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RPC Endcap Maintenance and RE4 Upscope Anton Dimitrov on behalf of RPC TC CMS Week Dec 2012 CERN, Geneva.

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Presentation on theme: "RPC Endcap Maintenance and RE4 Upscope Anton Dimitrov on behalf of RPC TC CMS Week Dec 2012 CERN, Geneva."— Presentation transcript:

1 RPC Endcap Maintenance and RE4 Upscope Anton Dimitrov on behalf of RPC TC CMS Week Dec 2012 CERN, Geneva

2 LS1 List of intervention in RE  List of all RPC LS1 interventions is available in DocDB: bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5439  For each intervention you can find there the priorities, the infrastructure and manpower needed and the impact on other sub-detectors  RPC LS1 list is regularly updated after every TS 2

3 LS1 List of interventions: RE+ RE+1: Total access time requested 31 days. 5 days are available in the period 31.Jul.2013 – 06.aug.2013. YE+1 is accessible for much longer period. In agreement with CSC colleagues we have defined a parallel working schema during LS1. 4 days to change/commission 4 HV connectors, 15 days for change 5 LV DB or FEB (CSC removal ) 12 days for repair 5 cooling by-pass (CSC removal, one of them has LV Threshold problem too) In order the parallel activities to be successfully carried out enough number of CP with spare charged batteries should be available. RE+2: Total access time requested 7 days, no interference with other sub-detectors 5 working days are available in the period 24.Sep.2013 – 30.Sep.2013 4 days to change/commission 3 HV connectors 3 days for search and repair of 3 gas leaking sectors RE+3: Total access time requested 8 days, no interference with other sub-detectors 5 working days are available in the period 2.Oct.2013 – 8.Oct.2013 4 days to change/commission 7 HV connectors 1 day for 1 LV Threshold Problem 3 days for search and repair 3 gas leaking sectors. 3

4 LS1 List of interventions: RE- RE-1: Total access time requested 10 days. 5 days are available in the latest LS1 schedule, 26.Nov.2013 – 02.Dec.2013. YE-1 is accessible for much longer period but any other activities are in conflict with ME-1/1 interventions. 4 days to change/commission 9 HV connectors, 3 days for change 1 LV DB or FEB (CSC removal *) 3 days for repair 1 cooling by-pass (CSC removal*) RE-2: Total access time requested 7 days, no interference with other sub-detectors 5 working days are available in the period 12.Feb.2014 – 18.Feb.2014 4 days to change/commission 1 HV connector 3 days for search and repair of 3 gas leaking sectors RE-3: Total access time requested 5 days, no interference with other sub-detectors 5 working days are available in the period 04.Feb.2014 – 10.Feb.2014 4 days to change/commission 6HV connectors 1 days for search and repair 1 gas leaking sectors. * To be discussed in detail with CSC colleagues 4

5 Chamber Components Procurement Mechanics & Electronics Bakelite (HPL) Gaps Chamber Cooling System 5

6 Mechanics and strips – All production for 200 chambers done and delivered to CERN (175) and India (25) – Retrofitting needed to cure some mechanical defects (being done now) Planning : secured 10 chambers for each assembly site. one Endcap secured by the end of 2012 all the rest by Feb 2013 Components: Mechanics (China) & Electronics (Pakistan) 6 Electronics (FEB, DB and AB) – First deliveries of electronics for 40 chambers from Pakistan to CERN in early 2012. QC validation: OK – Mass production on going. – Completion of production by Feb 2013.

7 Components: Bakelite/HPL (Italy) 7 Status: 660 panels HPL 3200x1620mm 103 back @CERN from Korea to be re-washed at GT (problem with Polyurethane deposit solved) 297 @Korea ready for Gap production 210 QC OK in Puricelli, Pavia, cut @ Riva Firm, to be washed Last 50 produced Nov 22 nd, to be QC in Puricelli and Pavia this week The new location @ INFN PAVIA Automatic Resistivity System located at INFN Pavia Re-established the HPL panel production line: Production at Puricelli QC at Pavia Cutting at RIVA Surface cleaning at GT Final acceptance at CERN 7

8 Component: Gaps (Korea) Gap production for RE4 RPCs at KODEL 1) Required number of QC qualified gaps = 660 gaps (220 sets) - 432 gaps to assemble 72 RE4-2 (Ring 2) and 72 RE4-3 (Ring 3) RPCs - 228 gaps to secure additional 56 spare chamber (168 gaps) and contingencies 2) Role of KODEL - Production of 660 RE4-3 gaps - QC procedures Visual inspection for HPLs and gaps Leak & pop-spacer tests HV/Dark Current Tests (two HV scans & 120-h test at working HV) Importing the data in the RPC Construction database - Shipping to assembly sites CERN, Switzerland BARC institute, India Ghent University, Belgium 8 KyongSei Lee

