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1 (i)Service indicators (SI), related to the institutional functioning : 1. Levels of use or non-use of Gosregistr services in registration of property.

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Presentation on theme: "1 (i)Service indicators (SI), related to the institutional functioning : 1. Levels of use or non-use of Gosregistr services in registration of property."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 (i)Service indicators (SI), related to the institutional functioning : 1. Levels of use or non-use of Gosregistr services in registration of property rights; 2. Evaluation of providing the information by Gosregistr; 3. Affordability of Gosregistr services; 4. Evaluation of degree of complexity of Gosregistr procedures; 5. Evaluation of payment rate for services.

2 2 Evaluation of Gosregistr services Providing services 73.5% of the interviewed were clients of Gosregistr (549 people) and the rest 26.5% (198 people) did not apply for its services, although they were able to participate in the system registration (non-clients). 1. Levels of use or non-use of Gosregistr services in registration of property rights

3 3 Reasons for applying to Gosregistr 1. Levels of use or non-use of Gosregistr services in registration of property rights Reasons for applying to Gosregistr 7% 35% 1% 15% 32% 1% 3% 2% 4% Privatization of real estate Purchase and sale of real estate Rent of real estate Inheritance, donation or exchange of real estate Pledge for credit or mortgage Rent for use of pasture Information, inquiry on real estate Certificate on absence of real estate Other

4 4 Subject of registration, legalization or information Subject of registrationNumberPer cent House, apartment42881% Administrative /office building 20.4% Commercial building224.2% Land plot5510.4% Other234.3% 1. Levels of use or non-use of Gosregistr services in registration of property rights

5 5 Reasons for non-applying to Gosregistr Non-clients 1. Levels of use or non-use of Gosregistr services in registration of property rights Reasons for non-applying to Gosregistr 8% 26% 7% 8%11% 9% 12% 7% 12% Have not heard of such organization Have no real estate No full title documents I think one can do without registration I don’t know why it is needed I keep off difficult procedures and circumlocution Have not time Have no money to pay for services Find difficult to answer

6 6 People awareness of Gosregistr Only 8% have not heard of its existence and 16% do not know what exactly it is doing. 1. Levels of use or non-use of Gosregistr services in registration of property rights

7 7 Knowledge of purpose of registration of rights 2. Evaluation of providing information by Gosregistr

8 8 Awareness of access to information by clients and organizations About 50% interviewed clients know that in Gosregistr one can get the information on any registration right to real estate, 43% are not aware and the rest are not sure that there is such opportunity 80% organizations – respondents know that in Gosregistr it is possible to get information on any registered right to real estate. 2. Evaluation of providing information by Gosregistr

9 9 Awareness of access to information on rights to real estate by husbands and wives 2. Evaluation of providing information by Gosregistr Awareness of men and women of access to Information on registration to real estate of the married couple. Yes No Not sure Women Men Women Men

10 10 Distribution of information on registration 40% clients and organizations and 30% staff of Gosregistr believe that information on registration of rights is not properly distributed. Clients, organizations and employees of Gosregistr prefer distribution of information through aiyl okmotu (40%) and publication of brochures and booklets (34%). 2. Evaluation of providing information by Gosregistr

11 11 Sources of information on registration of rights to real estate Most popular sources of information on Gosregistr: Staff of Gosregistr (19.3%), Neighbors, relatives and acquaintances (19.2%); Mass media (16.2%); Rural and urban boards (uprava) (14%). 2. Evaluation of providing information by Gosregistr

12 12 Attitude to arrangements in rooms of LRA Almost half of the interviewed clients and organizations like arrangements in rooms of Gosregistr (47%). Some people think it could be arranged better (29%), And only 11% do not like it. 2. Evaluation of providing information by Gosregistr

13 13 Arrangements in rooms of LRA In LRA rooms services are provided politely and 83% interviewed clients and 77% organizations have never encountered incorrect behavior of the staff. Those who have encountered such servicing say that it is mainly in the fact that the receiving specialist did not observe queue (35%); Or were absent for a long time (27%). 2. Evaluation of providing information by Gosregistr

14 14 Access to services of Gosregistr (reference materials) 2. Evaluation of providing information by Gosregistr Evaluation of reference materials in Gosregistr rooms UsefulnessDesignLocation Find difficult to answer

