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Greater than the sum of its parts? The impact of FDTL5 Projects on Politics John Craig (Huddersfield University) Rose Gann (Nottingham Trent University)

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Presentation on theme: "Greater than the sum of its parts? The impact of FDTL5 Projects on Politics John Craig (Huddersfield University) Rose Gann (Nottingham Trent University)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greater than the sum of its parts? The impact of FDTL5 Projects on Politics John Craig (Huddersfield University) Rose Gann (Nottingham Trent University)

2 FDTL5 Politics Projects 1. The Scholarship of Engagement for Politics: University of Warwick (lead) with University of Coventry, Oxford Brookes University; 2. Teaching Citizenship in Higher Education: University of Southampton (lead) with University of Keele, Liverpool John Moores University ; 3. Politics Active Research Learning Environment (PARLE): Open University (lead) with Universities of York and Huddersfield; 4. Preparing Students for Politics (PREPOL): Nottingham Trent University (lead) with Universities of Birmingham, Lincoln and Central Lancashire. 5. Case-Based Learning in Politics: University of Huddersfield.

3 PSA Teaching and Learning Group FDTL creates the network and the need for such a group Subsequent growth beyond FDTL projects and people –Over 60 members –Nine panels at PSA Conferences –Two national conferences –A range of publications …

4 Further Collaboration and Events Desire to promote innovations in teaching and learning across the FDTL projects and beyond Links with Professional bodies eg, PSA and C-SAP. Showcase event at Palace of Westminster (House of Lords) hosted by Lord Parekh in Oct 2008. Sponsored by CSAP and PSA. Showcase DVD

5 Outcome Evidence of cultural change in the subject community relating to the mainstreaming of teaching and learning scholarship and research which extends beyond the individual impacts of each of the funded projects and is sustainable beyond the life of the FDTL programme.

6 What have we learned? FDTL as a catalyst – (unforeseen) outcomes at subject/disciplinary level. Contrast between experiences of partnerships within the projects and across the projects. prescribed v s organic partnerships? Dissemination – more effective at discipline/subject level than project level?

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