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OpenNI-Reading and Processing Depth Data Author: 鄭暐達.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenNI-Reading and Processing Depth Data Author: 鄭暐達."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenNI-Reading and Processing Depth Data Author: 鄭暐達

2 Introduction

3  SDK version: OpenNI SDK v1.5.4.0  Sensor driver: OpenNI-Compliant Sensor Driver v5.1.2.1  Middleware: NiTE v1.5.2.21  Download: 2/#.UZLzTKL-EhI 2/#.UZLzTKL-EhI

4 Production Node  Sensor related nodes:  Device  Depth generator  Other generator  Middleware related nodes:  User generator  Other gerenator

5 Capability  Optional extension to the API  Provide additional functionality  Different production node support different capability  Ex. Skeleton, Alternative view, Pose detection, etc.

6 Getting Started  Download and install OpenNI first.  Download and install sensor driver and middleware.  Try to run the samples in the OpenNI directory.  OpenNI\samples\bin\  If success, then install is complete  If not, google the error message or try to reinstall.  You can use cmd to run the samples to see the error messages

7 Overview Context Depth generator User generator Skeleton capability

8 Retrieving Depth Data  Context initialize  xContext.Init();  Create depth generator  xDepth.Create( xContext );  Resolution and fps configuration  mapMode.nXRes = 320;  mapMode.nYRes = 240;  mapMode.nFPS = 30;  xDepth.SetMapOutputMode(mapMode);  Start generating context  xContext.StartGeneratingAll();  Loop  Data update  Grab data from depth generator  xDepth.GetMetaData( xDepthData );  Data processing.

9 Finding Skeleton Position  Context initialize  Create user generator  g_UserGenerator.Create(xContext);  Setup callback functions for skeleton capability  PoseDetected, NewUser, UserLost,etc.  g_UserGenerator.RegisterUserCallbacks( NewUser, LostUser, NULL, hUserCB );  Loop  Data update  Get skeleton joint position from user generator using capability.  mSC.GetSkeletonJointPosition( UserID, XN_SKEL_HEAD, mJointPos[0] );

10 Reference  OpenNI user guide  Heresy’s space: 

11 Demo Time Schedule  SIFT homework demo schedule is on the web  Please fill up the schedule before demo

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