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Lead from the front Texas Nodal 1 TPTF Update for TAC March 6, 2008 Trip Doggett.

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1 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 1 TPTF Update for TAC March 6, 2008 Trip Doggett

2 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 2 Agenda ItemDescriptionPurpose 1. Meeting SummarySummary of recent TPTF activitiesFor review 2. Next MeetingsUpcoming activitiesFor review 3. Approval of Readiness Metrics Request TAC approval for ERCOT to move forward with changes to metric CO2 as submitted and changes to metric MP10 as modified by TPTF on February 21, 2008. For Vote 4. Approval of Milestones Request TAC acknowledge TPTF completion of the following Milestone– Current Day Reports Conceptual System Design v0.20 complete For Vote

3 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 3 Meeting Summary – February 4  Meetings February 4-6 and February 21-22.  On February 4, TPTF discussed the following:  Nodal Program Update  Nodal Timeline Update  NMMS Update  Quality Center Update  Current Day Reports  Extract and Report Specification  Draft NPRR for Settlement of Emergency Power  On February 4, TPTF endorsed submitting the draft NPRR Settlement of Power Imported via DC Ties and Block Load Transfer Under a Declared Emergency Condition to the Protocol Revision Subcommittee (PRS) with the recommendation that WMS would comment upon the appropriateness of the 1.10 multiplier for the settlement formula in Section (2) and that ERCOT would create a Business Process for notifying the Market when payments are made with this formula. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and no abstentions. All Market Segments were represented for the vote.

4 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 4 Meeting Summary – February 5  On February 5, TPTF discussed the following:  Plan for “Nodalizing” the Remaining Zonal Protocols  EDS Update  On February 5, TPTF approved the EDS 3 SCED Market Participant Handbook v3.03 as modified by TPTF on February 5, 2008. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and three abstentions (Town of Flower Mound, Exelon, and Westar Energy). All Market Segments were represented for the vote.  On February 5, TPTF approved the EDS Accelerated Issue Resolution Process v0.01 as submitted. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and eight abstentions (Stream Energy, StarTex Power, Strategic Energy, Accent Energy, Cirro Energy, Green Mountain Energy, Integrys Energy, and Westar Energy). All Market Segments were represented for the vote.  COMS Update  DAM Subgroup Update

5 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 5 Meeting Summary – February 5 (continued)  On February 5, TPTF discussed the following:  Update on Combined-Cycle Issues  On February 5, TPTF approved the IDA003 White Paper Combined-Cycle Unit Modeling in the Nodal Design v1.2 as submitted. The motion was amended to approve the white paper with the understanding that Table 3 would be amended to clarify that power augmentations would not be registered as additional configurations. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and sixteen abstentions (Brazos, LCRA, First Choice Power, AEP Corporation, Suez, City of Eastland, City of Allen, Stream Energy, StarTex Power, Strategic Energy, Accent Energy, Cirro Energy, Green Mountain Energy, Integrys Energy, Exelon, and BP Energy). All Market Segments were represented for the vote.  WMS Subgroup Update  Infrastructure Hardware Update  Draft NPRR - Continuous Telemetry of the Status of Breakers and Switches  On February 5, TPTF endorsed the draft NPRR Modify Time Requirements for Entry of Equipment in the Outage Scheduler to be submitted to PRS for consideration. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and nine abstentions (LCRA, City of Garland, First Choice Power, City of Dallas, City of Eastland, City of Allen, Town of Flower Mound, Coral Power, and Exelon). All Market Segments were represented for the vote.  Draft NPRR- Nodal Protocol Step-Up Transformer Reporting Requirements  EDW Update

6 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 6 Meeting Summary – February 6  On February 6, TPTF discussed the following:  Training Update  EMS Update  Update on Draft NPRR Changes to Section 8  MMS Project Update  Section 8 Reports Spreadsheet  Current Day Reports (CDR) Conceptual System Design (CSD)  On February 6, TPTF approved the CDR CSD v0.20 as submitted to TPTF with the understanding that it would be updated following the meeting to include definitions of acronyms on first use and specific document references. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% and one abstention (J. Aron and Company). The Consumer Market Segment was not represented for the vote.  Enterprise Integration Project Update  On February 6, TPTF approved the MIS External Interface Specification v0.36 as submitted. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% and one abstention (J. Aron and Company). The Consumer Market Segment was not represented for the vote.

