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Team # 4 Jonathan Usher Ronny Polansky Sunil Patel.

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Presentation on theme: "Team # 4 Jonathan Usher Ronny Polansky Sunil Patel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team # 4 Jonathan Usher Ronny Polansky Sunil Patel

2  Thousands of casualties and fatalities occur due to excessive speeding and/or drunk driving  Predictable law enforcement strategies  Stationary Cameras  Habitual location of officers  Illegal immigration rises every year  Rising operational costs (fuel, salaries, etc…) create increased strain on city and state budgets  Scarcity of resources in border regions and high crime areas

3  Input – Function - Output  Inputs:  Speeding/Erratic vehicles  Motion along border  Function:  Detecting, identifying, and reporting speeding vehicles and erratic driving behavior  Monitoring borders and alerting border patrol to illegal immigrants and drug smugglers  Output:  Decrease in traffic/border violators  Lower operational expenses and better allocation of scarce resources

4  Technical Requirements:  Light weight digital cameras with high zoom capability (3 miles)  Cameras have night and thermal vision capability  Cameras run on solar power for the majority of the day  Real-Time communication capability for each observation unit  Rail system to support observation units  Control Center receives and interprets all signals with the ability to control individual units

5  Currently stationary cameras are employed in traffic environments  High resolution cameras are in use by the Department of Defense  Vehicle database is already established  Technological capabilities to identify shapes through thermal imaging exist  Yearly production and operational costs of individual units are well below costs of training, equipping, and deploying officers.

6 Centralized Dispatch Unit Info from Sensor Patrol Unit Dispatched

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