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Globalisation in your country A discussion of your experiences with health.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalisation in your country A discussion of your experiences with health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalisation in your country A discussion of your experiences with health

2 ‘a process of greater integration within the world economy through movements of goods and services, capital, technology and (to a lesser extent) labour, which lead increasingly to economic decisions being influenced by global conditions’ - Jenkins 2004 Globalisation in your country

3 Which country is most globalised?  Divide into your NMO/country  Brainstorm globalisation at “home”  Make a list of how health is affected:  Positively  Negatively  What has not changed (at all)  Offer some concrete examples  10-15 minutes  Results of discussion/presentations on following slides

4 Results: Commonalities between countries  Negative aspects: –Brain drain & movement of health care professionals –Funding pressure (leading to unfavorable privatisation) –Import of diseases via immigration/travel (i.e. tuberculosis) –Immigration challenges (cultural differences, language barriers and unequal access to healthcare)  Positive aspects: –Access to information, better standards and EBM –Prevention campaign experience (sharing) –Transfer of technology and pharmaceuticals –Better education due to international exchange

5 Results: Mentioned by single countries  Negative aspects: –EU membership  higher costs, less money for healthcare –Drug tourism (i.e. Amsterdam) –Effects of war  global image, external pressure to change –Greater income divide / poverty gap –NGO projects in developed countries (for immigrants) –Influence of diet on cancer rates and alcohol-related disease –Political influence on health: Taiwan WHO membership  Positive aspects: –Effects of war  drive to improve healthcare –Lifestyle (i.e. different healthy thinking, exercise etc.)

6 Results: What does not change  Public nature of healthcare systems (even with privatisation)  Role of primary care structure  Good diet (Mediterranean) / Bad diet (high caloric)  Doctors like to make lots of money  The British can still only speak English…. Results: Issues not mentioned…  Climate change, global effects of environmental problems –Respiratory effects –Unclean/Unsanitary water supplies –Sun exposure

7 Questions to consider…  Is globalisation good for health?  How does your country’s experience compare to others?  In which direction is your country heading?  What is the best and worse globalisation can offer?  Is globalisation managed? Should it be managed?

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