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MANAGEMENT. is important! 

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2 E-mail is important! 

3 AGENDA  Outlook Review  Viewing Options  Calendar  Most important Outlook tools  Managing your Inbox  Email Processing System  Day-to Day Tips Sending E-mail  Exercise: E-mail management in action

4 Outlook Review: Basic Tools  Viewing Options  Navigation Pane Inbox, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks  Reading Pane  To-Do Bar  Note: is different Mobile Access  Calendar  Viewing Options  Appointments/Meetings Scheduling Assistant  Tasks  *Integrating e-mail into your calendar/tasks

5 Outlook Review: Basic Tools  Inbox  Sort Incoming E-mail Oldest on top  Color coding Suggested codes: To-Do, Waiting for Response, “Project XYZ,” Ongoing Work, Respond by XX  Cabinet/Folders  Outlook tools  Mail Settings (File Menu-”Options”) Notifications Signatures Quick Access Toolbar  Out of Office reply  Quick Steps  “Move” & “Rules”

6 Managing your Inbox *Important system for “clean up” and day-to-day use  E-mail Processing System 1. Delete 2. Respond 3. React 4. File 5. Set goals and stick to them 6. Create time for semi-annual clean up

7 Step 1-Delete  Delete  Mass E-mail  Junk E-mail  Old e-mail that is no longer relevant  Non-recent e-mails from ongoing thread  Reduce the number of e-mails you receive  Separate personal e-mail to another account Change Facebook/LinkedIn settings  Unsubscribe to Junk Mail  Let Outlook do the work Set up auto rules to move RSS feeds or ListServes

8 Step 2-Respond  Respond  Start every e-mail session with 1-minute rule  Respond appropriately Only when necessary Length/Tone  Use your discretion on timing May need time to “cool off” or think through a concept May need time to discuss with others/supervisor May need time to research or gather info  Respond fully to the info requested

9 Step 3-React  React  Delegate to someone else Forwarding-Make sure you frame the email first Create a task if you need to follow up  Set up a meeting Attach the e-mail to a meeting and send appointment  Change the subject/Code the item accordingly Use color coding to help prioritize Suggested number of categories: 4-5 Goal: increase familiarity of each e-mail (1 touch guide) Caution: Don’t use coding as a to-do list

10 Step 4: File  Cabinet/Folders  An unlimited number of folders and subfolders can be created Use clear names for folders and break down topics as much as possible Let your work guide your organizational system Use detailed subjects for e-mails before storing (think about search capabilities)  Caution: This is not a permanent storage solution Options: Print to PDF or Save As to network drive or external hard drive

11 Step 5: Setting E-mail Goals  After assessing the amount of e-mail you receive, set “Close of Business” or “Close of Week” goals  Could be in number of e-mails in inbox  Could be in number/percentage of e-mails “processed”  Create a goal that makes your inbox more “approachable”

12 Step 6: Semi-Annual Clean Up  Block out time twice a year (approximately 2 hours) to sort through e-mail and folders  Review entire inbox  Review folders Delete, Re-file, or move to permanent storage  Review auto rules  Review any lingering tasks

13 Day to Day Tips  Don’t answer e-mail all day  Set 2-4 specific times/day to respond to email 1 minute rule  Keep a separate To-Do List  When you do check e-mail, be intentional  Turn off e-mail notifications  Don’t use most productive time to check mail  “Reset” inbox to reflect unread e-mail

14 Day to Day Tips: Sending E-mail  Select meaningful subject line  Remember the 1-minute rule  Keep it short & factual  Bulleted ideas or lists  Utilize “draft” feature  “Reply” vs. “Reply All”  Forwarding  Out of Office reply  Specific and Helpful  Signature

15 Group Exercise  E-mail Management in Action  Assisting the Fullbright Teacher Exchange Delete Respond One minute rule React File

16 Take Home Information  E-mail Management Cheat Sheet  E-mail Retention Policy: l%20Retention%20Policy.pdf l%20Retention%20Policy.pdf  Outlook Training tips available at ml#O ml#O

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