70 pts = Log  0-19 = 0 points  20-39 = 10 points  40-59 = 20 points  60-79 = 30 points  80-99 = 40 points  100-119 = 50 points  120-139 = 60 points  140-209 = 70 points (20 min/day, 7 days a week)  210-419 = 80 points (30 min/day)  420+ = 120 points (60 min/day)  10 pts = Strategies  10 pts = Goal Accomplished  Practice report will not be accepted without a parent/guardian signature.  Late Penalty = 10 points (1 day). 30 points (rest of week). Practice reports will not be accepted more than 1 week late.  The purpose of this practice sheet is to provide me with a record of your practice routine and to help you practice smarter. The Quality (how) of practice is more important than the quantity (how much).

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