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Notices You have 18 more days to complete your final project!

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Presentation on theme: "Notices You have 18 more days to complete your final project!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Notices You have 18 more days to complete your final project!
Collaborate with each other (NOT Copy!!) Presentations will be held on March 7 (Tuesday) and March 9 (Thursday) In Rm. 301 During Lab Hours Magiboard, Projector, Notebook PC will be available to you Use the Color Printer!

2 COMBINATIONAL LOGIC Complete Reading 4.2 Start Reading 4.3
(dynamic CMOS) Combinational Logic

3 Fast Complex Gate - Design Techniques
Transistor Sizing Minimize tp(worst-case) Progressive Sizing As long as fan-out capacitance dominates Transistor Ordering Minimize Critical Path Improved Logic Design Minimize fan-in Lumping all the internal capacitances of the circuit into one load capacitor (CL) is an oversimplification. If the individual capacitors at the internal nodes are considered separately, it can be seen that transistor M1 has to supply discharging current to all the capacitors, but MN must only discharge CL. Hence MN can be smaller than M1. The transistors can be sized progressively as shown. Example 4.3 in the text shows how progressive sizing can yield a speed improvement of 30% over a non-sized approach. Note: Only the PDN is considered here. The same approach applies to the PUN.

4 Fast Complex Gate - Design Techniques
Buffering Isolate fan-in from fan-out Ratioed Logic (NMOS, Pseudo-NMOS) To reduce the # transistors Adaptive Load Reduce power dissipation during standby Lumping all the internal capacitances of the circuit into one load capacitor (CL) is an oversimplification. If the individual capacitors at the internal nodes are considered separately, it can be seen that transistor M1 has to supply discharging current to all the capacitors, but MN must only discharge CL. Hence MN can be smaller than M1. The transistors can be sized progressively as shown. Example 4.3 in the text shows how progressive sizing can yield a speed improvement of 30% over a non-sized approach. Note: Only the PDN is considered here. The same approach applies to the PUN.

5 Fast Complex Gate - Design Techniques
Dual Cascode Voltage Switch Logic (DCVSL) No static power dissipation! More complex (=> more area) Pass Transistor Logic N transistors No Static power consumption Lumping all the internal capacitances of the circuit into one load capacitor (CL) is an oversimplification. If the individual capacitors at the internal nodes are considered separately, it can be seen that transistor M1 has to supply discharging current to all the capacitors, but MN must only discharge CL. Hence MN can be smaller than M1. The transistors can be sized progressively as shown. Example 4.3 in the text shows how progressive sizing can yield a speed improvement of 30% over a non-sized approach. Note: Only the PDN is considered here. The same approach applies to the PUN.

6 Pass-Transistor Logic
u t s Switch Network Out A B

7 NMOS-only switch does not pull up to 5V, but 5V - V
A = 5 V B C = 5 V C L M 2 1 n Threshold voltage loss causes static power consumption does not pull up to 5V, but 5V - V TN

8 Solution 1: Transmission Gate

9 Resistance of Transmission Gate

10 Pass-Transistor Based Multiplexer

11 Transmission Gate XOR A B F M1 M2 M3/M4

12 Delay in Transmission Gate Networks

13 Elmore Delay (Chapter 8)
1 C 2 i-1 i -1 N V in Assume All internal nodes are precharged to VDD and a step voltage is applied at the input Vin, then delay at node N is t C = j j i = å i 1 j 1 See page 475

14 Delay Optimization

15 NMOS Only Logic: Level Restoring Transistor
DD V Level Restorer DD M r B M 2 X A M n Out M 1 • Advantage: Full Swing • Disadvantage: More Complex, Larger Capacitance • Other approaches: reduced threshold NMOS

16 Level Restoring Transistor
(a) Output node (b) Intermediate node X 2 4 6 t (nsec) -1.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 V o u ( ) X with without B

17 Solution 3: Single Transistor Pass Gate with VT=0

18 Complimentary Pass Transistor Logic

19 4 Input NAND in CPL

20 Standard Cell Layout Methodology
Appendix C Page 264 Combinational Logic

21 Standard Cell Layout Methodology

22 Two Versions of (a+b).c a c b x GND V (a) Input order { a c b }
DD (a) Input order { a c b } (b) Input order { a b c

23 Logic Graph Euler Path

24 Consistent Euler Path GND x V DD c b a i j { a b c}

25 Example: x = ab+cd

26 Combinational Logic: Dynamic CMOS
Read Section 4.3 Combinational Logic

27 Dynamic Logic • Precharge 2 phase operation: • Evaluation V f M Out C
DD PDN f In 1 2 3 Out PUN C L network n 2 phase operation: • Evaluation • Precharge

28 Example M V f Out A B C • N + 1 Transistors • Ratioless
DD f Out A B C • N + 1 Transistors • Ratioless • No Static Power Consumption • Noise Margins small (NM L ) • Requires Clock

29 Transient Response 0.00e+00 2.00e-09 4.00e-09 6.00e-09 t (nsec) 0.0
V o u t ( l ) f out PRECHARGE EVALUATION

30 Dynamic 4 Input NAND Gate
VDD Out In1 In2 In3 In4 f GND

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