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OCTOBER 27, 2009 Qualitative Research Insights. Cautions: Qualitative Research Insights are not representative of any population  Not even representative.

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Presentation on theme: "OCTOBER 27, 2009 Qualitative Research Insights. Cautions: Qualitative Research Insights are not representative of any population  Not even representative."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCTOBER 27, 2009 Qualitative Research Insights

2 Cautions: Qualitative Research Insights are not representative of any population  Not even representative of the companies that were in the room  The comments in this slide set are candidates for hypothesis testing in the subsequent quantitative study.  Coming up: a survey with companies in the Boulder County and surrounding area

3 Who participated….. Approximately 45 calls yielded 5 actual participants  4 other HR professionals wanted to participate- had conflicts 5 companies in the immediate area…all with hundreds of employees—promised confidentiality  Science and technology  Medical products  Consumer products  Staffing services Representation from small to large organizations All 5 participants have open positions—and some with multiple positions open

4 Key Findings: Trends Companies are loosening up on hiring—cautiously May be more emphasis on temp to hire Volunteerism in the standard line/staff organizations isn’t embraced  Concern for legal exposure Time to fill position from open req to acceptance can range from 30 to 54 days Barriers or pain points in the hiring process:  Candidate pool, negotiations, relocations Candidates greatest challenge: competition

5 Key Findings: Resumes-Cover Letters Don’t use a functional resume….rarely liked  Hides progression in a career  Hides gaps in employment  Doesn’t show where skills/experiences were learned/applied Watch out for “canned” keywords and phrases— turns off the audience—be genuine Consider a matrix whereby you compare job description to your experience  Cover letters aren’t always reviewed…so it may be part of resume or another attachment Not all keywords are in job description “To be terrific, you must be specific”

6 Favorite Interview Questions 1. Tell me about a time when you made a mistake and what you did about it. 2. What are your greatest accomplishments and your worst regrets? (have something real for both) 3. How does this position and this company fit into your long-term objectives? 4. Tell me about a weakness you have improved upon and how it impacted your performance on the job. 5. What did your manager suggest as an improvement on your last appraisal? 6. What have you done to improve yourself since your last position? (show learning and drive to return to work)

7 Key Findings: Navigating the Process Target companies….where do you want to work? What do you want to do?  Gets you focused on something you want  Prepares you for all the steps—better resume, cover letter, interviews, etc.  May inspire passion or at least excitement Use your vast experience and longevity as an asset Best tools to use:  Linked-In, Career Builder  Employee referrals Do anything you can to save people time

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