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Chapter 9, Section 2.  1783, Treaty of Paris  Attempted to resolve competing land claims between the Spain, Britain and the United States  The land.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9, Section 2.  1783, Treaty of Paris  Attempted to resolve competing land claims between the Spain, Britain and the United States  The land."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9, Section 2

2  1783, Treaty of Paris  Attempted to resolve competing land claims between the Spain, Britain and the United States  The land was between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River  White settlers were clashing with Native Americans  British still had illegal forts on the Ohio River, supported the Native Americans

3  Washington felt the Northwest Territory was critical to the security and growth of the nation  Washington sent troops to the Ohio River  August 20, 1794  Force of over 2,000 Native Americans clashed with and were defeated by U.S. troops  Battle site was covered by trees that had been struck down by a storm  1795, Treaty of Greenville  Twelve tribes agreed to cede much of present-day Ohio and Indian to the U.S. Government

4  Hamilton imposed government tax on whiskey  Whiskey was easily transported and used as money to get needed supplies  1794, groups of farmers in western PA staged the Whiskey Rebellion against the tax.  Washington set an army of 13,000 soldiers to quiet the rebellion  Washington’s response showed that the government had the power and the will to enforce its laws

5  1789, Financial crisis inspired the French people to rebel against their government  Inspired by the American Revolution  Very violent  French king was beheaded  Other European monarchs felt the revolution threatened their thrones  France declared war on Britain, Holland and Spain  1793, Washington announced that the United States would remain neutral

6  Jay’s Treaty  British seizing U.S. ships trading in the French West Indies  John Jay convinced British:  To leave the Ohio Valley by 1796  To pay damages for U.S. vessels they had seized  Pinckney’s Treaty  Spain gave Americans the right to travel freely on the Mississippi River  Also gave Americans the right to store goods at the port of New Orleans without paying customs duties  Spain accepted the 31 st parallel as the northern boundary of Florida and the southern boundary of the United States

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