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Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Program Officer as Coach Tips from a Coach On Using Conversations To Build Capacity By Pamela McLean, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Program Officer as Coach Tips from a Coach On Using Conversations To Build Capacity By Pamela McLean, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Program Officer as Coach Tips from a Coach On Using Conversations To Build Capacity By Pamela McLean, Ph.D.

2 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching About Hudson Institute About The Hudson Institute  Over 20 years as leaders in coach training and coaching services, significant industry experience  Global reach with 200 senior coaches worldwide  Practitioners, authors and researchers in the field of coaching, including The Handbook of Coaching, The Adult Years, and LifeLaunch: A Passionate Guide to the Rest of Your Life  Frederic Hudson, Ph.D., founded The Hudson Institute in 1986 and prior to this he was Founding President of the Fielding Graduate University  Pamela McLean, Ph.D., CEO, is an organizational psychologist, author and leadership coach  The Hudson Institute is a certified woman-owned business

3 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Today’s Conversation Practicing Presence Deepening Our Listening Leading From Behind  Developing a Learner’s Mindset Q&A

4 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching What is Presence? PRESENCE creates the possibility of a very different conversation and a fresh approach to change and learning. PRESENCE requires deep listening, being open beyond one’s preconceptions and historical ways of making sense. PRESENCE requires we let go of the need to control in order to access new possibilities Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski & Flowers, Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future

5 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Practicing Presence Noticing our inner dialogue --- judgments, agendas Clearing the daily clutter in our mind Preparing to be present Welcoming an open conversation Modeling our full focus of attention Inviting their full focus

6 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Engaging with Presence Tell me what’s most on your mind. Tell me what’s most important for me to know. Talk about your passion for this. Is there something else we should explore? What aren’t we discussing that we ought to spend some time on? What possibilities are in ‘dream phase’? What challenges are you having in your organization that are important for us to think through together?

7 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Reflection Reflection: Any awareness of situations in the past week that drew you into a fully present space?

8 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching What is Deep Listening? DEEP LISTENING is far more than hearing the words that are spoken DEEP LISTENING requires we move beyond our selves (my reactions, judgments, interests, agendas, etc) DEEP LISTENING notices what is said, how it’s said, what isn’t said DEEP LISTENING creates space for empathy, collaboration, clarification, innovation, exploration and more

9 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Practicing Deep Listening Practice curiosity –Use the phrase “I’m curious” to get started Notice the energy shifts in the client’s responses Ask without knowing –Notice how often you have the answer before you ask the question Ask rather than telling

10 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Engaging with Deep Listening Keep your questions simple … –What do you want? –Where are we? –What’s next? –What do you see as the obstacles? –What have you learned? –What are your worries? –What do you need to explore this further?

11 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Reflection Reflection: A situation or two this past week when you were aware of listening at a deeper, unbiased level?

12 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching What is ‘Leading From Behind’? LEADING FROM BEHIND reminds us client comes first LEADING FROM BEHIND reminds us the client must find their own solutions if it’s going to work LEADING FROM BEHIND helps in uncovering challenges, concerns and issues LEADING FROM BEHIND shifts us from offering our solutions to hearing, encouraging their thought

13 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Practicing Leading from Behind Notice your tendency to ‘tell’ Notice how often you give advice on a daily basis Notice how often advice gets ignored Notice the level of your desire to ‘fix’ things

14 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Engaging with LFB Position Ask, don’t tell –You mentioned a concern, should we explore this? –Do you have a sense of the support you have? –Does this fit with your current initiatives? –How does this project interface with the challenges you mentioned on the homefront? –What’s going to be toughest here? –Any sense of the resources you’ll need to implement?

15 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Reflection Reflection: A situation or two this past week when you were were way ahead of your customer and leading toward the solution? A situation or two this past week when you were in the Leading From Behind stance?

16 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching What is Learner Mindset? Marilee Adams & Marshall Goldsmith, Change Your Questions, Change Your Life JudgerLearner Win-lose relationships Feels separate from others Fears differences Debates Criticizes Listens for right/wrong; differences Feedback perceived as rejection Seeks to attack or defend Win-win relationships Feels connected with others Values differences Dialogues Critiques Listens for facts, commonalities Feedback perceived as worthwhile Seeks to resolve and create

17 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching JudgerLearner What’s wrong? Who’s to blame? How can I prove I’m right? How can I protect my turf? How can I be in control? How could I lose? How could I get hurt? Why is that person so clueless and frustrating? What works? What am I responsible for? What are the facts? What’s the big picture? What are my choices? What’s useful about this? What can I learn? What’s possible? Marilee Adams & Marshall Goldsmith, Change Your Questions, Change Your Life Engaging with Learner’s Mindset

18 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Reflection Reflection: A situation or two this past week when you were in the Judger stance? A situation or two this past week when you were in the Learner stance?

19 Renewal Leadership Development Coaching Questions, Comments, Thoughts?

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