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Functional Assessment. How have we changed the way we look at managing behavior? Proactive and preventative focus Understanding why problem behaviors.

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Presentation on theme: "Functional Assessment. How have we changed the way we look at managing behavior? Proactive and preventative focus Understanding why problem behaviors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functional Assessment

2 How have we changed the way we look at managing behavior? Proactive and preventative focus Understanding why problem behaviors are happening Developing interventions or support plans based on outcomes of the FBA Interventions that focus on skills development Strategies that are “doable” in real settings

3 Why is it important to identify the function of a behavior? It is empirically validated as best practice. Placed in “time out”Reinforced Child hits to escape completing activity Redirected to stay in activity Not Reinforced

4 Obtain Desirable Events Avoid/Escape Undesirable Events InternalExternalInternalExternal Attention Objects/ Activities Attention Objects/ Activities Rhythmic rocking Endorphin release Visual stimulation Smiles, hugs Frown, scolding Surprise Food Preferrred activity Money Sinus pain Skin irritation Hunger Smiles, hugs Frown, scolding Surprise Difficult tasks Change in routine Interruption of desired activity

5 Functional Assessment or Functional Analysis Functional Assessment is the process of gathering information in which patterns can be identified regarding the antecedents or consequences pertaining to a particular behavior Functional Analysis is the manipulation of two or more variables and measuring the effect on the target behavior

6 What is a FBA? A process that: Defines the target behaviors Determines the environmental events and factors that contribute to challenging behaviors Identifies the antecedents and consequences that occur before and after the challenging behaviors Hypothesizes the function or purpose of the challenging behaviors Provides direction for developing appropriate and effective positive interventions

7 FBA is a process in which many instruments may be used to gather information Reviewing existing documents Interview Scale or Screening Instruments Scatterplot Direct Observation Tools Environmental Manipulation

8 What events do I need to consider when I begin an intensive FBA? Setting Events Conditions that increase the likelihood that problem behavior will occur. They can be: Removed in time from the behavior (e.g., the child wakes up late, is rushed through breakfast, and hurried out the door to daycare two hours before she refuses to clean up her toys) In close proximity to the behavior (e.g., the child has a block taken from him immediately prior to hitting another child in that center; student has a bad interaction in the hallway prior to screaming at the teacher) An ongoing situation or state (e.g., the student is extremely fatigued due to a cold and not sleeping well the night before).

9 Setting Event Checklist -- Example 9/129/139/149/159/169/199/209/219/22 Did not sleep at least 6 hours ///// Waited for school bus //// Did not access mayonnaise at lunch //// Did not access records //


11 Setting Events Bad interaction with family previous to school Sick, Hungry, Tired Was reprimanded in class and privilege taken away AdvantagesDisadvantages Identifies events that may influence whether or not a behavior will occur No information regarding function, or frequency of behavior Helps identify sources of variability in the child’s performance No information on history or prior intervention outcomes

12 Motivation Assessment Scale A 16-item survey that assists in developing a hypothesis about the function of the problem behavior AdvantagesDisadvantages Easy and quick to useInformation may or may not be reliable Easy to understand Provides information regarding developing a hypothesis for the function of the behavior

13 Motivation Assessment Scale Questions Never 0 Almost Never 1 Seldom 2 Half Time 3 Usually 4 Almost Always 5 1. Would the behavior occur continuously if this child was left alone for long periods of time? Never 0 Almost Never 1 Seldom 2 Half Time 3 Usually 4 Almost Always 5 2. Does the behavior occur following a command to perform a difficult task? Never 0 Almost Never 1 Seldom 2 Half Time 3 Usually 4 Almost Always 5 3. Does the behavior occur when you are talking to other persons in the room? Never 0 Almost Never 1 Seldom 2 Half Time 3 Usually 4 Almost Always 5 4. Does the behavior ever occur to get a toy, food, or game that he or she has been told that he she can’t have? Never 0 Almost Never 1 Seldom 2 Half Time 3 Usually 4 Almost Always 5

14 Interviews An interview that describes the problem behavior and identifies physical and environmental factors that reliably result in the problem behavior. AdvantagesDisadvantages Provides information of potential function Assessment is time consuming Provides information of possible setting events Information may or may not be reliable Provides information regarding resources for developing a positive behavior support plan

15 Interview Information What exactly does the behavior look like? What do you think is the function of the behavior? What events/situations predict the behavior? What are the learning characteristics? What does the child like or not like? How does the child communicate needs, wants, etc.? What are some of the other factors (e.g., medical, schedule) that may influence behavior?

16 Scatterplot An interval recording system that assists in determining if patterns of problem behavior exist during specific time periods AdvantagesDisadvantages Pinpoints the time periods in which the behavior is likely and unlikely to occur. Little information on setting events, environmental influences, or antecedents and consequences Quick to complete and interpretNo information on prior interventions Assist in identifying functions

17 Scatterplot Form Time/Activity 8:00 - 8:20 8:20 - 8:35 8:35 - 9:15 9:20 - 9:35 9:35 - 9:55 9:55 - 10:30 12 - 3> 3 9/129/139/14 0

18 Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Analysis DateAntecedentBehaviorConsequence

19 ABC Analysis Event recording system that determines patterns of antecedents and consequences associated with a particular behavior. AdvantagesDisadvantages Describes antecedents and consequences to the behavior. Does not provide information on the times antecedents and consequences were prevalent and no behavior occurred. Provides confirmation of the hypothesized function of the indirect assessment. Can be time consuming.

