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Published byColin Warren Wilkins Modified over 9 years ago
COURSE DESCRIPTION The objectives of Algebra 1 are to develop proficiency with mathematical skills, to expand understanding of mathematical concepts, to improve logical thinking and to promote success by learning to read and explore a problem, define a variable, write an equation, solve an equation, interpret results and check each solution, and by learning alternative strategies to problem solve. This course promotes achievement of the California State Common Core Algebra 1 math standards.
TEXTBOOK & CA STATE STANDARDS We will be covering the California Common Core Algebra 1 State Standards. We will be covering 5 chapters in the textbook this fall semester. TEXTBOOKCA STANDARDS Big Ideas Algebra 1: By Larson and Boswell
TEXTBOOK ONLINE RESOURCES Access code for online student textbook should be available soon Online textbook, activities, extra practice worksheets and other resources are available TEXTBOOKONLINE RESOURCES Big Ideas Algebra 1: By Larson and Boswell
CLASS RULES Be on time to class and be prepared to work. I require that you use a three ring binder, one composition notebook and only a pencil in this class. Be respectful of others. You are expected to be respectful of each other’s belongings, opinions and ideas. The only beverage permitted in class is bottled water. No food is allowed. Remember that I dismiss you, not the bell. Please remain seated until my dismissal.
Chapter Tests: 35% Chapter Quizzes: 25% Homework/ Classwork: 20% Notebook Check: 5% Final Exam: 15% GRADING POLICY A:90 – 100% B:80 – 89.9% C:70 – 79.9% D:60 – 69.9% Fail: Below 60%
The grades will be distributed on the categories stated previously. However, I will allow the lowest test grade to be dropped from the course at the end of the semester if you are not absent for any tests throughout the semester. GRADING POLICY
If for any reason you miss a test, you will be allowed to make up the test only if the absence is excused. If the absence is not excused, you will not be allowed to make up the missed test. Be responsible and clear all your absences in a timely manner! MAKE-UP TEST POLICY
DEFINITION OF CHEATING: Disseminating, copying or receiving answers, or other information by any means other than those expressly permitted by the instructor as part of any academic exercise. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to the following: MS. YU’S ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY
Looking towards other student’s papers Talking or any other forms of communication Copying answers from another person’s work onto your test/quiz IMPROPER TEST/QUIZ–TAKING BEHAVIOR
Allowing another student to copy the answers from your test/quiz Use of “cheat” sheets or having notes/answers anywhere in visible distance Use of graphing calculators with unauthorized formulas and concepts programmed IMPROPER TEST/QUIZ–TAKING BEHAVIOR
Use of cellular phones or other devices with texting or program capabilities Writing on desks, anywhere on the body, or any material object in visible distance Giving or receiving test information to or from students in other periods IMPROPER TEST/QUIZ–TAKING BEHAVIOR
Tampering with teacher materials and/or student records Stealing or the distribution of stolen tests/quizzes IMPROPER TEST/QUIZ–TAKING BEHAVIOR
Students are expected to complete own work at all times Students are allowed to discuss homework and/or classwork assignments, but not to collaborate in solving problems or writing answers unless Ms. Yu states explicitly that cooperating is allowed EXPECTED ASSIGNMENT-COMPLETION BEHAVIOR
If two or more students are found to have cooperated on a homework assignment, all students are considered to have cheated regardless of which student did the original work and which student copied EXPECTED ASSIGNMENT-COMPLETION BEHAVIOR
Note: Attempted cheating, even when unsuccessful, will be treated as academic dishonesty. Simply having observable possession of any prohibited or unauthorized information or device during an exam, even if it is not used, is an act of academic dishonesty. It will be dealt with as such. MS. YU’S ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY
An automatic zero on the assignment / quiz / test with no opportunity for make-up A notification to parent (via email, phone or mail) of the incident An automatic “U” in Work Habits for the semester DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES:
A referral sent to the discipline administrator/dean for a parent conference and a permanent notation on the student’s academic file Possible suspension from school, as deemed appropriate by school administrators/deans DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES:
An automatic drop/fail in the course and removal from the class on any second offense DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES:
All students must adhere to Ms. Yu’s Academic Honesty Policy. The policy will be strictly enforced in this class. ALL FORMS OF CHEATING WILL BE REPORTED FOR IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION! MS. YU’S ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY
A score of a zero due to a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy does not qualify as the lowest test grade to be dropped. This score will remain permanently on your cumulative grade report for the remainder of the semester. TAFT’S ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY AND THE GRADING POLICY