9 Gap production: first reception and QC @ CERN 49 gaps received to CERN on Nov 2 nd visual inspection was showing defects on the graphite surface and PET hot melting procedure. Air bubbles and bumps (in hot melt PET) and empty spots (in graphite) Clearly visible a “learning phase” in the received gaps KODEL colleagues defined a more formal QC procedure for these steps in the gap production. Most of Bottom type delivered gaps have some problems, but fortunately not on the HV side. QC tests (electric, pop up spacers and leaks) being performed at CERN. First results are OK. 21 gaps sent to Ghent site, 28 gaps remained at CERN. Gaps for Endcap1 ready by May, 2013 Gaps for Endcap2 ready by Sep.2013 Gaps for Spare Chambers ready by Dec.2013

10 Improvement in cooling for RE4  particular position facing the CSC electronics  Extreme case : T gap < 24 °C  Increased Cu surface soldered to 2 pipes 15 RE4-3 Cu circuits & 5 RE4-2 Cu circuits fabricated 10 RE4-2 Cu circuits to be manufactured in Dec, 2012 Remaining 170 circuits to be Fabricated by end-March,2013 Luc van Lancker (simulation) Yasser Assran (tests) Component: Chamber cooling system (India) 10

11 Chamber Assembly Sites CERN (RPC lab in bld 904) University of Ghent (Belgium) BARC Mumbai (India) 11 Same protocols and QC criteria for the three production sites

12 Ready to go for chamber production and QC Site Manager Archana Sharma CERN 904 Lab

13 13 QC tools in place - Cosmic stand can fully operate remotely (via network and authenticated login) -All software is available in the common central CERN repository -All data are under backup in the central CERN (castor) storage (everyday@midnight) -All operations are performed via webpages click-by-click -All actions are logged in the e-log system to easily/simply manage the site -All tools run in background processes, transparent to the user, the webtool is self-explained click-by-click Overview Operations Data -Raw data are recorded in dedicated files. -Final output is DATABASE compliant. -Data can be viewed via DQM page before the upload into the DB. Developed by Stefano Colafranceschi

14 LAST 904 STATUS UPDATE - Visual QC performed on the first RPC gap batch (49) - First RPC GAP (12) stack tested (gas, HV) - Two RPC chamber assembled and tested 14

15 University of Ghent 15 Site Manager Michael Tytgat Ghent site is ready to test gaps, assemble and test chambers Cosmic test bench is operational Enough manpower available in Ghent to get started First gaps arrived on Nov 26. First gap QC results are present. Chamber assembly started last week. Cosmic muon tests will start next week. Ghent site review planned on Dec. 19-20  All hardware and infrastructures required for the QC is ready : Gap popped spacer and leak test Gap HV/Dark Current tests Cosmic test bench for chambers Strip connectivity test  All software exists and works in nearly final version :  To be completed: Finalize tuning/replacement of some PMTs in cosmic test bench Finalize offline DAQ part (output for DB) Tests of DB uploading (done for HVtest package, rest to be tested)

16 Ghent: Gap & Chamber QC test set up 16  Popped spacer and leak test setup with Ar.  Operational Cosmic Test Bench – 5 chambers QC tests on first 21 gaps starts this week Gap Leak Test Chamber Cosmic Stand First Assembled Chamber

17 Hodoscope for simultaneous validation of: Resistivity measurements of 3 gas-gaps with Argon HV scans of 3 gas-gaps with RPC gas mixture Characterizing of 3 RPC chambers with RPC gas mixture Scissor lift for loading the gaps and RPCs in the hodoscope HV, LV modules, cables for setting threshold for FEBs, available Hodoscope for simultaneous validation of: Resistivity measurements of 3 gas-gaps with Argon HV scans of 3 gas-gaps with RPC gas mixture Characterizing of 3 RPC chambers with RPC gas mixture Scissor lift for loading the gaps and RPCs in the hodoscope HV, LV modules, cables for setting threshold for FEBs, available 17 cosmic stand Site Manager Lalit Pant BARC Mumbai, India:

18 18 CERN Software for RPC characterization is fully implemented at BARC Its functionality for Dark Current I and Dark Current II measurements has been validated The configuration works sequentially for evaluation of efficiencies, strip profile, cluster size and noise for the double layers, top layer and bottom layer Efficiency measurement not yet completed To be implemented noise subtraction from strip profiles Uploading to Data Base still to be worked out First Gaps expected to be delivered to BARC on 21.Dec.2012 CERN Software for RPC characterization is fully implemented at BARC Its functionality for Dark Current I and Dark Current II measurements has been validated The configuration works sequentially for evaluation of efficiencies, strip profile, cluster size and noise for the double layers, top layer and bottom layer Efficiency measurement not yet completed To be implemented noise subtraction from strip profiles Uploading to Data Base still to be worked out First Gaps expected to be delivered to BARC on 21.Dec.2012

19 Chamber Long term test and SM Assembly Site @ CERN 19

20 20 QC4 Lab: Chamber Long Term Tests QC4 Responsible: Nicolas Zaganidis

21 RE4 super module covers a 10 degree sector with handling frame Super module assembly & installation 21 24 chambers each 5 weeks QC4.1 and QC4.2 now in the same lab to minimize dead time. QC4.2 long term test applied to single chamber (not to SM). SM Assembly only using good chambers. Laboratory being equipped. Hardware all secured Cooling and Leak Test performed on SM.

