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Published byEileen Burke Modified over 9 years ago
1 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Universal Serial Bus & SD card 5/30/2013 Richard Kuo Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Outline ► USB Introduciton –13.NuMicro_USB_SDcard.ppt ► Exercise : USB Virtual Com. Port (Smpl_VCOM) –Using UART0 to USB ► Exercise : USB HID (Smpl_HID) –Emulating USB Human Interface Device (keyboad, mouse, digitizer) ► Exercise : Audio player with SDcard (Smpl_SDcard_ADPCM) –MCU decode.wav file read from SDcard ► Exercise : signal recording with SDcard (Smpl_SDcard_ADC7) –MCU record signal input of pin ADC7 and store 12-bit data into SDcard ► To design a SDcard driver (Driver_SDcard.c) using FAT File System
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University NuMicro USB Features ► Built-in USB2.0 full-speed device controller and transceiver ► Compliant to USB 2.0 Full-Speed specification ► Provide one interrupt vector supporting the following types –WAKEUP ( Stop mode wakeup ) –FLO ( Floating detect interrupt ) –USB ( USB events, like IN ACK, OUT ACK ) –BUS ( Bus events, like reset, suspend )
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University NuMicro USB Features ► Supporting 4 transmission modes : –Control –Bulk –Interrupt –Isochronous ► Support 6 endpoints , configurable transmission modes (Control/Bulk/Interrupt/Isochronous) ► Built-in USB buffer is 512 bytes SRAM
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University USB2.0 Controller Block Diagram
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University USB Controller Description ► UIE –The endpoints management –All the transfer operations are implemented in it. ► DPLL (Digital Phase Lock Loop) –Use 48MHz to lock the input data from RXDP and RXDM. –The bit rate of USB is 12MHz. It is converted from DPLL ► Floating De-bounce –A USB device may be plug-in or unplug from USB. –Provide hardware de-bounce for USB floating detect
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Function Description ► SIE –The front-end of the device controller and handle most of the USB packet protocol. –The function could include: Packet recognition, transaction sequence SOP, EOP, RESET, RESUME signal detection / generation. Clock / Data separation NRZI Data encoding / decoding CRC & Packet ID generation / checking Serial-Parallel / Parallel-Serial conversion.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Function Description ► Interrupt –Provide a interrupt signal with 4 interrupt events (WAKEUP, FLO, USB and BUS) –WAKEUP is only present after stop wakeup. After the chip enters power down mode, any change on D+, D- and floating detect pin can wake up this chip. –FLO is for USB plug-in or unplug. –USB is to notify user to any USB event on the bus. Acknowledge what kind of request is to which endpoint and take necessary response. –BUS notifies users of some bus events, like USB reset, suspend, time-out, and resume.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Function Description ► Power Saving –USB turns off PHY automatically to save power while this chip enters power down mode. –Furthermore, user can write 0 to register ATTR[4] to turn off PHY under special conditions like suspend to save power.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Register Map 10 RegisterOffsetR/WDescriptionReset Value USB_BA = 0x4006_0000 IEF USB_BA+0x000 R/W Interrupt Enable Flag0x0000_0000 EVF USB_BA+0x004 R/W&C Interrupt Event Flag0x0000_0000 FADDR USB_BA+0x008 R/W Function Address0x0000_0000 STS USB_BA+0x00C R System state0x0000_00x0 ATTR USB_BA+0x010 R/W R Bus state & attribution0x0000_0040 FLODETB USB_BA+0x014 R Floating detect0x0000_0000 BUFSEG USB_BA+0x018 R/W Buffer Segmentation0x0000_0000 BUFSEG0 USB_BA+0x020 R/W Buffer Segmentation of endpoint 00x0000_0000 MXPLD0 USB_BA+0x024 R/W Maximal payload of endpoint 00x0000_0000 CFG0 USB_BA+0x028 R/W Configuration of endpoint 00x0000_0000 CFGP0 USB_BA+0x02C R/W W&C stall control register and In/out ready clear flag of endpoint 00x0000_0000 General Setting Endpoint Setting
