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Armor Elementary School Parent Information Night 2015 Agenda Safety/Security Volunteers DASA AIS/Title 1.

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2 Armor Elementary School Parent Information Night 2015 Agenda Safety/Security Volunteers DASA AIS/Title 1


4 Safety and Security Procedures Doors open for students at 8:50. 2-point entry access Visitors must produce a government-issued photo ID visit the school or pick up a student Personalized badge issued No bus circle entrance

5 Parent Volunteer Opportunities @ AES Helping Hands Centers in Classrooms Special Events Volunteer Training Dates: Before the first Helping Hands 20 minutes before your first time volunteering. By Appointment At the October PTSA meeting Volunteer Registration Form Volunteer Orientation

6 AIS (Title 1) Academic Intervention Services Reading Math Curriculum Reading – Intensive programs that are aligned to our core reading curriculum Sidewalks Sonday Orton-Gillingham and Wilson Individualized techniques based on student need Math – hands on strategies based on individual needs of students Assessments New York State ELA and math assessments Benchmarks for reading Unit tests in math AIMSweb measures of reading and math

7 Rights of Parents to be Involved Student Support Team (SST) Program Development/Review Additional Services Homeless Transportation Pre Kindergarten Free & Reduced Lunch Social Work ESL Services Parent Resource Centers Parents may review and/or receive a copy of the Parent Involvement Policy Communication Entrance-Exit Letters Parent-Teacher Conferences Progress Reports Activities for Parents to use at home Parent Portal (high school and middle school) AIS (Title 1)

8 Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) New law enacted July 1, 2012 To provide students a school environment that is safe, supportive, and free from discrimination, taunting, and harassment (ex. Bullying) on school property, on a school bus or at a school function.” Each building has Dignity Act coordinators: Mrs. Bennett, Mrs Tuholski, Incidents are reported, investigated, tracked Code of Conduct Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.


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