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WZ No.8 Middle School Sunnie Zhang. How do you usually read a passage? What’s your step ? Think:

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Presentation on theme: "WZ No.8 Middle School Sunnie Zhang. How do you usually read a passage? What’s your step ? Think:"— Presentation transcript:

1 WZ No.8 Middle School Sunnie Zhang

2 How do you usually read a passage? What’s your step ? Think:

3 Skill 1: Tell the meaning of the new words. ( 1 ) According to the whole text (上下文语境) Eg: ① Jack bought a lot of things in the city. So the first thing Jack did when he got off the train was to look for a porter. ② I like teaching. It’s my career. ③ Tom was happy, but Jack was sorrowful.

4 ( 2 ) The structure of the word ( 构词法 ) Eg: ① “Come out”, shouted the man unkindly. kind un + +ly = unkindly --- adv. 不友好地 ② Her hair had become snow-white. snow + white = snow-white --- adj.

5 Skill 2: Understand long sentences. --- find the main parts of the sentence ( 找主干 --- 主语 + 谓语动词 +… ) Eg: The boy, crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was hungry because he had had nothing to eat for two days. a. b. c. He was crying as if his heart would break. When I spoke to him, the boy said he was hungry. Because he had had nothing to eat for two days.

6 Skill 3: Master the details of the passage. ( 抓住文章细节 ) ( 1 ) Tell the truth of the things ( 判断事实 ) --- get the information from the passage Eg: Q: Which of the following is (Not) True ? Why / What / When / Who / Where / How… ? ( 2 ) Simple Counting( 简单计算 )

7 Eg: Every summer many people try to swim from England to France or from France to England. The distance( 距离 )at the nearest point is only about twenty miles, but because of the strong tide( 潮水 ), the distance that must be swum is usually more than twice as far. Q: Those who want to cross the Channel must be able to swim____. A.more than 40 miles B.about 20 miles C.60miles or so far as possible A 20 miles  2 = 40 miles

8 ( 3 ) Read the chart ( 识表 ) Eg: Q: You can watch the program at____ if you enjoy popular songs on Channel___. A. 20:00, 1 B. 21:30, 1 C. 18:30, 2 D. 21:30, 2 Channel 1Channel 2 18:00 Around China18:10 Computers today 19:00 News18:30 English classroom 19:30 Weather report19:00 Animal world 20:00 Around the world19:40 China ’ 2005 21:30 Music21:30 On TV next week C

9 Skill 4: Drawing and Summarizing ( 推理和总结 ) ( 1 ) Tell the main idea of the passage Eg: ① The passage is mainly about____. ② The best title for this passage is____. ③ What is the topic of this passage?

10 ( 2 ) Infer (推断) the meaning which is hiding ( 隐藏 ) in the passage Eg : ① The passage suggest( 暗示 )________. ② We can infer _________ from the passage? ③ The central idea of the passage is that____.

11 Task: ① Read Passage Nine on Page.43, and choose the answers. ② Discuss in groups, telling each question needs which kind of skill.

12 READING SKILLS: Skill 1:Tell the meaning of the new words. Skill 2: Skill 3: Skill 4: Drawing and Summarizing. Master the details of the passage. Understand long sentences.

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