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Sollemnis, -is, -e ceremonial, solemn; usual, customary, traditional.

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Presentation on theme: "Sollemnis, -is, -e ceremonial, solemn; usual, customary, traditional."— Presentation transcript:

1 sollemnis, -is, -e ceremonial, solemn; usual, customary, traditional

2 taurus, tauri bull

3 macto, mactare, mactavi, mactatus to slay sacrificially, sacrifice

4 tranquillus, -a, -um calm, tranquil

5 horresco, horrescere to shake with fear, tremble, shudder

6 anguis, anguis, m./f. snake, serpent

7 incumbo, incumbere, incubui to bend towards, lean on; to lie down upon, to press upon, to press on (with an activity), exert oneself

8 pariter together, side by side; equally; in the same manner, alike; at the same time, simultaneously

9 iuba, iubae mane; crest, plume

10 pone in the rear, behind

11 sinuo, sinuare to bend, curve; to move in a curved course, wind

12 volumen, voluminis, n. roll, coil

13 salum, sali sea (in motion), swell, billow; open sea, deep

14 sufficio, sufficere, suffeci, suffectus to supply, provide; to imbue, stain

15 sibilus, -a, -um hissing

16 vibro, vibrare, vibravi to move quickly back & forth; to dart out; to flicker

17 diffugio, diffugere, diffūgi to run away in different directions, scatter

18 visus, visūs, m. power of seeing, vision; gaze; a thing seen, a sight

19 exsanguis, -is, -e bloodless; pale

20 serpens, serpentis, m. snake, serpent

21 implico, implicare, implicavi/implicui, implicatus/implicitus to fold; to enfold, wrap around

22 depascor, depasci, depastus sum To eat up, devour

23 spira, spirae coil

24 medium, medii middle, center

25 collum, colli neck

26 squameus, -a, -um covered with scales, scaly

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