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Barbara M. Fraumeni Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine & the National Bureau of Economic Research, USA Measurement of Non-market.

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Presentation on theme: "Barbara M. Fraumeni Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine & the National Bureau of Economic Research, USA Measurement of Non-market."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barbara M. Fraumeni Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine & the National Bureau of Economic Research, USA Measurement of Non-market Output and Health OECD/ONS/Government of Norway Workshop, Session 5 London, England, UK October 4, 2006 A Human Capital Approach to Measuring Government Education Output

2 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy BOTTOM LINE  A human capital approach could significantly increase the measured ROG of government education output  It looks beyond a body count to the impact of education on lifetime income

3 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy J-F-C Project Goal  As a first step, draws upon Jorgenson- Fraumeni (1992a, 1992b) methodology  The current Jorgenson-Fraumeni-Christian (JFC) project aims to:  Develop estimates from 1960-2004  Experiment with a smaller set of data  Modify and refine the J-F methodology for various purposes

4 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy Context  The Atkinson Report: Consideration of “an adjustment to reflect the value of education for future earnings”  Simplistic view: Looking at the real rate of growth in wages  J-F-C view: Directly measure the impact of education on lifetime earnings

5 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy Output Targets  All formal education – (J-F)  Government-provided (public) formal education only  Output from school inputs

6 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy Variations of J-F  Literature on relative earnings of publicly vs. privately educated individuals?  Output from school inputs only requires adjusting for  Children’s time  Parent’s time helping  Compositional effects such as non- native speakers

7 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy Additional Refinements  Graduate school issues  Dealing with investment in education for elementary school enrollees with a more aggregated data set  Rose-colored glasses?  Time spent in school  Years to complete a level (college)  Hours spent in school (or doing homework)

8 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy Methodology  Construction of expected future lifetime income (market plus nonmarket) for all individuals in the US  Determined from the cohort alive in a particular year  Investment in education (education output) is = the difference between expected lifetime income of an individual enrolled in school and someone of same sex and age who has one year less of education

9 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy Stages of Life Lifetime incomes are calculated by a backwards recursion, starting with age 75  Stage 5: Age 75+, retirement  Stage 4: Age 35-74, work only  Stage 3: Age 16-34, work and school  Stage 2: Age 5-15, school only  Stage 1: Age 0-4, no work or school

10 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy So What? Growth Rates EnrollmentsInvestment in Education (constant$) 1960-1986 (J-F).6%2.7% 1986-2004 (J-F-C) 1.2%?

11 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy 1960-1986 vs. 1986-2004 College: The Critical Factor Growth Rates Enrollment Growth Rates Wage Gap College to Other Levels 1960-1986 J-F 4.6% (.6%) Decreases often, but also increases 1986-2004 J-F-C 1.8% (1.2%) Increases substantially

12 Muskie School of Public Service Ph.D. Program in Public Policy 1960-1986 vs. 1986-2004 College: The Critical Factor 1960-1986: Enrollments are the driver 1986-2004: The wage gap as reflected in lifetime income will be the driver Actual Estimates: J-F-C Project

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