15 15 Recommendations by clients on arrangement of LRA rooms Wishes on arrangement of the Gosregistr room NumberPer cent Add desks and chairs in the rooms13930% Have a person with the reference information in the room 12827.6% Open additional windows for receipt of documents 7415.9% Provide full information on documents and procedures in the room 5211.2% Improve operation of the cash desk408.6% Split reception of individuals and legal entities 286.0% Don’t know30.6% 2. Evaluation of providing information by Gosregistr

16 16 Distances and number of visits for legalization and registration Gosregistr agencies are located conveniently for the clients About 60% of the interviewed clients spent less than half an hour to get to its office. Others spent up to 1 hours (30%) from 2 to 3 hours (7.5%). In average a client visits Gosregistr from one to five times on one and the same matter Organizations resolve their issues mainly in 1-3 visits. 3. Accessibility of services of Gosregistr

17 17 Access to services (excessive requirements) 65% clients and 38% organizations have not encountered excessive requirements 24% clients and 46% organizations believe that annual technical inventory and update of technical passport are excessive. 11% clients and 16% organizations believe that there is not need to provide copies of the passport in every application. 3. Accessibility of Gosregistr services

18 18 Complexity in legalization and registration Procedures of legalization are not complicated for more than half of all the respondents For 61% clients and 50% organizations it was not difficult to register their rights 29% clients, 33% organizations and 42% staff of Gosregistr believe that the procedures of registration are complicated For 4% clients and organizations they are very complicated. 4. Evaluation of degree of complexity of procedures of Gosregistr

19 19 Reasons of complexity of legalization and registration mentioned by the clients Reasons for complexityNumberPer cent Problems with the other related services (rural or urban board and other) 6617.3% In Gosregistr – bureaucracy and circumlocution5915.4% Gosregistr procedures for legalization are complicated5815.2% We are not quite aware of the procedures and requirements of Gosregistr 4612.0% High rates for legalization4311.3% The Gosregistr staff is not competent enough328.4% There were no related services (like notary offices)287.3% Problems with title documents277% Gosregistr office is closely located236.0% 4. Evaluation of degree of complexity of procedures of Gosregistr

20 20 Reasons of complexity by opinion of the Gosregistr staff Main reasons of complexity by their opinion include the following: There are no related services near Gosregistr, such as notary offices (26.2%); Poor awareness by clients of procedures and requirements of Gosregistr (26%), Clients having problems with other services in arrangement of title documents ( 24%): And may be remote location of Gosregistr offices (8%). 4. Evaluation of degree of complexity of procedures of Gosregistr

21 21 Affordability of the Gosregistr services (payment for services) 39% clients and 43% organizations believe that they are affordable 32% clients and 24% organizations believe that the rate is not affordable for the poor and older people, 12% clients and 16% organizations believe that they are not affordable together with payments for other related services 11% clients and organizations believe that they are not affordable for most population.  Payment for services is affordable for most population, except for poor and older people 5. Evaluation of payment rate for services

22 22 Affordability of services payment for services Payment corresponds the volume of services 5. Evaluation of the rate of payment for services View of clients on payments to Gosregistr 49% 25% 2% 23% 1% Services were worth of payment Payment was higher than volume of services Payment was lower than volume of services Find difficult to answer Other

23 23 Conclusions and recommendations : 1. High awareness of Gosregistr and use of its services for protection of property rights and receipt of credits are noted. 2. Mass media and local governments play an important role in formation of public opinion on Gosregistr. Gosregistr may achieve much by direct distribution of information, including support of the inquiry telephone lines and more informative web-site. 3. Degree of direct access is very high – almost 90% clients spend less than one hour to get to their LRA.

24 24 4. Rate is considered to be mainly affordable and acceptable. 5. The clients provided good comments on degree of complexity of procedures of registration. Part of the clients are not aware of urgency services provided and of providing information on real estate to any person 6. Non-clients believe that the procedure of registration is complicated. 7. It is necessary to ensure awareness of the population on services provided by LRA, on the urgency mode, on transparency of information and ensure convenience of servicing the clients by adequate arrangement of rooms for acceptance of documents in LRA.

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