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Register Function ► Normal Configuration: –IEF (Interrupt Enable Register) Enable / Disable USB related interrupt. –EVF (Interrupt Event Flag Register) Any USB event will cause an interrupt, and user just needs to check the related event flags. –FADDR (Function Address Register) A 7-bit value uses as the address of a device on the bus. –STS (System States Register) User can check related bits to know what kind of USB event was occurred.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Register Function –ATTR (Bus States & Attribution Register) Acknowledge BUS events from ATTR. –FLODETB (Floating Detection Register) Acknowledge USB plug-in / unplug by reading this register. –BUFSEG (Buffer Segmentation Register) User needs to set the effective starting address of USB buffer for setup token only.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Register Function ► Endpoint Setting: –BUFSEGx, x=0~5 (Buffer Segmentation Register) User needs to set the effective starting address of USB buffer for each endpoint (0~5) buffer. –MXPLDx, x=0~5 (Maximal Payload Register) Once MXPLD is written, the data packets will be transmitted/received immediately after IN/OUT token arrived.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University BUFSEGx & MXPLDx Register Token Idle IN OUT DATA0/ DATA1 Data DATA0/ DATA1 DeviceHost 1.Prepare related data into the specified endpoint buffer. 2.The start address of endpoint buffer is defined in BUFSEGx. 3.Need to write the actual data length in MXPLDx. USB host has requested data from device controller USB host wants to transmit data to device controller 1.Hardware will buffer these data to specified endpoint buffer. 2.The start address of endpoint buffer is defined in BUFSEGx. 3.Hardware will record the data length in MXPLDx.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Register Function ► Endpoint Setting: –CFGx, x=0~5 (Configuration Register) Each endpoint needs to be configured properly in advance for its attribution (IN, OUT or ISO state) and endpoint number. –CFGPx, x=0~5 (Extra Configuration Register) User can force device to respond STALL.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Software driver & Sample Code ► Website download “ ” ► umerElectronicsIC/ARMMicrocontroller/ARMCortexTMM0/Softwar eLibrary.htm umerElectronicsIC/ARMMicrocontroller/ARMCortexTMM0/Softwar eLibrary.htm ► Document: –“ NUC1XX Driver Reference Guide.pdf ” ► USB Driver files –DrvUSB.c –DrvUSB.h ► USB Sample Code –Smpl_HID (Human Interface Devices) –Smpl_UAC (USB Audio Class) –Smpl_UDC (USB Device Controller)
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University USB Driver Framework
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University USB Driver Framework ► USB Controller –The USB controller can issue SETUP or IN/OUT event when getting relative tokens. ► USB Driver –Initialize the USB control according to the USB endpoint –Process the standard requests of control pipe of USB –Call the relative USB event handlers.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University USB Driver Framework ► USB Class –In this layer, user should define the all descriptors, such as device descriptor, configuration descriptors, interface descriptors, endpoint descriptors and class descriptors and etc. –An endpoint configuration to define the USB buffer usage of each endpoint is also required. –The relative device/class function handler also needs to be implemented here.
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Control Flow of Run a USB Device
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_VCOM int32_t main (void) { STR_UART_T sParam; UNLOCKREG(); DrvSYS_SelectIPClockSource(E_SYS_UART_CLKSRC,0); // set UART clock source to 12MHz DrvSYS_SetOscCtrl(E_SYS_XTL12M, 1); // enable 12MHz crystal DrvSYS_SetPLLMode(0); // enable PLL DrvSYS_SelectHCLKSource(2); // switch to PLL clock Delay(100); SystemCoreClockUpdate(); DrvGPIO_InitFunction(E_FUNC_UART0); // set UART0 pins /* UART Setting */ sParam.u32BaudRate = 9600; sParam.u8cDataBits = DRVUART_DATABITS_8; sParam.u8cStopBits = DRVUART_STOPBITS_1; sParam.u8cParity = DRVUART_PARITY_NONE; sParam.u8cRxTriggerLevel= DRVUART_FIFO_1BYTES; DrvUART_Open(UART_PORT0, &sParam); // set UART0 configuration VCOM_MainProcess(); } USB Virtual Com port (USB-to-UART0)
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University VCOM_MainProcess() void VCOM_MainProcess(void) { E_DRVUSB_STATE eUsbState; int32_t i, i32Len /* Enable Interrupt and install the call back function */ DrvUART_EnableInt(UART_PORT0, (DRVUART_RLSINT | DRVUART_RDAINT | DRVUART_TOUTINT),UartIntHandler); DrvUSB_Open((void*)DrvUSB_DispatchEvent); VCOM_Open(); /* Enable Interrupt and install the call back function */ DrvUART_EnableInt(UART_PORT0, DRVUART_RDAINT, UartIntHandler); eUsbState = DrvUSB_GetUsbState(); if (eUsbState >= eDRVUSB_ATTACHED) { /* Force Bus Reset for 150 ms*/ _DRVUSB_ENABLE_SE0(); RoughDelay(150000); _DRVUSB_DISABLE_SE0(); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_VCOM _DRVUSB_ENABLE_MISC_INT(0); /* Disable USB-related interrupts. */ _DRVUSB_ENABLE_FLDET_INT(); /* Enable float-detection interrupt. */ _DRVUSB_ENABLE_MISC_INT(INTEN_WAKEUP | INTEN_WAKEUPEN | INTEN_FLDET | INTEN_USB | INTEN_BUS); while(1) { eUsbState = DrvUSB_GetUsbState(); if (eUsbState == eDRVUSB_DETACHED) { //printf("USB Detached.