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Using Appreciative Inquiry to motivate staff enhancement of their inclusive practice in learning and teaching Research Seminar Series 2009: Access and.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Appreciative Inquiry to motivate staff enhancement of their inclusive practice in learning and teaching Research Seminar Series 2009: Access and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Appreciative Inquiry to motivate staff enhancement of their inclusive practice in learning and teaching Research Seminar Series 2009: Access and Success for All July 6 th 2009 Will Bowen-Jones, Principal Lecturer, ISES Dr Val Chapman [NTF], Director, Centre for Inclusive Learning Support Dr John Peters [NTF], Assistant Director, Academic Development and Practice Unit Emma Pollard, Student, ISES

2 2 As a result of engaging with this session you should be able to… Describe and critique the research activities undertaken by students in an academic Institute Assess the impact of the Appreciative Inquiry approach on professional practice Discuss the issues and opportunities arising from the project Reflect and decide if the approach would be of use in their own practice

3 Post-it activity On your each of your three post-its, please write an adjective that describes inclusive practice in your professional setting (3 adjectives in total) PLEASE NOTE!!! You may only use positive words

4 Please write your answers to the following: 1. When have you felt most engaged, truly committed and enthusiastic about inclusivity? 2. What do you think your colleagues at your university do really, really well in relation to inclusive practice? 3.Given limitless resources (blue skies thinking), what would you like to see them doing even better?

5 5 Projects key features as defined in the HEA bid (Sept 2007- Sept 08) Development of innovative staff development package Supplementary resources to support academics Further development of the SCIPS web based resource ( Embedding in institutional policy and practice Piloted with the Institute of Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Worcester (UW)

6 6 Key research question How can we engage the interest and commitment of staff to further develop their inclusive practice in learning and teaching? Selection of an Appreciative Inquiry approach

7 Appreciative Inquiry Based on David Cooperiders doctoral work at Case Western Reserve University (1999) Eschews former Organization Development (OD) deficit models Espouses a positive approach to change that builds a vision for the future based upon what already works well within an existing system Self-empowering philosophy 4-D process (Discover, Dream, Design and Destiny) Focus on collaborative working of all stakeholders Engages all stakeholders in systematic participation in a jointly constructed vision of an organizations future

8 Appreciative Inquiry Ap-preci-ate, v., 1. valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us; affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems 2. to increase in value, e.g. the economy has appreciated in value. Synonyms: valuing, prizing, esteeming, and honouring. In-quire (kwir), v., 1. the act of exploration and discovery. 2. To ask questions; to be open to seeing new potentials and possibilities. Synonyms: discovery, search, and systematic exploration, study.

9 What is it? A reaction against problem-focused action research Shifts focus to strengths and positives, to the positive core of a situation or organisation Focus on social construction & collective strengths A cooperative, coevolutionary search for the best in people, their organizations, and the world around them. –[Cooperrider & Whitney 2005]

10 The Key Question in AI The unconditional positive question The systematic discovery of what gives life to a living system when it is most alive, most effective, and most constructively capable in economic, ecological, and human terms. What gives life here?

11 The 4-D cycle Discovery Phase –Sharing the positives Dream Phase –Sharing a vision Design Phase –Sharing what should be Destiny Phase –Sharing a commitment to change

12 1. Discovery Phase What gives life here? Making explicit and appreciating the best of what is What most enthuses you about …? Tell the story about a situation when you have felt most alive, engaged, valued, etc. Mobilising the community and sharing findings through propositional statements

13 Propositional statements I feel life in my work on inclusivity when:

14 2. Dream Phase Envisioning what might be So what is at our heart? What should be the ideal? What have we always wanted to be? What is the world calling us to become? Picturing a future: drawing a vision

15 3. Design Phase Co-constructing What should we be? Possibility propositions and new organising principles What would this organisation be like if it were designed to maximise the positive core and accelerate the achievement of our dream?

16 4. Destiny Phase Not the action plan! An inspired movement not a packaged product Positive protest Realising the dream An appreciative organisation

17 Can we use this? For change management As an evaluation process As an annual cycle Constant renewal As a marketing device! Still issues about

18 References Cooperrider, D & Whitney, D 2005 Appreciative Inquiry: a positive revolution in change, San Francisco Ludema, J. Whitney, D. Mohr, B. & Griffin, T. 2003 The Appreciative Inquiry Summit, San Fancisco Ludema, J. Cooperrider, D & Barrett, F. 2001 Appreciative Inquiry: the power of the unconditional positive in Reason, P. & Bradbury, H. Handbook of Action Research

19 19 Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process AI workshop (students) Students Post-it activity Students interviews (VI) Focus group interview Generation of adjectives Briefing on inclusion and AI Generation of propositional statements Focus group interview questions Inaugural ISES staff/student research summit Student presentation Staff response Prioritisation meeting Further planning & embedding Inclusion survey DREAMDESIGNDESTINY DISCOVERY START Pre-workshop activity Staff Develop- ment Roll out model to additional departments

