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ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 Embedding Sustainable Development into the curriculum - the approach of the Engineering Subject Centre Dr. Simon Steiner Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 Embedding Sustainable Development into the curriculum - the approach of the Engineering Subject Centre Dr. Simon Steiner Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 Embedding Sustainable Development into the curriculum - the approach of the Engineering Subject Centre Dr. Simon Steiner Academic Advisor

2 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 Embedding Sustainable Development into the curriculum There is an assumption that engineering, as a discipline, will take a leading role Prime driver: –Engineering Councils UK-SPEC [Standard for Professional Accreditation] – –Specific learning outcomes in engineering: understanding of the requirement for engineering activities to promote sustainable development

3 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 The approach of the Engineering Subject Centre The provision of learning and teaching resources A commonality of approach with other disciplines A dissemination of resources An evaluation of approaches and of resources The interpretation of aspirations into future provision

4 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 The provision of learning and teaching resources 2004/5: Funding of a Mini-Project: –Toolbox for Sustainable Design – Index.htm Index.htm –Dissemination by CD-ROM and downloadable versions –Dissemination at a hands-on Workshop –Identification of a Focus Group –Survey (by questionnaire) of Focus Group members

5 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 A commonality of approach with other disciplines Participation in the Academys Planning Group –a national agenda on ESD Funding from the Academy: –Collaborative working with other SCs [Materials, MSOR, ICS] –Working with others [F4F, RAEng] The Academys Research Project: –Focus Group meetings –The Research Report

6 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 A dissemination of resources (1) 4 th Intl Conference in Sustainable Design and Manufacture: –Call for, publication, and presentation of Briefing Papers – 1 st edition on Energy Systems – briefing_papers_web.pdf briefing_papers_web.pdf RAEng Visiting Professors Scheme: –Case studies in Sustainable Design –

7 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 A dissemination of resources (2) Cambridge/MIT Initiative (CMI): –Instructor Resource Modules (IRMs); IMPEE project – Co-joint Workshop, Embedding SD into the curriculum at York: –Joint between Engineering, Materials, MSOR, ICS – shtml shtml

8 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 An evaluation of approaches and of resources Working with RAEng: – ainability_workshop.htm ainability_workshop.htm –An evaluation of the uptake in the teaching of sustainable development at VP-represented HEIs –The VPs Workshop in SD, and launch of Guiding Principles – Engineering_for_Sustainable_Development.pdf Engineering_for_Sustainable_Development.pdf Working with F4F: –Consultation with professional bodies – hallengesforSustainability.pdfhttp:// hallengesforSustainability.pdf

9 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 The initiative from the Higher Education Academy (1) Formation of an ESD Planning Group (2004/5) –17 of 24 Subject Centres participating –Academy-funded ESD work-packages (2005/6) Commissioned Research Report (2005/6) –To raise the profile of the ESD agenda within the sector and more specifically in the Subject Centres; –To produce readily useable resources for the sector as a whole; –To communicate best practice models in easily understandable and context sensitive ways so that they meet Subject Centre needs.

10 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 The initiative from the Higher Education Academy (2) Engagement with the community –Working in partnerships –Organisation of events/workshops –Production of resources Dissemination to stakeholders –Managers in HE –Employers, professionals –Students

11 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 ESD Research Report (1) [] [] Results from Subject Centre Questionnaires, Focus Groups, and Emerging Good Practice Defining Sustainable Development Delivery of Sustainability: Teaching Methods Employed ESD Teaching Approaches ESD Curricula Orientation Emerging Good Practice Barriers and Solutions to Embedding ESD The Student Experience and ESD Requirements from a Generic ESD Toolkit

12 [Taken from Dawe, Jucker and Martin, York 2005] 12 ESD Teaching Approaches

13 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 Barriers and solutions to embedding ESD [] [] BarrierSolution Overcrowded curriculum Create space through a rigorous review of existing curricula Audit existing curricula to ascertain what is already there in terms of the development of identified ESD skills and knowledge IrrelevanceDevelop credible teaching materials which are fully contextualised and relevant to each subject area. This will help ensure that ESD is integral to the curriculum and not a bolt on element Limited staff awareness and expertise Invest significantly in staff development and capacity building through institutional staff development units and Academy Subject Centres Limited institutional commitment Develop a credible business case for HE institutions, setting out triple bottom-line benefits Review and amend institutional mission and policy statements

14 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 Current and Future work - the Academys ESD Working Group 2006/7: Institutional events (pilot at UEA, Norwich) Interdisciplinary seminars (Leeds, York, Birmingham) Regional Conference (pilot at Nottingham) Community projects (pilot in Gloucestershire) Working with others: –StudentForce –F4F Small-Grant projects (12 funded in 2006/7) Staff development (workshops, networking)

15 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 Current and Future work - Engineering Subject Centre Commissioning of Mini-Projects: – The wider teaching of sustainability, based upon student perceptions and the expectations of Professional Bodies Roger Penlington, Northumbria Univ., with Newcastle, Durham and Strathclyde. – Using Delphi Methods to identify best practice in assisting students to contribute to the application of Sustainable Development in professional engineering practice Rosemary Tomkinson, Charles Engel - Univ. of Manchester

16 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 Current and Future work - Engineering Subject Centre Working with Steering Groups: –University of Manchester –Sheffield Hallam University –Kingston University Academy ESD Small Grant: –Ecohouse project, Sheffield Hallam Univ.

17 ESD, Dundee - 13th June 2007 Presentations in Engineering: 'Perceptions of sustainable development relating to engineering programmes' –Roger Penlington, Northumbria University "An 'eco-house' learning and teaching environment to facilitate the development of sustainability literacy." –Andy Young, Sheffield Hallam University

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