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Nuclear Industry Setting Skills Standards. Industry Standard Training and Qualifications NITF + Qualifications + Industry training standards Skills Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Industry Setting Skills Standards. Industry Standard Training and Qualifications NITF + Qualifications + Industry training standards Skills Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Industry Setting Skills Standards

2 Industry Standard Training and Qualifications NITF + Qualifications + Industry training standards Skills Standards

3 Nuclear Standards Governance NESG NISSAG Standard setting body Expert Group Nuclear Energy Skills Alliance

4 Role of Groups NESG Nuclear Employers Steering Group Sets the Nuclear Industry Strategy regarding NITF content LMI/research agenda Sets the Nuclear Industry Skills Action Plan to be delivered by Cogent Manages Industry Engagement Chair – Cogent Board member Members Senior representatives from each segment of the industry Decommissioning Fuel cycle Generation Supply chain Defence Cogent plus NSAN NISSAG Nuclear Industry Skills Standards Advisory Group Custodian of the Industry Skills Standards Implement the agreed strategy for NITF Manage resourcing of activity Chair – Employer Members Industry skills/training professionals from each segment as above Cogent plus NSAN Expert GroupsTask and finish groups commissioned by NISSAG to provide expertise on a particular standard or group of standards As deemed appropriate to complete the task

5 NITF Strategy Database of the Industry skills standards in the form of job contexts, qualifications and training standards Is part of the Nuclear Skills Passport Should only seek to produce standards where there is industry wide benefit Only produce standards where it is intended to deliver through NSAN accredited providers and NEF assured companies Companies can enter training on the skills passport for their own record where no industry standard exists

6 Job Context We currently have 6 Job Context Families on the NITF. The strategy is to produce job contexts for: - Safety Case Preparation -Nuclear site Waste Management -Extend Project Management Job Context family See

7 Qualifications We currently have 11 nuclear specific qualifications NITF include general qualifications where these sit within job context and are agreed through NISSAG as Nuclear Industry relevant Cogent will develop further National Occupational Standards and Qualifications where the Industry request this, their is sufficient population to justify the work and there is demand for a qualification We currently have work underway for Nuclear Material Accounting and Safeguards and Operating Technicians.

8 Training Standards We currently have 26 training standards Training standards underpin job contexts We produce training standards where there is considered to be a benefit from an industry wide approach Where there is industry commitment to move to a standard approach through Nuclear Academy accredited providers There is enormous potential to make lots of standards but we need to use what we have already This area needs clarity regarding priorities and better uptake – standards sat on the database adding no value. Delivery model required Has enormous potential for industry wide benefits through common standards, industry wide purchasing, elimination of repeat training – Pick a couple of winners

9 Standards and Qualifications Prospectus




13 Training Standards Basic Common Induction Standard Basic Nuclear Industry Context Basic Nuclear Industry Behaviours Foundation in Radiological Protection UK Legislation and International Recommendations Principles of Protection Against Internal Radiation Principles of Protection Against External Radiation Introduction to Project Management Foundations of Project Management Project Management Practitioner Working SafelyManaging Safely Occupational Health and Safety (Contractors - Engineering Construction) Occupational Health and Safety (Supervisors - Engineering Construction) First Aid at Work Initial First Aid at Work Re- qualifier Ladder SafetyWorking at HeightAsbestos AwarenessManual Handling Industrial Gas Safety Awareness Industrial Gas Safety Practice Cryogenic Gas Safety Awareness Cryogenic Gas Safety Practice Laboratory Gas Safety Awareness

14 THE SKILLS PYRAMID STEM VOCATIONAL TRAINING DEGREES HIGHER LEVEL The Nuclear Skills Passport recording nationally recognised skills and training across and underpinning the skills pyramid CPD Rolled out in 2010 starting with Basic requirement:- Basic Common Induction Basic Nuclear Industry Context Basic Nuclear Behaviours

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