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AB 490 and McKinney-Vento Bridging education for homeless families and foster youth Alameda County Office of Education Student Programs and Services Foster.

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Presentation on theme: "AB 490 and McKinney-Vento Bridging education for homeless families and foster youth Alameda County Office of Education Student Programs and Services Foster."— Presentation transcript:

1 AB 490 and McKinney-Vento Bridging education for homeless families and foster youth Alameda County Office of Education Student Programs and Services Foster Youth Services *** Alameda County Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership November 2, 2012 Elizabeth Tarango, MSW, PPSC (510) 670-7752

2 Training Goals To have an awareness of educational laws that assist foster youth and youth in transition To understand the youth populations served by the court and community schools administered by ACOE

3 Alameda County Office of Education  Education Services  Business  Student Programs and Services Student support programs & Court and Community Schools Student support programs & Court and Community Schools  Butler Academic Center (Juvenile Hall)  Thunder Road  Camp Sweeney  Hayward Community School  Bridge Academy  Cal-Safe (Burke and Fruitvale)  Quest Academy  Early Intervention

4 Student Similarities  Temporary/transitional home placements  Highly mobile population  Multiple school placement history  Parents who are unemployed  Parents with substance abuse  Missing school records including transcripts, IEP’s, and immunizations

5 Common Goals Between MKV and AB 490  Improve student academic achievement  Reduce student truancy and drop out rates  Remove barriers that prevent academic success

6 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act  Immediate school enrollment  Free/reduced meals  School supplies  Transportation  Support service referrals

7 MKV Eligibility Reside in:  Shelter  Motel or hotel  Shared housing  Abandoned building  Car  Campground  Street

8 AB 490/AB 1933  Decisions based on best interest  Remain in school of origin  District must provide a liaison  Transfer school records within two business days  Immediate enrollment  Earn partial credits (for all youth)

9 FYS Partners  Oakland Unified School District  Department of Children and Family Services (SSA)  Alameda County Juvenile Probation  Beyond Emancipation  Disability Rights Education Defense Fund  National Center for Youth Law  East Bay Children’s Law Offices  Youth Advocate Program (former foster youth)  Foster Youth Alliance

10 Services Provided by FYS  Obtain school records (Foster Focus)  One on one tutoring in home settings  Education mentor services  Participate in Team Decision Meetings  Attend 241.1 hearings (cross over youth)  Meet with incarcerated youth who will be placed in an LCI, provide self-advocacy training and obtain all school records  Trainings  Notify districts of potential change of placements

11 Breaking Down the Barriers Breaking Down the Barriers  AB 490, AB 1933, AB 167, AB 1909 & AB 12  Enrollment/Withdrawal of student  Identify education rights holder  Transcript analysis  Post-secondary options  Resources/Contacts

12 AB 167  Applies to foster youth who change/transfer schools in 11 th or 12 th grade  Can graduate with state minimum requirement vs. district graduation requirement (130 vs 230)  District determines “reasonableness” to graduate under AB 167  Non-special education students must still pass the CAHSEE

13 AB 1909 Regarding expulsions: Legal notification of Discipline Hearing must include dependency attorney and the child welfare worker

14 Resources/Contacts  Foster youth education fact sheets  Alameda County foster youth and MKV district liaisons  MKV  

15 Questions? Thank you!

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