20 What do I do with all of this? (i.e., How do I summarize the data?) Evaluate the antecedent that are predicting the behavior AntecedentBehaviorConsequenceATE? Task demand (put away) Verbal outburst, throws object Removed to principal’s office x Playing aloneThrows objectsT. asked why and removed to TO x Asked to leave computer and move to table ArguesGiven 3more minutes x Task demandHitsRedirected to the task x 2

21 What do I do with all of this? (i.e., How do I summarize the data?) Evaluate the consequences that are maintaining the behavior AntecedentBehaviorConsequenceATE? Task demand (put away) Verbal outburst, throws object Removed to principal’s office x Playing aloneThrows objectsT. asked why and removed to TO xx Asked to leave computer and move to table ArguesGiven 3more minutes x Task demandHitsRedirected to the task x 2

22 What do I do with all of this? (i.e., How do I summarize the data?) Evaluate the whole sequence AntecedentBehaviorConsequenceATE? Task demand (put away) Verbal outburst, throws object Removed to principal’s office x Playing aloneThrows objectsT. asked why and reprimanded x Asked to leave computer and move to table ArguesGiven 3more minutes x Task demandHitsRedirected to the task x 2

23 Environmental Manipulation systematic manipulation of environmental variables that you believe will and will not result in the demonstration of the problem behavior. AdvantagesDisadvantages Validates hypotheses regarding the functions of the behavior. Implementation of environmental manipulations may provoke problem behavior. Assists in identifying the multiple functions of a behavior. Time Consuming Initial manipulations may fail to verify the hypothesized function of behavior.

24 Environmental Manipulations Antecedent – variables are set up in advance and are not contingent on problem behavior (e.g., student is given hard task versus an easy task; low attention versus high attention) 1. 1. Based on the ABC, identify the variables that are likely to influence problem behavior. 2. 2. Identify a time period and situation that can be set up to test your hypothesis (e.g., high rates of attention and low rates of attention). 3. 3. Collect data on the problem behavior that occurs in each condition 4. 4. Conduct the conditions across several days, testing each condition at least two times.

25 Environmental Manipulations Consequence – variables to be tested are presented contingent on problem behavior exhibited by the student. 1. 1. Based on the ABC, identify the variables likely to influence problem behavior. 2. 2. Identify a time period and conditions that can be set up to test your hypothesis. 3. 3. Based on problem behavior, variables are implemented. For example: During an escape condition, when the problem behavior occurs, the task is removed During an attention condition, when the problem behavior occurs, attention is provided During a tangible condition, when the problem behavior occurs, a tangible item is provided

26 1. 1. Develop a hypothesis about two variables that you believe to influence challenging behavior 2. 2. In the same setting, test out those two variables related to their effects on the student’s behavior

27 Hypothesis Statement Hypothesis statements are developed for each behavior. Review the data to identify patterns: 1. 1. Under what condition does the behavior occur? 2. 2. What happens when the behavior occurs? 3. 3. Summarize when X happens, S engages in problem behavior to get Y

28 Hypothesis Development when this happens (setting event /context/antecedent) the student does (describe the target behavior) for what purpose (obtain/escape/ avoid) When Nick has to wait for the bus and he is presented with a difficult task screams, swings his arms to escape having to do the work When Annie has been working independently on a math assignment Wanders the classroom shoving the materials of her classmates on the floor to obtain attention After a weekend with his grandparents and when transitioning from recess to reading groups Quintalis puts his head down and begins to doodle on the paper to escape having to read

29 Brainstorming Setting up the environment Increasing engagement Teaching replacement skills Consequence Strategies

30 Desired Maintaining BehaviorConsequences When presented withHeather yelled and T. ignored and H. a writing taskdropped head to desk escaped writing SettingAntecedentProblemMaintaining EventEventBehaviorConsequence Replacement Behavior Competing Behavior Diagrams

31 Complete Task completed AssignmentEscape Desired Maintaining BehaviorConsequences When presented withHeather yelled and T. ignored and H. a writing taskdropped head to desk escaped writing SettingAntecedentProblemMaintaining EventEventBehaviorConsequence Replacement Behavior Competing Behavior Diagrams

32 Complete Task completed AssignmentEscape Desired Maintaining BehaviorConsequences When presented withHeather yelled and T. ignored and H. a writing taskdropped head to desk escaped writing SettingAntecedentProblemMaintaining EventEventBehaviorConsequence Ask for Assistance Replacement Behavior Competing Behavior Diagrams

33 Make Problem Behavior Irrelevant, Ineffective, and Inefficient Irrelevant Child no longer needs to use problem behaviors to achieve wants/needs Ineffective Problem behavior no longer enables the child to achieve the function of his/her behavior Inefficient Problem behaviors require much more effort and time to achieve purpose compared with acceptable behavior.

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