7 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 7 Meeting Summary – February 6 (continued)  On February 6, TPTF discussed the following:  Draft NPRR for incorporating PUCT 25.505 Publication of Resource and Load Information  On February 6, TPTF endorsed forwarding to PRS the draft NPRR Implementation of PUC SUBST. R. 25.505(f) Publication of Resource and Load Information as modified by TPTF on February 6, 2008. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 93.30% in favor and four abstentions (TXU, Calpine, Exelon, and BP Energy). The Consumer Market Segment was not represented for the vote.  Registration Update  Market Participant Satisfaction Survey

8 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 8 Meeting Summary – February 21  On February 21, TPTF discussed the following:  Nodal Program Update  Managing Protocol Content During Texas Nodal Market Implementation  Readiness Metrics Inventory Maintenance  On February 21, TPTF endorsed ERCOT moving forward with changes to metric CO2, Verify Dispute Process, as submitted and changes to metric MP10, Mapping of Resources to Resource Nodes and Resources to EPS Meters is Complete, as modified by TPTF on February 21, 2008. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and four abstentions (TXU, AEP, Coral Power, and Westar Energy). The Consumer and Independent Retail Electric Provider (IREP) Market Segments were not represented for the vote.  Nodal Timeline Update  High-Low Task Force Update  Discussion of Proposed Changes to Combined-Cycle White Papers  Commercial Systems Review of Draft NPRRs  On February 21, TPTF endorsed forwarding the draft NPRR for Fuel-Oil Price (FOP) Clarification to the Protocol Revision Subcommittee (PRS) as submitted to TPTF on February 21, 2008. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and no abstentions. All Market Segments were represented for the vote.

9 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 9 Meeting Summary – February 21 (continued)  On February 21, TPTF discussed the following:  Commercial Systems Review of Draft NPRRs (continued)  On February 21, TPTF endorsed forwarding the draft NPRR for Emergency Base Point Price (EBPP) Revision to PRS for consideration as submitted to TPTF on February 21, 2008. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and nine abstentions (Stream Energy, StarTex Power, Strategic Energy, Accent Energy, Cirro Energy, Green Mountain Energy, Integrys Energy, Coral Power, and Reliant). All Market Segments were represented for the vote.  Update on DAM Subgroup Issues

10 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 10 Meeting Summary – February 22  On February 22, TPTF discussed the following:  Draft NPRR - Step-Up Transformer Reporting Requirements  EDS Update  On February 22, TPTF approved the EDS COMS Market Participant Handbook v0.03 as amended by TPTF on February 22, 2008. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and six abstentions (City of Garland, GEUS, CenterPoint, Pioneer Natural Resources, Reliant, and Westar Energy). All Market Segments were represented for the vote.  On February 22, TPTF approved the EDS 1 Approach v1.01 as submitted to TPTF on February 22, 2008. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and one abstention (Westar Energy). All Market Segments were represented for the vote.  Pre-Assigned Congestion Revenue Right (PCRR) eligibility for Non-Opt-In Entities  Nodal Reports Update  Section 8 Update  Market Operations Test Environment Requirements

11 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 11 Next Meetings  Next meetings  Monday March 3 through Wednesday March 5  Thursday March 20 and Friday March 21  Monday March 31 through Wednesday April 2  Monday April 21 and Tuesday April 22

12 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 12 Next Meetings (continued)  On March 3 through March 5, likely topics include:  Nodal Program Update  Nodal Timeline Update  Market Readiness Metrics Update  Consider revisions for existing metrics  CO1, Settle Market for Seven Days and Provide Appropriate Extracts  E5, Nodal Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 70 Readiness  Feedback from the recent review for the process document Managing Protocol Content During Texas Nodal Market Implementation  NPRR104, Corrections and Clarifications for Real Time Settlements and Ancillary Service Net Obligations  DAM Subgroup Issues  February 25 Meeting  Review disposition of comments for the redlined MMS DAM and SASM Requirements (B2) v2.0  Discuss TPTF perspective on DAM Subgroup proposal to resolve DAM co- optimization issues for Self-Committed Units  EDS Update  Status of State Estimator

