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Canada and its Cultures Presented at Xiamen Library By Graham Mulligan.

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Presentation on theme: "Canada and its Cultures Presented at Xiamen Library By Graham Mulligan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canada and its Cultures Presented at Xiamen Library By Graham Mulligan

2 10 Characteristics 1. A wilderness nation, a land of awesome size and grandeur, with savage beauty and incredible obstacles. 2.Home of our First Nations. Our Native roots are deeply entwined in our Canadian way. 3. A nation founded on European traditions by the English and the French. 4. A nation of Immigrants 5. A country of diverse and distinctive regions with powerful regional identities - Quebec, the Maritimes, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North.

3 10 Characteristics 6. A nation with a strong sense of social welfare committed to providing a social safety net for all. 7. A land of remarkable freedoms with a goal of equity for all regardless of sex, race, age, color, creed or disability 8. A land of adventurers, innovators and entrepreneurs 9. A land of rich cultural traditions 10.Peace-keepers for the world and a partner with all nations.


5 British Columbia

6 Rocky Mountains

7 Crescent Beach near my home

8 Despite our largely urban existence our wilderness preoccupies our psyche, our literature, our arts, and our mythology.

9 My backyard

10 Vegetable garden

11 My house from the front

12 I was born here


14 But we moved to the Isle of Arran, Scotland

15 I came back to Canada when I was 4 yrs old

16 Most people speak French in Quebec

17 Quebec city

18 Montreal

19 Canadians love hockey

20 Hockey is played on ice

21 Stop the puck from going in the net.

22 Hockey is a winter sport

23 The roads are icey

24 People shovel snow

25 and shovel some more

26 Some people have a snow blower

27 Most Canadians live here

28 Toronto

29 CN tower, Toronto

30 Indoor shops

31 Lets look at Eastern Canada

32 The maritime provinces Eastern Canada

33 Newfoundland 1800’s

34 Early explorers

35 The railroad across Canada united the country

36 Many Chinese workers helped build the railway

37 Rocky Mountains


39 Vancouver




43 Grouse Mountain near Vancouver

44 A trail in the mountains

45 Hard work to climb up

46 Racing up the mountain

47 Near Vancouver

48 My daughter Bridgit

49 Say hello

50 Getting ready to go

51 I like to go snowshoeing

52 In big mountains

53 See the road below

54 Up on top of the mountain


56 Time to go home

57 In the summertime I go camping with my family

58 My wife

59 A picnic table


61 A park

62 A place to play

63 Do you see the log house?

64 Look inside


66 driftwood

67 I like to sail

68 At anchor by a waterfall

69 A big sail

70 My university Simon Fraser University

71 Simon Fraser University in Vancouver

72 Some of my schools

73 Where I was the Principal

74 Another one

75 Our school mascot the Cougar

76 The kitchen

77 My daughter Bridgit

78 My truck

79 goodbye

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