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1 Welcome! CSI 3310: Operating System Principles Mario Marchand

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1 1 Welcome! CSI 3310: Operating System Principles Mario Marchand

2 Chap 02 Time table n Monday (LEC): 13:00-14:30 MRN AUD n Thursday (LEC): 08:30-10:00 CBY D207 n Important changes: u No course on May 28, June 1st and June 4 u The course on June 22 will be held in CBY D207 (not MRN AUD) n DGD schedule: consult web page u TAs are William Elazmeh (tutorials) and Messaouda Ouerd (marking)

3 Chap 03 Evaluation n Final exam: 50% n Mid-term exam: 25% n Assignments: 25% n To pass the course (D+): you must obtain at least 50% for the exam component of your mark n The mid-term exam will be held on a date around June 11, in a classroom to be determined

4 Chap 04 Labs and assignments n The assignments will be a mixture of: u Exercises on theory covered in class u Programming exercises (under UNIX) on: F Concurrency F Process synchronization F Memory management n Important tutorials in your labs on: u Unix u C/C++   C++ (concurrent programming) n These tutorials, held at the beginning, will give you the skills needed for programming assignments

5 Chap 05 Course content (if time permits...) n Computer system overview. n Operating system overview. n Process description and control. n Threads. n Concurrency: mutual exclusion and synchronization. n Concurrency: deadlock and starvation. n Memory management. n Virtual memory. n Uniprocessor scheduling. n I/O management and disk scheduling. n File management. n Follows closely the textbook (William Stallings, 3e)

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