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Humanities I Mrs. Cave-Mattie.  The Iliad is considered one of the Western World’s most important pieces of literature and culture.  It focuses on a.

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Presentation on theme: "Humanities I Mrs. Cave-Mattie.  The Iliad is considered one of the Western World’s most important pieces of literature and culture.  It focuses on a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humanities I Mrs. Cave-Mattie

2  The Iliad is considered one of the Western World’s most important pieces of literature and culture.  It focuses on a few days toward the end of the 10 year Trojan War between the Greeks and the Trojans.  It is important to remember that the Iliad was originally intended to be heard, not read  It was originally recited orally  No one is sure when it was exactly first written down  Some of the story is based on events that really happened, although a great deal of myth and legend has been added in as well.

3  Very little is known about him  Known as “The Poet”  Whether or not he was a real man is still up for debate  Most people believe that he was a real and possibly blind poet (no real evidence of this) who lived around the 8 th century B.C. (no definite date can be determined)  He writes about people who lived in Greece 500 years before him.  Either Homer, or a group of people, originally recited the tale, but Homer is given credit for writing them down, if not creating them entirely on his own.

4  The “Homeric Question” › Was Homer the single poet? Or, was the Iliad a compilation of the work of many? › Many happen to feel that the epic is a collective work of groups of scholars and poets to whom the name Homer was later applied. › Others believe that the epic has a consistency of style and outlook, which indicates that it was the genius of one writer.

5  Though little is known about Homer’s life, if he did indeed write the epic on his own, it has become an ever-lasting tribute to him.  His works have set the standards for poets of all ages, each measuring themselves against his genius.  Many believe that Homer has never been surpassed, even to this day.

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