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Managing Farm/Ranch Labor Dr. Cole R. Gustafson Dept. of Agribusiness North Dakota State University Feb. 19, 2008 Providence, RI

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Farm/Ranch Labor Dr. Cole R. Gustafson Dept. of Agribusiness North Dakota State University Feb. 19, 2008 Providence, RI"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Farm/Ranch Labor Dr. Cole R. Gustafson Dept. of Agribusiness North Dakota State University Feb. 19, 2008 Providence, RI

2 Farm/Ranch Labor Hired Labor Family and Friends

3 How Well Do You Delegate? 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Weak 3. Ok 4. Good 5. Great

4 How Well Do You Define Specific Duties? 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Weak 3. Ok 4. Good 5. Great

5 How Well Do You Compensate? 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Weak 3. Ok 4. Good 5. Great

6 How Can You Handle This? List 3 approaches Discuss in Group Mr. Bud Light

7 Strategies to Handle 1) Avoidance 2) Specific Warning 3) Humor 4) Penalize 5) Authority 6) Vague Threat 7) Problem Solving 8) Explanation 9) Appeal to Values

8 Dealing with Tardiness 1. Avoidance 2. Specific Warning 3. Humor 4. Penalize 5. Authority 6. Vague Threat 7. Problem Solving 8. Explanation 9. Appeal to Values

9 How Can You Handle This? Mr. I. M. Family

10 Approaches to Hiring Casual Formal Choose Employee Who: ChanceEmotionalClinicalSystematic Walks inFeels Right Seems Suited Meets Criteria

11 Steps in the Hiring Process Describe the job Recruit –Advertise –Solicit referrals –Conduct informal interviews Screen applicants and inform those not considered Interview/test candidates Check references Extend offer TrainReview

12 Sample Job Description (From, p82)

13 Sample Interview (From, p96)

14 Sample Job Questions (From, p98)

15 Where to Find Employees? Fastest growing segment in U.S.? 1) Teenagers 13-19 years old 2) Hispanics 20-29 years old 3) Suburbanites 30-39 years old 4) Senior citizens 65-75 years old

16 Compensation 1)How much to pay? 2)Benefits? 3)Perks?

17 What is Family Living in ND 1. $10,000 2. $15,000 3. $20,000 4. $25,000 5. $30,000 6. $35,000 7. $40,000

18 Family Living Expense, ND Farm Bus. Mgmt Actual Yearly Average Trend = $1,820 Annual Increase

19 Working with Family/Friends

20 How Does Your Farm/Ranch Differ? Differ in physical attributes? Differ in organization, communication?

21 How Does Your Farm/Ranch Differ? Differ in physical attributes? Differ in organization, communication? These observable differences reflect unique goals/strategies They are neither right, nor wrong Only you can determine if selected strategy is meeting your goal

22 Are the Headaches of a Large Farm Worth it? Average net income of large farms (>1,600 acres) - $51,374 (>1,600 acres) - $51,374 Income of upper small farms (<1,600 acres) - $49,834 (North Dakota Farm Business Management Education Records, 2002)

23 Why Plan Strategically With Family? Happiness, feel content Smooth interactions with others Economic Dealing with unexpected events

24 The Planning Process

25 What is MY Plan? My Goals Spouse Goals Farm Goals

26 Exercise #1 List 2-3 of your most precious moments in life so far

27 Exercise #2 List 2-3 of your most precious moments in life so far List something else about that day??

28 What is MY Plan? My Goals -Requires deep thought -Dynamic planning

29 Exercise #3 List 2-3 things you really want to do yet

30 Money vs. Happiness After basic needs are met (food, shelter, etc.), people with more income are not happier Buying time: –Keep your commute short –Choose time over money –Think carefully what you spend on –Use leisure time wisely

31 What is MY Plan? Spouse Goals -Requires spouse to plan -Goals don’t have to be identical -Communication

32 What is MY Plan? Farm Goals -Many entities -Dedicated time/process

33 How to talk to family? Too often is not enough Set aside regular time Everyone has equal input

34 References Arthur, Diane, Managing Human Resources in Small and Mid-sized Companies, American Management Association, New York, 1995 Billikopf, Gregory Encina, Labor Management in Ag: Cultivating Personal Productivity, University of California, 1998 Thomas, Kenneth, H. and Bernard L. Erven, Farm Personnel Management, North Central Regional Extension Publication 329, 1989

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