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Challenges to the New Government

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1 Challenges to the New Government
Chapter 9, Section 2

2 Bell Ringer These questions focus on the reasons for conflict in the Trans-Appalachian West. 1. Look at the map (also on page 299). Which states and territory were part of the Trans-Appalachian West? 2. Which natural feature formed the western boundary of the Trans-Appalachian West?

3 Key Terms Battle of Fallen Timbers – in 1794, an American army defeated 2,000 Native Americans in a clash over control of the Northwest Territory Treaty of Greenville – a 1795 agreement in which 12 Native American tribes surrendered much of present-day Ohio and Indiana to the U.S. government Whiskey Rebellion – a 1794 protest against the government’s tax on whiskey, which was valuable to the livelihood of backcountry farmers French Revolution – in 1789, the French launched a movement for liberty and equality Neutral – not siding with one country or the other Jay’s Treaty – the agreement that ended dispute over American shipping during the French Revolution Pinckney’s Treaty – a 1795 treaty with Spain that allowed Americans to use the Mississippi River and to store goods in New Orleans; made the 31st parallel the southern U.S. border

4 Objectives Discuss the conflicts with Native Americans in the Northwest Territory. To identify the reasons for the Whiskey Rebellion Describe how Americans reacted to the French Revolution.

5 How did the actions of Britain and France affect the United States?
Britain was supporting Native American attacks on American settlers. Britain and France were seizing American ships to gain their support. Washington secured the Northwest Territory and encouraged Americans to stay neutral in European affairs.

6 The Treaty of Paris gave America a vast area called the Northwest Territory.
Mississippi River Ohio River

7 British troops remained in the Northwest Territory
British troops remained in the Northwest Territory. They aided Native Americans in resisting American settlement. Americans wanted British troops to withdraw. Northwest Territory British troops

8 Securing the Northwest Territory
The new nation needed peace to prosper 1. Why was there conflict over the West? Competing land claims Spain Britain Native Americans United States Where did the U.S. have the biggest problem?


10 Native Americans wanted to keep their lands.
America faced conflict with Native Americans in the Northwest Territory. Native Americans wanted to keep their lands. American leaders wanted to settle the West. They attacked many American settlements. They tried to force Native Americans to sell their lands.

11 Securing the Northwest Territory
2. What expectations might the Native Americans have had of the British as the tribes came into conflict with white settlers? Native Americans probably expected the British to support them in their conflicts with American settlers Both were clashing with American settlers

12 Native Americans defeated American troops in 1790 and 1791.
Washington sent troops to end the Native American attacks on settlers. Native Americans defeated American troops in 1790 and 1791. In 1794, Americans led by General Anthony Wayne won a major victory at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.

13 Battle of Fallen Timbers
3. Why did Washington decide to send troops to the Ohio Valley to fight the force led by Little Turtle? To secure the Northwest Territory – Washington thought this land and its security were crucial for the growth of the country After two defeats, Washington sent a third army, led by Anthony Wayne Known as “Mad Anthony” Defeated the Native Americans at Ft. Miami – the Battle of Fallen Timbers


15 Battle of Fallen Timbers
4. Why did the British refuse to help the Native Americans? They didn’t want a war with the United States 5. How did the Battle of Fallen Timbers affect Native American claims to land? Crushed their hopes of keeping their land in the Northwest Territory

16 In the 1795 Treaty of Greenville, Native American leaders gave up most of their lands.
This land makes up present day Ohio.

17 Treaty of Greenville 6. What were the results of the Battle of Fallen Timbers for the Native Americans? For the United States? Crushed Native American hopes of keeping their land in the Northwest Territory In the Treaty of Greenville, 12 tribes agreed to give up their land (present-day Ohio and Indiana)

18 Remember – Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton developed a plan to solve the financial crisis. Pay all federal and state debts The government would: Create a national bank Impose a high tax on imported goods

19 In 1791, Congress imposed a tax on all U. S
In 1791, Congress imposed a tax on all U.S. whiskey, part of Hamilton’s financial plan. This led to a farmer’s revolt known as the Whiskey Rebellion. Washington sent troops to end the revolt.

20 The Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
7. Why were farmers angry about the whiskey tax? Whiskey – and the grain from which it was made – were important products Poor roads made it difficult for farmers to get their grain to market Easier to transport the grain in liquid form Customers paid more for whiskey than grain Farmers used whiskey as money to barter

21 The Whiskey Rebellion 8. Why did Washington decide to crush the rebellion and enforce the tax? If he didn’t, it would undermine the new government and weaken its authority 9. Why was Washington’s treatment of the Whiskey Rebellion important? Had shown the government had the power and the will to enforce its laws

22 The Whiskey Rebellion 10. What other options, if any, might Washington have chosen? The famers? (Opinion question) Washington could have tried to help the farmers Washington could have repealed the tax The farmers could have asked for talks instead of fighting

23 The French Revolution began in 1789
The French Revolution began in At first, most Americans supported the revolution. During the Reign of Terror, revolutionaries executed more than 17,000 people. After this, the revolution became controversial in America.

24 The French Revolution People in France started a revolution in 1789
They wanted liberty and equality Things changed in 1793 Movement had become violent King and Queen were beheaded France declared war on Britain, Spain, and Holland They were all also ruled by monarchs

25 The French Revolution 11. Why did war between France and Britain put the United States in a difficult spot? France had been America’s ally in the Revolution against the British Britain was the most important trading partner with the U.S. – trade was important!

26 The French Revolution What sort of U.S. obligation to France did the wartime alliance and treaty of 1778 create? Since France supported the U.S. in its Revolution, many people thought the U.S. should support France. 12. How did Jefferson, Hamilton, and Washington think the United States should react to the war? Jefferson – thought putting down the revolution was an attack on liberty Hamilton – wanted to support Britain because of trade Washington – decided to remain neutral; stayed “friendly and impartial” to both sides

27 By 1793, France and Britain were at war
By 1793, France and Britain were at war. Washington wanted America to remain neutral. France Britain United States Both countries wanted the U.S. to choose a side. They began stopping and seizing American ships.

28 The British made matters worse by the impressment of sailors on American ships.
They forced American sailors to serve in the British navy.

29 Hamilton urged Washington to stay friendly with Britain.
Britain purchased 75 percent of American exports. America Britain They supplied 90 percent of American imports.

30 Remaining Neutral Britain began taking goods from American ships
John Jay sent to England Why did England agree to Jay’s Treaty? Worried about another battle with the U.S. after losing at Fallen Timbers Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain Thomas Pinckney Americans could travel on the MS River Americans could store goods at New Orleans port 31st parallel became the northern boundary of FL

31 The French snubbed a U.S. diplomat and attacked U.S. ships.
Recent actions by American leaders provoked angry responses from the French people. The French snubbed a U.S. diplomat and attacked U.S. ships. U.S. neutrality the Jay Treaty

32 The Jay Treaty was controversial.
Republicans opposed the treaty. They believed it gave too much to Britain and too little to America. Federalists were in favor of the treaty because it kept peace with Britain. Since Federalists controlled the Senate, the Jay Treaty passed.

33 Remaining Neutral 13. What problems did Jay’s Treaty and Pinckney’s Treaty solve for the United States? Jay’s Treaty (with the British) British agreed to leave Ohio Valley by 1796 British agreed to pay damages for U.S. ships they had seized Pinckney’s Treaty (with Spain) Spain gave Americans the right to travel freely on the Mississippi River Spain game the U.S. the right to store goods at port of New Orleans without paying customs taxes Accepted 31st parallel as the northern boundary of Florida and southern boundary of the U.S.


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