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HSB4U Chapter 4. Bhutan Gross National Happiness: 4YNvI 4YNvI Tourism Council.

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Presentation on theme: "HSB4U Chapter 4. Bhutan Gross National Happiness: 4YNvI 4YNvI Tourism Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSB4U Chapter 4

2 Bhutan Gross National Happiness: 4YNvI 4YNvI Tourism Council of Bhutan. (2012). Where to go; what to do. Retrieved Oct. 15, 2012 from

3 Bhutan’s Enlightened Experiment National Geographic, photos – hutan/addario-photography hutan/addario-photography

4 Where is Bhutan? countries/bhutan-map/ countries/bhutan-map/

5 115-120 Notes Check __Mass culture A: Send and receive information; give free time? Become dependent on it; instant availability affects social relationships __ Computer communication technology B: Homes with at least 5 techs – blurred line between home and work __ Infomated households C: More affordable technologies lead to access to culture for more people Therefore, …

6 Bhutan and Mass Culture/Infomated Households What happened to Bhutanese families when they got more access to mass culture and families became infomated households?

7 ANTHROPOLOGY – SYSTEMS OF LAND USE Technology: An Agent of Social Change

8 Canada’s Food System “… an increasingly small group of companies have gained enormous power over Canada's food supply. … four retailers control more than 70 per cent of grocery sales; two companies control 95 per cent of finished cattle slaughter; two control two-thirds of flour production; globally, just 10 multinationals control two-thirds of proprietary seeds, the basis of food. Many Canadian farmers … see little future in independent food production here, which is shocking given increasing world hunger. More than a third of our farmers, holding half of all farm assets, are set to retire and most don't want their children to farm. Corporations are most likely to snap up those farms.” Adapted from Webb, M. (2009, Oct. 15). Canada needs a national food strategy. Toronto Star. Retrieved Oct. 15, 2009 from


10 Meat Packing

11 Ontario Food Terminal




15 Agricultural Societies Horticultural Societies –Extensive –Intensive Intensive Agriculture –Irrigation, flood irrigation –Plough, draft plough

16 Fires from Space NASA Earth Observatory. (2002, Sept. 14). Slash and burn agriculture in Brazil. Retrieved March 31, 2014 from

17 Modern Farming Mechanization Corporate over family farms Scientific approach Computerization Dominant paradigm How were the above concepts portrayed in Beef Inc.?

18 GM Foods Also known as GE (genetically engineered), GMO (genetically modified organisms) Claims: –Needed in order to feed a growing population Increase production Make it sustainable (available for the future)

19 The World According to Monsanto Fill in worksheet as we watch the video. –“Monsanto is a sustainable agriculture company. We deliver agricultural products that support farmers all around the world.” – efault.aspx efault.aspx

20 Monsanto At a Glance Fortune 500 Company Headquarters: St. Louis, Missouri, United States Products: Agricultural and vegetable seeds Plant biotechnology traits Crop protection chemicals Globally: 21,183 employees 404 facilities in 66 countries United States: 10,277 employees 146 facilities in 33 states

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