\n"); /* Just waiting for USB attach */ while(eUsbState == eDRVUSB_DETACHED) { eUsbState = DrvUSB_GetUsbState(); } //printf("USB Attached.\n"); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_VCOM /* Check if any data to send to USB & USB is ready to send them out */ if(comRbytes && (gu32TxSize == 0)) { i32Len = comRbytes; if(i32Len > BULK_EP_MXPLD) i32Len = BULK_EP_MXPLD; for(i=0;i<i32Len;i++) { gRxBuf[i] = comRbuf[comRhead++]; if(comRhead >= RXBUFSIZE) comRhead = 0; } NVIC_DisableIRQ(CAN1_IRQn); comRbytes -= i32Len; NVIC_EnableIRQ(CAN1_IRQn); gu32TxSize = i32Len; DrvUSB_DataIn(BULK_IN_EP_NUM, gRxBuf, i32Len); } From Com port to USB, comRbuf is Com Rx Buffer & its data are sent to USB comRbytes is byte count of Com Rx buffer
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_VCOM /* Process the Bulk out data */ if(gu32RxSize && (gu32RxSize <= TXBUFSIZE - comTbytes)) { for(i=0;i<gu32RxSize;i++) { comTbuf[comTtail++] = gpu8RxBuf[i]; if(comTtail >= TXBUFSIZE) comTtail = 0; } NVIC_DisableIRQ(CAN1_IRQn); comTbytes += gu32RxSize; NVIC_EnableIRQ(CAN1_IRQn); gu32RxSize = 0; /* Ready to get next BULK out */ DrvUSB_DataOutTrigger(BULK_OUT_EP_NUM, BULK_EP_MXPLD); }
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_VCOM /* Process the software Tx FIFO */ if(comTbytes) { /* Check if Tx is working */ if(UART0->IER.THRE_IEN == 0) { /* Send one bytes out */ UART0->DATA = comTbuf[comThead++]; if(comThead >= TXBUFSIZE) comThead = 0; NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART0_IRQn); comTbytes--; NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_IRQn); /* Enable Tx Empty Interrupt. (Trigger first one) */ UART0->IER.THRE_IEN = 1; } From USB to Com port, comTbuf is Com Tx Buffer & its data are from USB comTbytes is byte count of Com Tx buffer
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_HID (1/3) /********************************** Main.c *****************************************/ //UNLOCKREG DrvSYS_UnlockKeyAddr(); SYSCLK->PWRCON.XTL12M_EN = 1; /* Enable PLL */ DrvSYS_SetPLLPowerDown(0); Delay(1000); /* Switch to PLL clock */ DrvSYS_SetHCLKSource(2); Delay(100); /* The PLL must be 48MHz when using USB */ SystemFrequency = 48000000; //LOCKREG DrvSYS_LockKeyAddr(); /* Execute HID process */ HID_MainProcess(); Chip System Setting Execute HID Process
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_HID (2/3) /******************************* HID_MainProcess *********************************/ int32_t i32Ret = E_SUCCESS; E_DRVUSB_STATE eUsbState; i32Ret = DrvUSB_Open(0); if(i32Ret != E_SUCCESS) return i32Ret; while(1) { /* Disable USB-related interrupts. */ DRVUSB_ENABLE_MISC_INT(0); /* Enable float-detection interrupt. */ _DRVUSB_ENABLE_FLD_INT(); // Wait for USB connected. while (TRUE) { // Order here is significant. // Give a chance to handle remaining events before exiting this loop. eUsbState = DrvUSB_GetUsbState(); DrvUSB_DispatchEvent(); if (eUsbState >= eDRVUSB_ATTACHED &&eUsbState != eDRVUSB_SUSPENDED) break; } 1. Open USB Driver 2. USB Plug-in Detect
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_HID (3/3) /* Start HID and install the callback functions to handle in/out report */ HID_Init((void *)HID_GetInReport, (void *)HID_SetOutReport); // Enable USB-related interrupts. _DRVUSB_ENABLE_MISC_INT(IEF_WAKEUP | IEF_WAKEUPEN | IEF_FLD | IEF_USB | IEF_BUS); // Poll and handle USB events. while(1) { eUsbState = DrvUSB_GetUsbState(); DrvUSB_DispatchEvent(); HID_GetInReport(0); if (eUsbState == eDRVUSB_DETACHED) break; } // Disable USB-related interrupts. _DRVUSB_ENABLE_MISC_INT(0); } 3. Open USB Class Driver 4. Dispatch USB events 5. Call USB Function Handler
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_SDcard_ADPCM Audio playback of a.wav file on SD card
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_SDcard_ADPCM ► Store a.wav file into SD card –fix filename : adpcm.wav ► Use FAT FS to read SD card ► Use libImaAdpcm4bit.lib for audio playback ► Use onboard WAU8822 audio codec to drive a 8 ohm speaker (CON3)
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Smpl_SDcard_ADC7 ► Capture 10K samples from ADC7 pin ► Store 12-bit data (2 bytes) into SDcard using FAT FS (Linux)
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