22 Chamber and SM assembly schedule 22

23 Milestones for Chamber Assembly Chamber mechanical assembly speed is quite fast (1 chamber/day) Dominating time is QC3 tests (2 weeks) on cosmic stand and level of parallelism, defined by cosmic stand slots (readout electronics, gas & HV channels… Overall we assume a VERY conservative speed of 1 full cosmic stand Quality Certified / month meaning: CERN 10 chambers/month GENT 5 chamber/month Mumbai 3 chambers/month

24 Milestones for Chamber & SM Assembly and Tests First 30 chambers (10 by each assembly site) delivered by end of Mar 2013 @ CERN (Mumbai 3 months, Gent 2 months, CERN 1 month, all have + 1-2 month contingency) Additional 3 months will secure chambers for the Endcap1 (72 chambers RE+): end of June 2013 Additional 4 months will secure chambers for the Endcap2 (72 chambers RE-): end of Nov 2013 Additional 56 chambers (spares) by Feb 2014 Macro Milestones: 36 SM for Endcap1 (RE+) ready for P5 by end Aug 2013 36 SM for Endcap2 (RE-) ready for P5 by end Feb 2014

25 The RPC database stores all data about chambers on Barrel, Endcap & RE4 Upgrade: - Design drawings; - Components & Tests; - Construction & Tests; - Cosmic Certification - CMS Operation  Full history of each chamber:  Construction period: chamber components & tests – bakelite, gaps, chambers, super modules  Cosmic test period: efficiency, cluster size, noise, occupancy  Commissioning period: current monitoring in time, noise rate  CMS operation period: efficiency, cluster size, noise, dark current and a lot more – resistivity tests, gas leak tests… Interface to ConstructionDB Oracle DB with APEX Oracle web interface Home Page Home Page- RPC Construction Database Developed by D. Uzunova, Pakistan group, Coordinator Anton Dimitrov 25

26 Services Power system has been ordered (India, Pakistan and Italy) on 01.Dec2012. Delivery time of 6 months. Link system boards have been ordered by Napoli and Finland in December. Delivery time of 3 months. LB Boxes ready by April 2013. HV connectors and cables will be produced by an external company (CPE). Place the order in December. Signal cables will be produced by an external company. Place the order in December. Gas racks on schedule ~Dec.2012. Installation as soon as possible. Gas distributors. Impedance layout system to be defined. HV distributors. Work starts in March, Pakistan supervision. T sensor. Fiber delivery@CERN Dec.2012. Tests completed by Apr.2013 Cooling manifold. CSC 26

27 RE4 Cable Skew clear QC working Signal cable path & lengths for +Z ready. Signal cables can be produced in 4 batches, in 3 months HV connectors to be replaced by producer All cables & connectors at CERN, to be assembled Tower cabling & Trigger Cabling to be reviewed Production Rate 5 – 10/day > 2 months work Installation by Russian Cabling Team Ian Crotty Labels 3D model, developed and validated by the CMS Integration Office, used to secure correct Cable, Cooling, Gas system paths. Present schedule: RE4+ services 27/05 -17/07 (tower access only), disk (24/09 - 08/10 and 21-29/10 during ME4 commissioning ??) RE4- services 16/10 – 20/11 (tower and disk)

28 HV Cable and Connectors We continue with this connector unless a new development can be tested and Mass produced in time. Cable production was started for the sites. We will restart with a more rigorous test cycling and filtering of connectors before assembly. CPE firm recognized the defect and is going to replace all the batch

29 Conclusions (i) RE4 chamber components, after some initial delay (HPL and Gap production), are on the way: Mechanics and strips are done. HPL : half of production delivered in Korea, completion expected by Dec 2012 (not in critical path) Electronic (FEB, DB, AB) pilot production validated, completion by Feb 2013 (not in critical path) Gap production stared in KODEL on Aug 2012, conservative production rate 3 gaps/day. Completion by Dec 2013.

30 Conclusions (ii) Ch. Assembly started at CERN and Ghent. 10 chamber/site by Mar 2013 Ch. Assembly speed 18ch/month (10+5+3) mostly dominated by QC3. Chambers for Endcap1 Ready by Jun 2013 Chambers for Endcap2 Ready by Nov 2013 36 SM for Endcap1 ready to go to P5 by end-Aug 2013 – in present LS1 schedule to be installed and commissioned in Oct-Nov 2013 in parallel with RE+4 services (far too short !!) 36 SM for Endcap2 ready to go to P5 by end-Feb 2014 – in present LS1 schedule to be installed in Mar (5d) and (7d) Sept 2014 after CRAFT and 10d in Oct 2014 for commissioned

31 Summary (iii) RE4 Production and QC on track for LS1 Schedule Mandatory all the P5 infrastructures installed BEFORE chamber installation Mechanical Installation and gas/cooling commissioning demand 4w, additional time needed for electronic and swapped cable commissioning (possible to be done with detector closed, but demanding additional access to correct error) RE4 Installation/Commissioning time slots by far too short in present version

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