13 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 13 Next Meetings (continued)  On March 3 through March 5, likely topics include:  Market Operations Update  Processes for voltage studies  Outage Scheduler Update  Activities from the Feb. 26 Outage Coordinator Meeting  Dual-entry issues  Review comments for the EDS Outage Scheduler Market Participant Handbook v0.01  Quality Center Update  EMS Update  Status of the EMS CIM importer  NPRR097, Changes to Section 8 to Incorporate Role of TRE, the IMM, and the Concept of Market Compliance  PCRR allocation eligibility issues  CRR Update  Update on EDS-CRR MP Testing  WMS-approved proposal for the CRR naming convention  Registration Update  Update on RARF obligations for QSEs

14 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 14 Next Meetings (continued)  On March 3 through March 5, likely topics include:  EMS/MMS Update  Disposition of comments for the Market Operations Testing Environment (MOTE) Requirements (B2) v0.11  Future Subgroup to address Operations and Market Issues such as:  Ability to block offer off-line Non-Spin from Generation Resources  Potential for reduced AS Offers into a SASM given the AS Offer re-submittal rules for un-struck DAM AS Offers linked to a 3-part offer  SR25.505 SWCAP issue  Market Rules Update  Nodalizing of Zonal Protocol Sections 18, 20, 23, and 24  Review schedule for Section 11, Data Acquisition and Data Aggregation  COMS Update  Disposition of comments for draft NPRR, Removal of Partial Assignment of CRR Shortfall to Real-Time  EDS Update  Disposition of comments for the EDS DAM/RUC/SASM MP Handbook v1.01  Comments for proposed Nodal Protocol language for adding a Load Resource Flag to AS Trade submissions

15 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 15 Next Meetings (continued)  On March 3 through March 5, likely topics include:  MMS Update  Changes required to nodal source systems to incorporate NPRR102, Implementation of PUC Subst. R. 25.505(f), Publication of Resource and Load Information  MMS Requirements updates:  MMS DAM and SASM Requirements (B2) v2.01  MMS SCED and Real-Time MMS Processes Requirements (B2) v3.01  MMS Overall MMS System and Other Processes Requirements (B2) v2.01  Combined-Cycle Update  Disposition of comments for white paper, Combined-Cycle Unit Modeling in the Nodal Design v2.1  Disposition of comments for white paper, Details on the Settlement of Combined- Cycle Plants v1.1

16 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 16 Approval of Readiness Metrics  On February 21, TPTF endorsed ERCOT moving forward with changes to metric CO2, Verify Dispute Process, as submitted and changes to metric MP10, Mapping of Resources to Resource Nodes and Resources to EPS Meters is Complete, as modified by TPTF on February 21, 2008. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% in favor and four abstentions (TXU, AEP, Coral Power, and Westar Energy). The Consumer and Independent Retail Electric Provider (IREP) Market Segments were not represented for the vote.  Request TAC approval for ERCOT to move forward with changes to metric CO2 as submitted and changes to metric MP10 as modified by TPTF on February 21, 2008.

17 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 17 TAC Approval of Milestones  On February 5, TPTF approved the CDR CSD v0.20 as submitted to TPTF with the understanding that it would be updated following the meeting to include definitions of acronyms on first use and specific document references. The motion carried by roll-call vote, with 100% and one abstention (J. Aron and Company). All Market Segments, except the Consumer Market Segment, were represented for the vote.  The Transition Plan says: “Any declaration of the accomplishment of a major milestone (business requirements, conceptual design, and successful completion of Market Participant testing) or a decision to proceed is contingent on the approval of both ERCOT and TAC.”  Request TAC acknowledge TPTF completion of the following Milestone –  Current Day Reports Conceptual System Design v0.20 complete

18 Lead from the front Texas Nodal 18 Questions

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