20 20 Discovery phase (Jan/Feb 08) Selection of student researchers Pre-workshop activity AI workshop Data collection by student researchers –Post it exercise –Disabled student interview –Focus group interview (conducted by student member of project team) –Answers to reflective questions (pre-workshop activity) Development of propositional statements

21 21 Dream phase (Mar 08) Inaugural Institute of Sport and Exercise Science (ISES) staff/student research summit Student researchers presentation Audience: –Vice Chancellor –Guest speaker – Chief Executive, British Paralympic Association –ISES staff –Departmental Learning and Teaching (L&T) representatives

22 22 Post-it data from student lectures Adjectives (n=265): –Enjoyable –Interesting –Challenging –Fun

23 23 Student researchers experiences of learning Personal accounts Inclusive practices Challenges successfully overcome Engagement of staff

24 24 Propositional statement 1 All students make a positive contribution to the learning of their peers.

25 25 Propositional statement 2 Students value the Schools strong sense of community and being made to feel part of it.

26 26 Propositional statement 3 Students love it when staff support and celebrate their achievements.

27 27 Propositional statement 4 Staff inspire students through being role models.

28 28 Propositional statement 5 Students really enjoy learning through doing.

29 29 Propositional statement 6 The Institute of Sport and Exercise Science (ISES) offers students a ticket to their future; it gives them the opportunity to do things for themselves, become more independent, to reinvent themselves andbe their own person. It offers a liberating and transformative experience.

30 30 Design phase (Apr 08) Prioritisation meeting with ISES team to determine: –Individual priorities –Draft priorities for referral to departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Staff survey – ISES staff confidence ratings in inclusive practice (via survey monkey, 78% response rate) –Analysed to determine staff development priorities

31 31 Destiny phase (Ongoing) Supplemental resources –SCIPS (Strategies for Creating Inclusive Programmes of Study) (used 24/7, page ranked by Google 5/10) Implementation of innovative staff development package Embedding inclusive policy and practice in existing departmental structures and systems e.g. peer observation

32 32 Departmental priorities agreed at May ISES meeting Share innovative practice; champion good practice; act as advocates for recruitment of disabled ISES staff and students; Use peer observation to focus on inclusion; Ensure effective screening to identify disabled/dyslexic students/issues; Monitor retention & achievement in order to identify issues;

33 33 Departmental priorities agreed at May ISES meeting Identify support strategies for part time/mature/ overseas/living at a distance students; Integrate inclusive practice throughout all modules rather than just focus in Sport and Disability module (inclusion strategy); Adopt a more coherent approach to inclusion across the whole school.

34 34 Goal… Within the next two years, the ISES team will have an international reputation as leaders in the field of inclusive practice in sport and exercise science.

35 35 Individual Inclusivity Profile - aspects covered: Admission/induction Course content and design Course delivery Teaching styles Assessment/ examinations Feedback to students Physical environment Technology/ e-learning Learning resources/ course materials Course Monitoring Staff development Academic Support Work placement

36 36 Individual Inclusivity Profile (example) 78% response rate (H: High; M: Medium) Admission/induction VC When I am involved in admissions, I know what to do in the event of someone disclosing a disability. [e.g. Who to contact; How to maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality; What adjustments to the process might be necessary.] H/M Course content and design VC I fully understand what a competence standard means as described by the Disability Discrimination Act H Our course team can translate learning outcomes into non discriminatory competence standards. H/M

37 37 Course delivery VC I am familiar with disability etiquette. H/M Teaching styles ISES Where possible, I allow students to have choices in terms of the mode of assessment H Physical environment DDS paper Our department/subject area has low level photocopiers that wheelchair users can reach. H I know what to do in event of a fire if I have disabled students in my class. H/M

38 38 Opportunities (value added) Provides evidence of UWs commitment to provide excellent, inclusive education as stipulated in its Mission Statement Review and revision of Open Day practice Research informed teaching Students as researchers Raised external profile, e.g. 360 degree conference presentation

39 Opportunities (value added) Step by Step Guide to AI (for staff and students) AI as an approach to identifying and sharing good practice at UW AI Guide distributed to other HEIs in UK and South Africa Appointment of a dedicated researcher AI now being adopted by researchers

40 40 Issues Student involvement proved labour intensive for project staff Pressurised timescale Ethics and responsibilities Associated costs Alternative formats for disabled student researchers Roll out

41 Developing propositional statements 1.From the given data sets, identify key words or phrases 2.Transcribe onto post-its and categorise into themes 3.Draft 3 propositional statements about staff development – these should be a distillation that captures the spirit of the responses

42 Examples All students make a positive contribution to the learning of their peers. Students value the Institutes strong sense of community and being made to feel part of it.

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