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Vergil’s Aeneid From Troy to Italy. Publius Vergilius Maro 70 BC – 19 BC.

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Presentation on theme: "Vergil’s Aeneid From Troy to Italy. Publius Vergilius Maro 70 BC – 19 BC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vergil’s Aeneid From Troy to Italy

2 Publius Vergilius Maro 70 BC – 19 BC

3 Aeneas, legendary founder of the Roman race

4 arma virumque canō… I sing about arms and a man…

5 Juno sent a horrible storm for Aeneas.

6 forsan et haec ōlim meminisse iuvābit. Perhaps one day it will be pleasing to remember even these things.

7 Aeneas meets his mother, Venus.

8 sum pius Aenēas. Ītaliam quaerō pātriam et genus ab Iove summō. I am pious Aeneas. I seek the country Italy and a race descended from highest Jupiter.

9 Aeneas meets Dido, the Queen of Carthage.

10 dux fēmina factī. The leader of the deed was a woman.

11 Dido wants to hear all about the fall of Troy and Aeneas’ escape.

12 The Trojans and the Greeks fought for many years.

13 The Greeks built a giant wooden horse. Some Greeks hid inside.

14 timeō Danaōs et dōna ferentēs. I fear the Greeks, even when they bear gifts.

15 The Greeks take over and burn the city.

16 Aeneas leads his son Ascanius and carries his father Anchises from the city.

17 nōn haec sine nūmine dīvum ēveniunt. These things do not happen without the divine will of the gods.

18 Carthage is Dido’s city. Aeneas is destined to go to Italy and find a new home for his people.

19 hīc amor, haec pātria est. This is my love, this is my country.

20 Aeneas and his men sail away.

21 Dido had fallen in love with Aeneas. When he left, she was heartbroken and killed herself.

22 The Sibyl helps Aeneas go to the Underworld to speak to his father, Achates.

23 regere imperiō populōs, pācisque impōnere mōrem, parcere sūbiectīs et dēbellāre superbōs. To rule the people by your command and to establish a custom of peace, to spare the fallen and subdue the proud.

24 Lavinia is to be wed to Turnus.

25 Aeneas meets with Evander.

26 sub tē tolerāre magistrō mīlitiam et grave Martis opus. to learn from you about the military and the grave nature of war.

27 Venus gives Aeneas a great shield.

28 attollēns umerō fāmamque et fāta nepōtum. He lifted it onto his shoulder along with the fame and fate of his descendants.

29 War breaks out between the Trojans and the Rutuli.

30 sed fāmam extendere factīs, hōc virtūtis opus. But the power of virtue is to preserve glory through one’s deeds.

31 iamque magis cunctantem flectere sermō coeperat. Even now, the speech began to win him over.

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