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Public Involvement in Healthcare Education and Training: a national perspective Rachel Hawley Acting Director of Learning and Support National NHS Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Involvement in Healthcare Education and Training: a national perspective Rachel Hawley Acting Director of Learning and Support National NHS Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Involvement in Healthcare Education and Training: a national perspective Rachel Hawley Acting Director of Learning and Support National NHS Centre for Involvement

2 Sharing a National Perspective The National NHS Centre for Involvement Established June 2006. There are many different types of patient and public involvement. The Centres focus is centrally on those involvement activities associated with the development and evaluation of health services. Skills for Health Skills for Health is the Sector Skills Council for the UK Health sector. The organization purpose is to help the whole sector develop solutions that deliver a skilled and flexible UK workforce in order to improve health and healthcare. The function of Quality Assuring Healthcare Education in England was transferred to Skills for Health in October 2004.

3 A Journey of Discovery The policy context The story so far: building the national perspective The vision Quality assurance and enhancement The NHS National Centre for Involvement Key developments and opportunities

4 The Story So Far what happens in front of the curtain is what matters to me as a patient. what happens behind the curtain is the responsibility of the organisation.

5 The Policy Context NHS Plan Shifting the Balance of Power Health and Social Care Act – section 11 Duty to Consult Streamlining Quality Assurance in Healthcare Education Creating a Patient Led NHS Patient-led Commissioning Better Standards Better Care Patient Choice Our Health, Our Care, Our Say

6 Fixed Points for Quality Assurance In England Healthcare commission concordat Higher Education Regulation Review Group (HERRG) concordat Standard (MPET) contract framework for healthcare education Skills for Health Role as a UK Wide Sector Skills council

7 Putting the Colour in the Story The Quality Assurance Framework for healthcare Education in England relates to more than… £1.5 billion per year 75,000 students 80 HEIs and partner healthcare education providers 2,000 healthcare education programmes 40,000 placement settings

8 Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it (A.A. Milne 1926)


10 Clarifying the role of public involvement in healthcare education Criterion include: Effective co-ordination for patient and public involvement strategy and implementation Recruitment and selection of students Development of staff Curriculum design, delivery and management Practice learning Assessment of leaning Monitoring and review Recruitment of staff

11 Principles for Practice: involving service users and carers in health care education and training This resource has been developed through a partnership approach working with service users and carers The aim: to provide clarity for organisations that are working in health and social care education and training It outlines the Principles needed to guarantee that involvement is embedded at all levels in the design, delivery and review Includes a self assessment tool for organisations to assist in action planning NHS East Midlands (2005)

12 Skills for Health: Quality Assurance and Enhancement – Towards a New Framework To be based on an up-to-date mapping of partners processes and standards (currently underway) Centred on a web-based Shared Quality Assurance and Improvement Framework (SQAIF) Strengthening Public and Learner Involvement Indicative timescales

13 Skills for Health: Key Issues and Learning Direct rather than indirect student and service user involvement Develop facilitative approaches to support direct and indirect involvement (guidance, bespoke training, protocols e.g. remuneration) Provision of targeted, specific and jargon free information Information regarding the quality assurance framework, roles and routes of influence Develop communications networks

14 Key Developments within the Quality Assurance Team – Skills for Health Established a Public and Learner Advisory Group Influence Today…Improve Tomorrow – awareness leaflet and audio CD Interim Standards to support Commissioners Mapping of Regulatory Standards which have a direct bearing on healthcare education and processes used in the assessment of compliance. Phase 2 includes the mapping of standards for PPI. Development of guidance and protocols for involvement Strengthening involvement and diversity in the development of a new Shared Quality and Improvement Framework


16 Shared Quality Assurance and Improvement Framework (SQAIF) – Skills for Health Higher/Further Education environment Healthcare CommissionQAA/FE Quality Assurance Healthcare organisation environment SQAIFSQAIF

17 The NHS Centre for Involvement Response to an European-wide Tender Successful Consortium –University of Warwick –LMCA - an alliance for health –Centre for Public Scrutiny The Centre announced on 24 May 2006 –The Health Minister Rosie Winterton Start of set-up phase from 1 June 2006 Formal launch 28 November 2006 Funded for three years in the first instance

18 The Aims To promote the value of patient and public involvement Create a one stop shop for information and advice Build capacity of organisations, staff and patient-citizens Develop and disseminate practical resources Generate evidence-based models & best practice examples Identify and maximise learning opportunities Develop networks and communities of interest Practice what we preach

19 Supporting NHS staff and organisations to engage with patients and the public more effectively and implement change based on their information Working with NHS organisations and staff to integrate user involvement systems into everyday working –Fulfilling their obligations in Section 11 Health and Social Care Act 2001 Working with Healthcare Commission –The Regulator on how to inspect compliance What the Centre will be doing

20 Research and Best Practice –Gathering and generating evidence –Methodological development Organisational Development –Working with NHS Organisations to build PPI Systems –Meeting Core Standard 17 Learning and Support –Identifying and responding to needs –Curriculum development –Developing an educational model for involvement which is accredited and offers flexible routes of progression The People Bank Patient-Citizen Exchange Organising our Work

21 Work Domains Research and Best Practice Domain Organisational Development Domain Learning and Support Domain The People Bank Communications The Patient Citizen Exchange Network of Health Voluntary Organisations

22 Learning and Support The vision: is to create an educational model which provides an accredited pathway of learning and development for PPI. This will have progression routes (from NVQ to Post Graduate Education). This will be: Accredited Provide flexible pathways of learning Engage the public, learners and staff at every level Mapped against the Qualifications Framework Mapped against the Competency Framework

23 Realising the Potential Future workforce: ensuring that all commissioned healthcare education and training programmes are patient focussed involving service users at every level: in the commissioning, design, delivery and review. Current workforce: ensuring that all staff have access to training and development opportunities as part of Continuous Professional Development and Performance Reviews supported by the Knowledge and Skills Framework Service Users and Carers: as the level of public involvement grows so does the need for personal training and development opportunities for service users and carers

24 Moving Forward 2006/7 Underpinning the educational model will be the creation of core principles, guidance and curriculum providing clarity for staff, learners and the public involved in learning as providers or consumers. The approach will be inclusive and in partnership with Skills for Health and Skills for Care.

25 Plans for 2007 Activities planned for 2007 include: Building Educational Model for PPI Development of Learning and Support infrastructure on the website Mapping of PPI Champions, networks and learning resources Training needs analysis tool Core Competences for PPI Core Curriculum for PPI Champions (Induction)

26 Plans for 2007 Activities planned for 2007 include: Accredited Programme for Independent Trainers of PPI Mapped education standards for PPI (Higher Education) Guidance for Public and Learner Involvement in quality assuring healthcare education Developing value based commissioning Create Principles for PPI in Education Commissioning

27 opportunitynowhere

28 For Further Information or Contact National Centre for Involvement Tel 0247 6150266 See our website:

29 For Further Information or Contact Skills for Health See our

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