A use of a cell phone during class time is strictly prohibited The cell phone will be confiscated upon detection by Ms. Yu The cell phone will be turned in to the Dean’s Office for retrieval by a parent/guardian MS. YU’S CELL PHONE POLICY
Homework will be given every day or after each new lesson. Homework is worth 2 points if completed on time. Late homework will be not accepted. You are responsible for homework when you are absent. You will have a day or the number of days absent after your return to turn in your work for full credit. HOMEWORK / MAKE-UP POLICY
For any reason you need to leave the room, you are allowed up to 4 passes without penalty. For each pass you do not use, you will receive 1 extra credit point. Thus, if you never leave the room, you will receive 4 extra credit points at the end of the semester. You must have a Taft photo ID to use a hall pass – no exceptions! HALL PASSES
You will have the opportunity to earn homework passes. These passes are valid until the end of the semester, and can be used at any time desired. A homework pass will earn you full credit toward one homework assignment at any given time. Any unused passes can be traded in for extra credit points at the end of the semester. HOMEWORK PASSES
MS. YU’S HOMEWORK PASS Name ______________________ Period _____________________ Date Issued ________________ NO HOMEWORK Expires Dec. 18, 2015 HOMEWORK PASSES
CLASS WEBSITE / E-MAIL / VOICEMAIL INFORMATION Class Website: Google Class Website /msyumath2015 Email Address: The best means of communication is through email. I will email you back as soon as possible. Make sure you identify yourself in the email. CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACT PREFERENCE
PLEASE FILL OUT THE CLASS SURVEY ON THE GOOGLE CLASS SITE: 1) You must set up a gmail account if you do not have one already. We will be using google apps for future class assignments for this class. 2) Log on to the Google Site at and take the Algebra 1 Class Survey.
HOMEWORK ASSISTANCE You will have access to all lecture notes, online links and review sheets on the class website: CLASS WEBSITE
Class website will be updated daily Grades will be available online at Grades will be posted after a quiz/test by your password IDs Stay informed of your grade at all times and make-up any missed assignments when you are absent ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
You will need one composition notebook for Algebra 1 Notes. You will receive a consumable Algebra 1 workbook. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
You are responsible for bringing the composition workbook & consumable Algebra 1 workbook to class everyday. You do not need to bring a textbook to class. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Tutoring is available before school or during nutrition / lunch in my room After school tutoring is available in the library and lunch peer tutoring is available in other math classes within the math department Inform me if you believe there is an error on your grade report as soon as possible Share your password to check grades online with your parent / guardian! (I will share it eventually anyway…) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Every student in Algebra 1 will take a computational test on Wednesday and Thursday Every student in Algebra 1 will take a UCLA Algebra 1 Readiness Test on Friday These two test scores will not count toward your grade in the class DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
Solve as many problems on the Brain Teaser Worksheet At the end of the period, the students with the most number of correct answers will receive a prize BRAIN TEASERS
1) Do they have a 4 th of July in England? BRAIN TEASER Answer: Yes, every country has July 4 th on the calendar
2) How many birthdays does an average man have? BRAIN TEASER Answer: Every man has only one birthday
3) Some months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days? BRAIN TEASER Answer: 12 – every month has at least 28 days
4) A woman gives a beggar 50 cents. The woman is the beggar’s sister, but the beggar is not the woman’s brother. Why? BRAIN TEASER Answer: the beggar is the woman’s sister.
5) How many outs are there in a baseball inning? BRAIN TEASER Answer: 6 outs in an inning
6) A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long will the pills last? BRAIN TEASER Answer: 1 hour
7) A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 die. How many are left? BRAIN TEASER Answer: 9
8) Would you rather a crocodile attack you or an alligator? BRAIN TEASER Answer: I would rather the crocodile attack the alligator.
9) How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen? BRAIN TEASER Answer: twelve
10) What was the President’s name in 1970? BRAIN TEASER Answer: Barack Obama
11) Using exactly four straight lines, without taking your pen off the paper, can you join all nine dots? You can’t retrace your path. BRAIN TEASER
12) How many triangles can you find of any size in this diagram? BRAIN TEASER Answer: 47 Triangles
13) What relationship to you is your father's only brother's wife's only brother-in-law? BRAIN TEASER Answer: My Father
14) If today is Friday, what is the day that follows the day that comes after the day that precedes the day before yesterday? BRAIN TEASER Answer: Thursday
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